Romney was up against both Obama and Crowley

By Ted Belman

Both parties complained that the moderator, Crowley, intended to ignore the ground rules agreed upon by the candidates. Nevertheless the matter was not resolved.

In the debate, she showed an unmistakable bias.

    – she gave 9% more time to Obama.

    – she preselected twice as many hard questions for Romney as for Obama.

    – in the crucial question on Benghazi, Obama said that he acknowledged that it was a terrorist attack the next day. This set Romney back on his heels as he thought otherwise so he questioned Obama on it and Crowley joined in the debate and confirmed that Obama did so, further undermining Romney. Today Crowley acknowledged her mistake.

Crowley skews hard for Obama in disastrous debate lays it all out.

See also Luntz Focus Group Of Mostly Former Obama Voters Switch To Romney

October 17, 2012 | 22 Comments »

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22 Comments / 22 Comments

  1. I think far too many Americans are ill-informed, clueless (not necessarily stupid). There was also that Howard Stern “on-the-street” interviews of Obama supporters. Stern quipped: “Just trust me, not one person knew that Osama bin Laden was dead.”

  2. A better question: WTF was/is our support of the rebels in Egypt, Libya, and Syria intended to accomplish anyway – besides the installation of clerical fascist Islamic regimes?

  3. @ yamit82:

    What is the Capital of Israel?

    Let’s be perfectly candid-most Americans don’t give a flying fluck where Israel’s capital is located.

  4. Michael Devolin Said:

    and in Romney’s case, the fact that he’s very obviously disjointed from the average, hard working American while simultaneously and very inadequately feigning that he’s not.

    I am no Mormon but I speak with these people often. All of us know that what people do with their money reveals a lot about them. Romney gives millions of dollars to charity. Mormons are supposed to give 10% and Romney must give about that. I’ve noticed Mormons must get in with the average person on their 2-year missions trips. Romney went on a mission for his church so he had to have come acquainted with the average person.

  5. I have read a considerable amount of troubling info about Romney. Clearly, he is far, far from “perfection.” He leaves much to be desired. However, there is, IMO, the “make or break” line. Cross that line, and the candidate will not get my vote. For me, that line involves patriotic love of country. I cannot imagine Romney ever bowing to a Saudi king or going about apologizing for the alleged misdeeds (really it is the undeserved slandering) of America to foreigners. Obama routinely does this — he displays his utter, unabashed hatred and contempt for America wherever he goes — and that, imo, renders him unfit for public office.

  6. “…the assumption is that they are all well informed Americans who are still looking to be persuaded by fact and reason to go with Obama or Romney.”

    I personally think anyone who votes for either of these candidates would have to wilfully ignore some very disturbing facts: In Obama’s case, the fact that he shrouds more secrets than a parish priest, specifically about his past; and in Romney’s case, the fact that he’s very obviously disjointed from the average, hard working American while simultaneously and very inadequately feigning that he’s not.

    I would not like to see Obama win, which would be very bad for Israel, but also I would not trust Romney (as regards Israel) because he comes across (in my opinion) as sociopathic and a sycophant. Which means (also in my opinion) that he will only say what he must say to win votes (as all politicians, both liberal and otherwise, are apt to do), but after he wins those votes (if he becomes president), when the proverbial you know what hits the fan, being the sociopath I think he is, he will not hesitate to turn his back on Israel, even when Israel publicly asks for his help. That’s just my two cents.

  7. Did Crowley pass along all the questions she had chosen and give them to the Obama team, prior to the debate?

    Its well known, by those in the know–the Obama administration from the beginning [even before B.O. was fraudulently elected]–has worked hand in hand with the Marxist democrat media [the Obama admin. ministry of propaganda] to promote the lies about Barack Obama and of his administration–so of course Candy Crowley and the Obama administration were in it together.

  8. Candy Crowley–is a wh*re–she is one of the Marxist democrat bend over backwards and kiss Barack Obama’s as* enablers; and for all of her efforts she failed–Barack Obama failed and the majority of the voting American people are still voting for Mitt Romney!

  9. Calm down people. The fact is that committed Dems and Repubs would not be influenced by these debates regardless how they turned out.

    As for the independents, the assumption is that they are all well informed Americans who are still looking to be persuaded by fact and reason to go with Obama or Romney.

    That assumption might apply to some undecided voters, but not most. Most Americans are single or 2 or 3 issue voters and impressed more by who has the best political ad or soundbite for themselves and against their opponent. In other words they are influenced to a significant, if not greater extent by style over substance.

    These debates are for the most part a show, a performance, a sporting event usually likened to a boxing match. In other words, style over substance usually impresses the judges or in this case the voting public.

    On that scale Obama, bringing his A game on style, won this debate for those who put form over substance.

    As noted, Romney in the coming days and in next weeks debate has a chance to redeem himself and outstyle and outpoint Obama.

    Obama has a very real edge in this election, not only because his likeability numbers remain high and people are still turned on by his good looks and oratorical skills, but also the liberal main stream media will now be going all out to bolster Obama’s chances of a win. Obama sleaze is not nearly as important as the style with which he is sleazy and delivers his sleaze.

    For those atheists out there who are hoping for a Romney win, they need to find God real quick and start praying along with all those faithful to God and Romney.

  10. Did Crowley pass along all the questions she had chosen and give them to the Obama team, prior to the debate?

    That’s what I was thinking.

  11. It is also being noted (with regard to the use of the word “terror” to describe the attack in Libya), that Obama said to Crowley, “Get the transcript!” Why was the transcript of Obama’s speech in the Rose garden (delivered on sept 12, 2012) — right there, ready and waiting. Why was this particular transcript there, ready and available? And Crowley dutifully presents the transcript. Was this scripted in advance? Did Crowley pass along all the questions she had chosen and give them to the Obama team, prior to the debate? I would not put it past CNN.

  12. I wish they would return to traditional one-on-one debates (with the moderator’s role being a time-keeper, as opposed to a partisan participant. As it currently exists, the debate outcomes are drearily predictable.) yeah, CNN the groupie channel!

  13. Romney will have a chance to go at Obama again on his and his administration’s lies re: Benghazi etc. in next Monday’s debate, citing hard evidence that from the get go, the attack was not spontaneous, but a terrorist attack and that Obama had to know that. He should conclude his comment that the lies and misleading by Obama and Clinton, Jay Carney, Amb. Rice on orders from him, is offensive to the American people.

    I don’t fault Crowley so much for not shutting Obama up when his time expired. Short of shouting over Obama and telling him his time was up so he should shut up, I don’t know how Crowley could have stopped Obama. The problem therefore on that point was not so much Crowley, but an offensively arrogant and rude Obama.

  14. I detest the media. I did not watch the fiasco, the so-called debate. I did happen to see a BBC clip of the Crowley exchange on the Libyan debacle (the BBC’s Katie KKKer was all ecstatic about the falsely alleged use of the word “terror” from the liar’s mouth, Obama. O the irony.) And now there are Canadian commentators who insist Obama won, due to Crowley and Obama both lying about the use of the word “terror” in conjunction with Libya.