State asks court for 9th delay on evacuation of Khan al-Ahmar

Regavim movement outraged after right-wing government asks court for another 4-month delay in submitting its response on illegal outpost.

RegavimKhan al-Ahmar

The State on Wednesday asked the Supreme Court for another four-month delay to submit its response on the issue of the illegal Bedouin outpost of Kahn al-Ahmar.

This is the ninth time in a row the state has asked the court for a delay on the issue of Khan al-Ahmar.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party had demanded that the State’s response include a date by which the State committed to evacuating the outpost. However, no such date was included in the response.

The Regavim movement strongly criticized the postponement request. Regavim CEO Meir Deutsch said: “We were hoping to receive a proper response from a national right-wing government as we were promised during the elections. The government received the mandate to set a Zionist political vision and curb the Palestinian takeover of Area C, and instead, we received the same excuses again, and there is no justification for this.”

Deutsch said that Regavim “demands that our representatives in the government to act immediately to evacuate this outpost and its residents: not 300 meters to the side, not even a kilometer to the side, but to the lots prepared for them in Abu Dis.”

Regavim also demanded that the Supreme Court refuse the State’s request for yet another delay and issue a final order for the demolition of the outpost. “This is a case of extreme unreasonableness,” Deutsch said. “If the Supreme Court has a modicum of integrity with regard to the ‘unreasonableness clause,’ then it will apply it in this case just as it did for cases for the opposite side.”

MK Danny Danon, Chairman of the World Likud and Israel’s former Ambassador to the UN, also condemned the government’s response: “In attempting to avoid the immediate eviction of Khan al-Ahmar, the government’s response to the Supreme Court sets a dangerous precedent and gives the Palestinian Authority free rein to construct additional illegal outposts. This government was elected to change the floundering policies of the previous government, rather than to continue with their oversights. It is not too late to act and evict Khan al-Ahmar.”

February 1, 2023 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. It might be worthwhile to ask this right/center (come on guys, we don’t need to follow the press down every rabbit hole) government, why they also feel they need a 4 month delay before doing a repeat.

  2. It is long past time to act and this govt was elected to do exactly this – act. We need no delays, as the passage of time only serves to make the acting all the more difficult and all the more unlikely as our enemies are emboldened by our brazen timidity to defend that which is rightfully ours. End this charade, end the delays, and bring this illegal outpost and its illegal structures to dust…and do it today!

  3. Why destroy them? Move the residents to the area that’s been prepared for them, move in some Jews. It ups the ante while saving time and money.

  4. Probably, the governmen estimated that when the place is destroyed, Arabs will attack in many ways, and Israel’s police amd military must be strengthend.