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  1. Peloni,

    I have finally listened to the link at

    It’s just six minutes of RFK Jr. talking. Excellent — talking about Event 201, on 18 October 2019. What he says, demonstrates plainly that the CIA was in cahoots with the CRC in creating the COVID “dempanic” for political purposes.

    Kennedy is a voice of reason, in a world of mass corruption and madness. I look forward to getting his book.

  2. Edmarcus, “Tshami” = tsunami??

    Peloni. I was ready to go to bed when I decided not to watch the video. It’s happening again — time for a nap. I like Edmarcus’ “putting his left shoe on the right foot” comment. Dersch lives on a legal plane, where words do not have to correspond to living reality. Kennedy, like Trump, is better able to address issues we’re actually concened about.

    Good night zzzzzz…

  3. i am with peloni
    this is a must see video ….as usual Dershowitz is busy putting his left shoe on the right foot ….just treat him as a break wall to the Tshami that is Kennedy. Now I beg leave of you all as I am burnt out from so much evil.

  4. @Michael
    I understand your hesitancy, but it is very much a monologue, especially towards the end, where Kennedy explains the problems with vaccines, vaccine indemnity and the entire debate basically unveils the pharmaceutical companies as what they are. Dershowitz is largely left listening towards the end, as his comments are largely off topic from the conversation RFK pursues. So, I know why you would avoid the video, but it is, I think, RFK’s best use of time as he is not distracted from this wider topic with specific questions on matters of the day, such as with the war room interview. Such interviews are clearly relevant, but they limit the content of the encyclopedic understanding of the greater problem. It is a 75min long video, but I found it to be very useful. Just FYI.

  5. Hi, Peloni. I won’t bother with the interview. Dersh’s opening remarks were appalling, and he didn’t seem willing to move from them. He justified Big Government forcing people to accept losing their freedom for the sake of pseudo-science. Hitler move over — you have a reincarnation in this regard.