The Heart of the Battle – Jerusalem

by Akiva at Mystical Paths

There’s a small pile of dirt that’s in danger of collapse in Jerusalem. It’s unsafe, and next to a holy site where people pass by, so it’s being removed. Carefully, and with archeological checks. Just a small mound of dirt.

The yellow box shows the small pile of dirt in question. The red arrow shows a gate to the Temple Mount, used exclusively by Jewish visitors and the Israeli police. You may recognize the area to the left as the Kotel, the Holy Western Wall. (Not shown, wooden bridge built to the left of the mound since this picture was taken, can be seen here.)

So why is the King of Jordan threatening Israel about this? “Jordanian King Abdullah on Tuesday accused Israel of “an attack on our holy Muslim sites” after it began excavation work near Jerusalem’s Dome of the Rock. He also claimed the work could prevent the revival of Middle East peace talks between Israel, the Palestinian Authority and the United States due to a “a dramatic escalation” in tensions.” And why are the Palestinians going nuts over this? “Police will be on high alert in Jerusalem for the remainder of the week and especially Friday, in light of increased tensions due to the excavations near the Temple Mount, which have ignited Muslim sentiments in Israel and the surrounding region.”

Near? NEAR? Are these people crazy? (Both the King and the reporters???)

The gold thing in the middle is the “Dome”. The green circle is the Muslim controlled area, the Temple Mount. The blue circle is the Kotel, the Western Wall, the current Jewish prayer site. The yellow circle below it is the area being worked on, which is offset by a wall of stones bigger than cars that has stood for over 2,000 years. The yellow circle to the left is a second dig which has re-proven a 2,500 year old Jewish presence in Jerusalem…

Which, of course, is exactly why they’re going nuts. Yes, Jerusalem is Jewish, the stones themselves testify so. A dig at the back of the Western Wall plaza has uncovered historical links to the Beis Hamikdash. (Picture shows the dig some months ago in the early stages.)

While the stones of Jerusalem are testifying, the Erev Rav government of Israel authorizes Jordan to bring in a multi-ton ALTAR into the Dome, and authorizes them to build YET ANOTHER phallic tower. In return for this, Jordan threatens, and the Pal’s attack.

Ribono Shel Olam, Master of the Universe, leadership with faith is gone, with vision is gone, with guts is gone, wisdom, hey that’s beyond hoping for, at least the slightest standing by their own nation could be hoped for, but I guess not. Self interest seems to be all that’s left. Hashem, Ad Mosai!!!

It’s painful. Painful to watch concession after concession on Jerusalem handed over. Even worse to those who spill our blood. Painful to watch ‘our’ government just throw it away like trash. Oy oy oy.

A nice panoramic view of the Western Wall area, mound and bridge in the news.

February 7, 2007 | 5 Comments »

5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. 1.The Temple Mount is not the holiest site in Judaism. It is the ONLY holy site. Hebron only holds a sort of traditional holiness. The tombs of Jewish “saints” have a very questionable holiness.

    The whole Erets Ysrael is holy, every single inch, including Hevron. However, holiness has different degrees at different places, the holeness increases the more one approaches to the “Qodesh HaQodashim” (“the saint of saints”). Nevertheless, Hevron is a holy place since there our forfathers were buried. It is criminal to abandon Hevron and no government has the right to do so since it is the eternal (and first) property of the Jewish people, and not of the government.

    2. The Western Wall of the Temple Mount has no particular holiness. It merely represents the closest the goyim have allowed us to approach the Temple Mount so they can gloat over having destroyed it, to show us who the real chosen people are.

    As I explained the Western Wall has holeness, since it was a part of the Tempel, of course a holeness inferior to the places which are closer to the Qodesh HaQodashim. The Western Wall represents the closet place the Goyim were allowed to approach when the Temple was there, because of the special Holiness of the Temple.

    3. The Israeli left are atheists who believe that human beings are merely talking monkeys who are here by accident in a meaningless existence. Their reason for living is based on their insane hatred of Torah true Jews. Ehud Olmert appears to be in this bunch.

    Hatred against Torah and Torah Jews I’ve read here, too.

    4. Our rabbis have largely failed us. They now hide in yeshivas and have become more Christian than Christ by proclaiming that Jews are helpless and doomed to live in misery until the messiah comes.

    You cannot generalise in this way. There are indeed Rabbis that – unconscencely influenced by x-tianity – have adopted a passive vision of Torah, since x-tianity has this approach (the religion of suffering), and the assimilated German Jewry has this passive “suffering approach”, too, cf. Martin Buber and Hermann Cohen who define the Jewish People as the “suffering one” implicating that – according to those assimilated Germen Jews – the Jewish people had no right to form a State…

    But there are many Rabbis that are not influenced by this approach and in fact the best soldiers in Tsahal today (espcially in the Golani) are orthodox Jews, as is well known.

    Anyway, to maintain the sprititual particularity and authenticity of the Jewish people is the most important for the survival of our nation. This is done the best in Israel. So make Aliyah.

    5. I don’t see how Muslims could be more disgusting. Their temple is in Mecca in Saudi Arabia. The Temple Mount has only a minor degree of holiness to them, in that it marks the site where they say that Muhammad magically flew on a winged donkey named “Lightning” one night while he was asleep to visit Allah in paradise. They don’t explain why if Mecca is so holy, Muhammad went to Jewish Jerusalem instead.

    Concerning the Al-Aqsa mosque and the “holiness” of Jerusalem for the muslims, this is a fake, Jerusalem is not holy at all to them.

    Jerusalem is quoted more than 700 times in the Tanakh, in the Qur’an not a single time.

    Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiya (638-700), a close relative of the Prophet Muhammad, is quoted denigrating the notion that the “prophet” ever set foot on the Rock in Jerusalem; “these damned Syrians,” by which he means the Umayyads, “pretend that God put His foot on the Rock in Jerusalem, though [only] one person ever put his foot on the rock, namely Abraham.”

    Then, in 715, to build up the prestige of their dominions, the Umayyads did a most clever thing: they built a second mosque in Jerusalem, again on the Temple Mount, and called this one the Furthest Mosque (al-masjid al-aqsa, Al-Aqsa Mosque). With this, the Umayyads retroactively gave the city a role in Muhammad’s life [thus reinterpreting the Qur’an verse [17:1] “Glory to He who took His servant by night from the Sacred Mosque to the furthest mosque. (Subhana allathina asra bi-‘abdihi laylatan min al-masjidi al-harami ila al-masjidi al-aqsa.)”]. This association of Jerusalem with al-masjid al-aqsa fit into a wider Muslim tendency to identify place names found in the Qur’an: “wherever the Qur’an mentions a name of an event, stories were invented to give the impression that somehow, somewhere, someone, knew what they were about.”
    Despite all logic (how can a mosque built nearly a century after the Qur’an was received establish what the Qur’an meant?), building an actual Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Palestinian historian A. L. Tibawi writes, “gave reality to the figurative name used in the Qur’an.” It also had the hugely important effect of inserting Jerusalem post hoc into the Qur’an and making it more central to Islam. Also, other changes resulted. Several Qur’anic passages were re-interpreted to refer to this city. Jerusalem came to be seen as the site of the Last Judgment. The Umayyads cast aside the non-religious Roman name for the city, Aelia Capitolina (in Arabic, Iliya) and replaced it with Jewish-style names, either Al-Quds (The Holy) or Bayt al-Maqdis (The Temple). They sponsored a form of literature praising the “virtues of Jerusalem,” a genre one author is tempted to call “Zionist.” Accounts of the prophet’s sayings or doings (Arabic: hadiths, often translated into English as “Traditions”) favorable to Jerusalem emerged at this time, some of them equating the city with Mecca. There was even an effort to move the pilgrimage (hajj) from Mecca to Jerusalem.

    Scholars agree that the Umayyads’ motivation to assert a Muslim presence in the sacred city had a strictly utilitarian purpose.

    6. When a Muslim ascends onto the Temple Mount to pray, which the (supposedly Jewish) Israeli government forbids Jews from doing, the Muslim turns his back on Jerusalem, sticks his butt into the air, and bows down towards Mecca.

    That’s because the communist Zionism hates Torah more than muslims.

    7. No one publicizes this, but there is one sacrifice Jews have always been allowed to make on the Temple Mount, and that is the Passover Sacrifice which we could be eating in our Passover Seder in Jerusalem.

    I don’t understand. When the Tempel was there, every day sacrifices were made (exept of the time that assimilated hellenistic Jewish rulers stopped to apply the commdenment), and after the destruction of the Temple it is forbidden by the Tora to make sacrifices.

    8. As the birthrate of Israeli atheists plummets, and the births of Torah true Jews in Israel increase, I pray that the day comes soon when Israel can realize its destiny as a truly Jewish State, and the Third Temple can be built on the Temple Mount, so that when the Messiah finally does arrive, we have prepared the way for him, and he has little to do but congratulate us.

    Amen Ken Yehi Ratson. But you can waite for the Mashiah in Israel with your family and help increase the Jewish poulation, and go to the Army and help built and construct our dear holy homeland.

    9. It’s sad that American Jews don’t see this, and don’t make aliyah to our Holy Land to hasten its liberation from the Hebrew speaking goyim that currently control Israel.

    People like the place they are and every excuse is good to rest. One cannot pretend to be Zionist and live outside of Israel (except those who went abroad IN ORDER to make Jews make Aliyah).

  2. Pathetic State of Affairs:
    1.The Temple Mount is not the holiest site in Judaism. It is the ONLY holy site. Hebron only holds a sort of traditional holiness. The tombs of Jewish “saints” have a very questionable holiness.
    2. The Western Wall of the Temple Mount has no particular holiness. It merely represents the closest the goyim have allowed us to approach the Temple Mount so they can gloat over having destroyed it, to show us who the real chosen people are.
    3. The Israeli left are atheists who believe that human beings are merely talking monkeys who are here by accident in a meaningless existence. Their reason for living is based on their insane hatred of Torah true Jews. Ehud Olmert appears to be in this bunch.
    4. Our rabbis have largely failed us. They now hide in yeshivas and have become more Christian than Christ by proclaiming that Jews are helpless and doomed to live in misery until the messiah comes.
    5. I don’t see how Muslims could be more disgusting. Their temple is in Mecca in Saudi Arabia. The Temple Mount has only a minor degree of holiness to them, in that it marks the site where they say that Muhammad magically flew on a winged donkey named “Lightning” one night while he was asleep to visit Allah in paradise. They don’t explain why if Mecca is so holy, Muhammad went to Jewish Jerusalem instead.
    6. When a Muslim ascends onto the Temple Mount to pray, which the (supposedly Jewish) Israeli government forbids Jews from doing, the Muslim turns his back on Jerusalem, sticks his butt into the air, and bows down towards Mecca.
    7. No one publicizes this, but there is one sacrifice Jews have always been allowed to make on the Temple Mount, and that is the Passover Sacrifice which we could be eating in our Passover Seder in Jerusalem.
    8. As the birthrate of Israeli atheists plummets, and the births of Torah true Jews in Israel increase, I pray that the day comes soon when Israel can realize its destiny as a truly Jewish State, and the Third Temple can be built on the Temple Mount, so that when the Messiah finally does arrive, we have prepared the way for him, and he has little to do but congratulate us.
    9. It’s sad that American Jews don’t see this, and don’t make aliyah to our Holy Land to hasten its liberation from the Hebrew speaking goyim that currently control Israel.

  3. The writer asks:

    So why is the King of Jordan threatening Israel about this?

    In the Muslim Middle East and North Africa, Islamic extremism is a relative thing. Compared to Iran, Syria, Hamas and Hezbollah, Saudi Arabia might appear moderate, and Jordan even more moderate if not peaceful.

    Make no mistake however, that when it comes to Israel and Israeli rights vs. Islamic dreams and claimed rights, all the Arab/Muslim nations are in conflict with Israel for they all hold more or less Islamic extremist views and that is a common denominator amongst all them.

    A grave error of judgment was made immediately after the 6 day 1967 war when the government of Israel in a gesture of good will that Israel hoped would launch real peace discussions, granted the Muslim Waqf authority over the Temple Mount as regards the Dome of the Rock and Al Aksa Mosque and surrounding grounds. In spite of all that has happened since that time and breaches of good faith when it comes to archeological digs that deliberately are to destroy any vestige of Jewish historical connection to Israel or taking action on the Temple Mount that challenges Israel’s authority, Israel has persisted in allowing that grave error in judgment to persist.

    As the Arab world and Palestinians see that Israel is powerless or unwilling to act to counter the Waqf’s actions to push the envelope against Israel and seeing that Israel is conceding ground, inch by inch, instead of making the Arab/Palestinian attitude towards Israel soften with gratefulness, their attitudes are hardening with hate as they demand more and more.

  4. The Jewish people, having been forced to convert to Islam (or be killed) in what is now Saudi Arabia have a strong claim to the holy sites of Mecca and Medina. Israel should here and now officially lay claim to Mecca and Medina and all the oil beneath the sands of Arabia. All religious activity in Saudi must cease and desist until that land claim and reparations to the Jewish people are made for the abuse and intolerance shown to Jewish people over the millenia by the current occupants of Saudi Arabia (followers of a religion that is based on subjugation and conquest).

    In lieu of giving back Mecca and Medina and other holy sites, the keepers of the Islamic holy sites should give back the land which forms the basis of THE holiest (which trumps 3rd or 4th holiest) site in Judaism – the site of Judaism’s most important temples. The Muslims must stop denying history (and teaching their kin to do the same) and they must stop their slaughter of the truth and of other people who they call infidels because they deny the distorted Islamic view of reality and twisted version of history.

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