Obama’s New International Order doomed to be still-born

[A strong growing economy is needed for a strong foreign policy. Obama is damaging both.]

By Fernandez, Belmont Club

On May 22nd President Obama’s West Point speech described the new “international order” he was trying to build; one founded on multilateral action in contrast to the unilateralism of the past. He described security in unusually broad terms. No longer did it simply consist of the mere prevention of war. It now included managing nature, feeding the sick and helping the distressed. Obama set forth the goals of “countering violent extremism and insurgency; stopping the spread of nuclear weapons and securing nuclear materials; combating a changing climate and sustaining global growth; helping countries feed themselves and care for their sick; preventing conflict and healing wounds” as the objects of security. To achieve these goals he would use cooperation and diplomacy. The Chicago Sun Times had a full transcript of the speech in which Obama laid out his vision:

    The burdens of this century cannot fall on our soldiers alone. It also cannot fall on American shoulders alone. Our adversaries would like to see America sap its strength by overextending our power. And in the past, we’ve always had the foresight to avoid acting alone. We were part of the most powerful wartime coalition in human history through World War II. We stitched together a community of free nations and institutions to endure and ultimately prevail during a Cold War.

    Yes, we are clear-eyed about the shortfalls of our international system. But America has not succeeded by stepping out of the currents of cooperation — we have succeeded by steering those currents in the direction of liberty and justice, so nations thrive by meeting their responsibilities and face consequences when they don’t.

    So we have to shape an international order that can meet the challenges of our generation. We will be steadfast in strengthening those old alliances that have served us so well, including those who will serve by your side in Afghanistan and around the globe. As influence extends to more countries and capitals, we also have to build new partnerships, and shape stronger international standards and institutions.

    This engagement is not an end in itself. The international order we seek is one that can resolve the challenges of our times — countering violent extremism and insurgency; stopping the spread of nuclear weapons and securing nuclear materials; combating a changing climate and sustaining global growth; helping countries feed themselves and care for their sick; preventing conflict and healing wounds. If we are successful in these tasks, that will lessen conflicts around the world. It will be supportive of our efforts by our military to secure our country.

In the days immediately succeeding the West Point speech those soaring principles got a practical workout on the Korean peninsula. Gone was the suggestive movement of naval forces or the deniable tit-for tat response. Instead, responding to the North Korean sinking of a South Korean warship, Clinton sought China’s help in reprimanding North Korea. “Secretary of State Hillary Clinton issued a sharp warning to North Korea upon her arrival in Northeast Asia, saying the Obama administration will work with regional powers to punish Pyongyang for sinking a South Korean warship.”

Here was the New International Order on full display. Instead of acting in the traditional role as South Korea’s patron, the US was asking North Korea’s patron — China — to protect America’s erstwhile client by punishing its own. The obvious danger to this approach was it tended to make China the de facto patron of South Korea. All the US was doing was passing along a message to the real power who would act. But the greater danger was that China might not go along.

    China may have other ideas:But the U.S. strategy could face stiff resistance from Beijing, said senior U.S. officials Friday as Mrs. Clinton arrived in the country for talks.

    Beijing has so far displayed little interest in reprimanding its longstanding ally in Pyongyang. South Korea on Thursday revealed the results of an international investigation into the March 26 sinking of the Cheonan and formally blamed the North for torpedoing the patrol boat. China has tried to stay neutral so far and said it will conduct its own assessment about the cause of the sinking.

What then? Why of course, nothing then but to retreat to Foggy Bottom and eat crow while working on yet another soaring speech. Beneath the diplomatese, Clinton was acknowledging that not a mouse could stir — or that she could not stir a mouse — without China’s go ahead. But the President may have no choice but to go cap in hand to China, which according to Wikipedia holds 23.4% of the US Treasury Securities the government sells in order to fund its deficit. The transaction on the Korean Peninsula was very suggestive and not all the demarches in the world can completely conceal the naked groveling at its center. Obama is not oblivious to the fact that China has him over a barrel, for in his West Point speech the President almost said as much:

    Simply put, American innovation must be the foundation of American power — because at no time in human history has a nation of diminished economic vitality maintained its military and political primacy. … And to do so, we must first recognize that our strength and influence abroad begins with steps we take at home. We must educate our children to compete in an age where knowledge is capital, and the marketplace is global. We must develop clean energy that can power new industry and unbound us from foreign oil and preserve our planet. We have to pursue science and research that unlocks wonders as unforeseen to us today as the microchip and the surface of the moon were a century ago.

Obama understood that power must ultimately be undergirded by economic strength. That is fair enough. But if the steps the federal government have been undertaking at “home,” both in the form of unprecedented deficits and its deference to the Green Lobby and the teachers’ unions, sap the strength of the American economy and saddle it with mega-programs, then Obama’s new “international order” simply becomes a statement of intention to beg abroad after he has blown his wad on the new domestic order. After propping up a number of politically sacrosanct interest groups that are “too big to fail” the Administration may be frankly telling the West Pointers that there will simply be no money left for anything else. In a way the West Point speech can be restated in this way: after we have finished doling out the tax dollar for entitlements, entitlements which we cannot sustain anyway; and after having raised taxes to the level where business growth tapers off to zero, then that’s all she wrote. Therefore we are going to deal with all future international crises — and by that I include global warming and nation building — through multilateralism and diplomacy.’


May 25, 2010 | 16 Comments »

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16 Comments / 16 Comments

  1. Or has he merely gone insane?

    Went insane! I did a major software upgrade and instead of returning my computer last night he took an extra 34 hrs. This is Israel where promises don’t always materialize at least when doing business. At least I think he did a good and professional job.

  2. Obama’s foreign policy:

    Obama does have a definite foreign policy. He is an ultra-liberal. He does not want America to be the sole super-power. On the contrary, he wants to restore the old European idea of a balance of power. This means America gets weaker, and the EU, the UN, Russia, China, Iran, and the Sunni muslims get stronger.

    This is happening before our eyes. America is bankrupt, and really no longer is the sole super-power. Even if we still have the greatest military power on earth, Obama would never use it.

    So what does this all mean? Obama hates white christian conservative America. He hates Jewish Israel. He wants America to become Mexamerica, and he wants Iran to go nuclear to make Jewish Israel squirm.

    And is Obama opposing the will of the American people? Not that I can see. Americans basically don’t give a shit about anything except having enough money to keep on keeping on. And they don’t care if the money comes from real work, from Obama, or from China.

    And where does Israel fit in? One way or the other, it really doesn’t. Little Jewish Israel is of little interest to most Americans, who are just trying to make ends meet.

  3. I am amazed that anyone would spend their time parsing President Obama’s words, trying to find his “real” meaning or trying to understand the connection between his words and his actions. There are NO connections between his actions and his words. There is no correlation between what he believes and what he will do. He, in fact, has no fixed beliefs or values and his actions always reflect his real status as “NOT PRESENT.” Any impression to the contrary is the result of much work by his staff and advisors.

  4. I wrote before that Liberal Zionism is an oxymoronic paradox. Let American ‘liberal’ Jews go if they will. It is there choice anyway and you can’t stop them if they choose otherwise; it is their loss. Jews will survive as a people regardless. If the number is smaller because some forsake their birthright, it will be made up for in strength of those which remain.

  5. Biden is crazy.

    That is meant to be descriptive, not pejorative.

    He really is a nut.

    And just one heartbeat away from being Nut-In-Chief.

  6. This will create a vacuum that historically has been filled by tyrants.

    This is global tyranny. Of course it is a benevolent tyranny for the “good” of mankind. Of course the most “intelligent” people in the world will be in charge to ensure the system is run justly and that there is world peace. And of course it will end with the greatest catastrophe mankind has ever witnessed.

    Obama is in favor of killing a live baby if he or she should survive an abortion [he actively supported this]. But, the new “international order” that is dead in the womb, he is determined to see born and will feign it living until the decomposing stench of it is no longer tolerable to anyone.

  7. The new international order envisioned by Obama consists of a passive American role*. This will create a vacuum that historically has been filled by tyrants. The effect will be to discourage those who would otherwise strive for freedom, since they will lack the requisite support to combat the tyrannical forces that oppose them.

    The Obama Doctrine has already reared its ugly head in Iran and Honduras, where the forces of liberty found themselves abandoned by the land of the free.

    *except where Jews are involved.