Soldier Who Killed Terrorist Had To Fight To Be Drafted

( The off-duty soldier who killed the bulldozer terrorist Wednesday was an anti-expulsion activist who had to fight the IDF in order to join the army. The IDF acted to bar from the army hundreds of youth who actively opposed the Disengagement program that ended up with the expulsion of thousands of Jews from their Gaza and northern Samaria homes, which later were destroyed.

The soldier’s name was published after the attack, but a gag order on publishing his name later was issued in Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court Wednesday night. One court source told Independent Media Review and Analysis (IMRA), “I thought I have seen everything, but this is the most absurd thing that has ever happened.”

Killer Of Terrorist Was Beaten Unconscious By Police At Anti-Disengagement Protest
Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 3 July, 2008

Makor Rishon correspondent Hodaya Karish-Hazony, reports today that “Mem”, the soldier who killed the terrorist yesterday in Jerusalem, had been severely beaten by police during an anti-disengagement protest that took place May 2005.

“Mem”, who at the time was 17, was beaten unconscious by police as he photographed – from the sidewalk – a protest in Ramat Gan during which the road was blocked.

Karish-Hazony suggests that police decided to beat him unconscious even though he was standing on the sidewalk and not involved in blocking the road in an attempt to stop him from documenting the event.

“Mem” was detained and released several days later and his file was closed for “lack of evidence” – a move that left a police record that made it necessary for him to have to fight the IDF in order to be drafted into an elite unit.

Yediot Ahronot reports that it took “Mem” two years of arguing with the IDF before he was ultimately drafted into an elite unit.

July 3, 2008 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. Kim – doesn’t it remind you of something? No Jews allowed in the army; no Jews allowed to have weapons. No Jews allowed to hit back.

  2. “The IDF acted to bar from the army hundreds of youth who actively opposed the Disengagement program”

    This, by itself, is pretty absurd. Is this a people’s army, or a pc army?