The right is transparent about its intentions re annexation.

By Ted Belman

Haaretz recently published Endgame in which it set out voices from the right calling for the annexation of J & S. Today they published Shlomo Avneiri’s The lie behind the right wing’s truth, only there is no lie. According to this article the right has always wanted this but

    It’s just that it hasn’t been easy to openly advocate an explicitly annexationist stance. It has been much easier to speak of our right to the land, of the right of Jews to settle everywhere in the Land of Israel, while ignoring that this involves not only territory, but also people – millions of Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza.

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Bumper stickers, t-shirts, magnets for Tea Party Teabaggers!

Speaking of our right to the land is not synonomous with intending annexation. Annexation only became a viable option when a new demographic study put the lie to the left’s assertion that there were 2.5 million Arabs in J & S. In truth there are only 1,4 million.

What bothers him is the following,

    What is apparently offered by some right-wing spokesmen seems a commitment to civil equality, without a hint of nationalism. What is better than offering the Palestinian population of the territories Israeli citizenship? But if you examine carefully the pronouncements of right-wing spokesmen in the media, it turns out that no one is talking about granting automatic citizenship and the right to vote to the residents of the territories to be annexed to Israel. They speak of a “process,” and some say it would take a generation.

    What would happen in the meantime is clear. The Arab residents of the territories to be annexed might be offered citizenship, but it would be subject to conditions. They would be required to declare loyalty to Israel as a Jewish (and democratic ) state. It can be assumed they would have to undergo a security check. It is reasonable to assume they would have to sever all ties, legal or otherwise, with their relatives in Jordan and other countries. It can further be assumed that those who are refugees from the 1948 War of Independence and their descendants would be required to declare they are forgoing both their right of return to Israel proper and their property claims.

On the contrary. no one has suggested immediate and automatic citizenship. Nor have we been shy about declaring the expanded state to be a Jewish state, So we are quite clear that it will be a nation state of the Jews. If that mean’s no equal citizenship so be it. But for me being a Jewish state does not create unequal citizenship. Each citizen gets one vote. If the majority oif citizens want a Jewish state they are entitled.

Every country sets conditions for citizenship. Avneiri wants to dispense with such and grant immediate citizenship. How idiotic.

In summation he writes,

    In short, the annexation of the territories would take place, but equal citizenship wouldn’t really be granted. No one on the right speaks of equal citizenship here and now. From a realistic perspective, it’s clear Israel cannot possibly annex the West Bank and Gaza Strip. It’s simply impossible from the standpoint of its foreign relations. Israel is not an apartheid state, but it turns out this is the dream of right-wing spokesmen who speak of one state from the Jordan to the Mediterranean. Self-righteous sweet talk cannot obscure either the inner truth or the lie that is associated with these ideas.

He believes that because we don’t intend to give immediate citizenship, we can’t annex J & S, the international community won’t allow it. The fact that the Arabs will have to comply with our requirements for citizenship will not make us an apartheid state. Every state has residents who are not citizens.

August 4, 2010 | 19 Comments »

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19 Comments / 19 Comments

  1. martel:

    In modern times, war is fought on many fronts and there are many ways to serve other than donning a uniform or carrying a spear.

    Right you are. our greatest president Abraham Lincoln said it best:

    You can destroy the enemy by making him your friend.

  2. In modern times, war is fought on many fronts and there are many ways to serve other than donning a uniform or carrying a spear.

    This was true in ancient times also, however, there is no substitute for physical defense and all that are capable are responsible to do it. You have the rest of your life to serve in other ways.

  3. When these issues are solved the logical next step will be consolidation of J/S into Israel, on whatever terms Israel deems reasonable.

    J&S will ultimately belong to the Jews. And little do the Arabs know that, in their intransigence, they are doing Hashem’s bidding. Unfortunately, it will take another war before the Israelis are forced to accept what Hashem has already given them.

    Moshe is not satisfied until he extracts a promise from the tribes of Gad, Reuven and half of Menashe that they will serve in war against Israel’s enemies.

    In modern times, war is fought on many fronts and there are many ways to serve other than donning a uniform or carrying a spear.

  4. I often think about making aliyah, but every time I do, I get thoroughly disgusted and disheartened by how the gov’t of Israel treats the Jews of Israel, and how they continue to bend over backwards to appease a most implacable enemy.

    The Torah also makes clear that serving to protect and defend the people of Israel is equated with loyalty to G-d. For example, when the tribes of Gad, Reuven and half of Menashe wanted to settle east of the Jordan river, Moshe rebukes them because he thinks they are trying to avoid military service:

    Moshe answered the descendants of Gad and Reuven saying: shall your brothers go to war while you remain here? (Numbers 32:6).

    He goes on to equate the possible avoidance of military service with turning against G-d. He accuses them of being no better than the spies who forced the people to wander for 40 years in the desert:

    Now behold you have risen up in the place of your fathers, a brood of transgressors, to bring even more of God’s wrath upon Israel. If you turn away from Him, He will leave us in the wilderness and you will have destroyed this whole people (Numbers 32: 15)

    Moshe is not satisfied until he extracts a promise from the tribes of Gad, Reuven and half of Menashe that they will serve in war against Israel’s enemies.

    So, you just want to wait around for those of us brave enough to make aliyah to do all the work for you, then you will come over? Thanks for nothing.

  5. All this is a good thing. The left recognizes the legitimate argument from the right about annexation of J/S, and now they are negotiating over terms. Since two states is a dead letter the left will have to come to terms with Israel including J/S. Meanwhile the borders and Iran are far more pressing. When these issues are solved the logical next step will be consolidation of J/S into Israel, on whatever terms Israel deems reasonable.

  6. I often think about making aliyah, but every time I do, I get thoroughly disgusted and disheartened by how the gov’t of Israel treats the Jews of Israel, and how they continue to bend over backwards to appease a most implacable enemy.

    So, you just want to wait around for those of us brave enough to make aliyah to do all the work for you, then you will come over? Thanks for nothing.

  7. Ron, I know that you feel that the almighty will come to Israel’s aid should Israel need help from the Almighty. But I do have to tell you something very disappointing- we Jews prayed to the Almighty for deliverance during the second world war and the prayers were not answered.I can’t say why the prayers did not work, but I know it didn’t. I think the lesson there is that you can’t depend on prayers. Some time they work, sometime they don’t. Ron it is like flipping coins, sometime it comes up heads , sometime tails. Praying is a lot like that, fifty percent of the time it works, fifty percent -it doesn’t.

    So let us keep America on our side, we all need insurance, just like you. Listen to America, there is no one else to help.

    We prayed a lot during other problems too – Although we can’t see it from here always, the problems are for our benefit. One of the things that I have learned from our collective historical mistakes is that we should not rely on ANY FOREIGN GOVERNMENT POWER. Our power is in Hashem only, we need to rely on him alone.

  8. Why is the world worrying about what Israel is doing when they themselves are being kicked around by Islam.
    Dumb asses

    You are right Ron. The world should be cheering on the Israelis to go after the jihadists.

  9. Ed D:

    Almost all of my Israeli contacts want Israel to annex J & S. BB is not listening.

    Ed, You are being much to hard on the BiBi. Try to understand that Israel is living in a bad neighborhood, surrounded by bullies. Israel is a very small country with a population of less than many cities in the world. It is quite alone and if you write that it should not be influenced by other interest, you probably mean, the U.S. You, if I understand you correctly are trying to say that Israel should act independantly of the U.S. But Ed, understand that Israel needs America should something go wrong in any future wars with its enemies. Israel did need help in the past and no one can say it won’t need help in the future. America is Israel’s insurance policy, if things go wrong.

    Ed, I know that you feel that the almighty will come to Israel’s aid should Israel need help from the Almighty. But I do have to tell you something very disappointing- we Jews prayed to the Almighty for deliverance during the second world war and the prayers were not answered.I can’t say why the prayers did not work, but I know it didn’t. I think the lesson here is that you can’t depend on prayers. Some time they work, sometime they don’t. Ed, it is like flipping coins, sometime it comes up heads , sometime tails. Praying is a lot like that, fifty percent of the time it works, fifty percent -it doesn’t.

    So let us keep America on our side, we all need insurance, just like you. Listen to America, there is no one else to help.

    Ed, I know it is sometimes is very frustrating to be so very dependant on others but if you are so detested by so many, you definitely need a friend, especially a friend so powerful as the good old U S of A.

  10. rongrand:

    Uncle, this is what happens when the Israeli government is foolish enough to be influenced by outside interest.
    Damn, fuck them. Israel has to do what it has to do to protect her citizens and territory and that means being tough doing it.
    The same with the UN, fuck them too.
    Why is the world worrying about what Israel is doing when they themselves are being kicked around by Islam.
    Dumb asses

    Ron, You are being much to hard on the leaders of Israel. Try to understand that Israel is living in a bad neighborhood, surrounded by bullies. Israel is a very small country with a population of less than many cities in the world. It is quite alone and if you write that it should not be influenced by other interest, you probably mean, the U.S. You, if I understand you correctly are trying to say that Israel should act independantly of the U.S. But Ron understand that Israel needs America should something go wrong in any future wars with its enemies. Israel did need help in the past and no one can say it won’t need help in the future. America is Israel’s insurance policy if things go wrong.

    Ron, I know that you feel that the almighty will come to Israel’s aid should Israel need help from the Almighty. But I do have to tell you something very disappointing- we Jews prayed to the Almighty for deliverance during the second world war and the prayers were not answered.I can’t say why the prayers did not work, but I know it didn’t. I think the lesson there is that you can’t depend on prayers. Some time they work, sometime they don’t. Ron it is like flipping coins, sometime it comes up heads , sometime tails. Praying is a lot like that, fifty percent of the time it works, fifty percent -it doesn’t.

    So let us keep America on our side, we all need insurance, just like you. Listen to America, there is no one else to help.

    Ron you express yourself very, very well. You really don’t need to include those naughty words. It is not becoming of you.

  11. BB, like all the other career politicians, is for BB, and has shown us that he is NOT for the Jewish people.

  12. I often think about making aliyah, but every time I do, I get thoroughly disgusted and disheartened by how the gov’t of Israel treats the Jews of Israel, and how they continue to bend over backwards to appease a most implacable enemy. Try not to come down on me to hard, as I just can’t see why I should subject myself and family to this insidious nonsense, while the uber barons that run the show crap on the rest of my people. uch uch uch!!!!

  13. Uncle, this is what happens when the Israeli government is foolish enough to be influenced by outside interest.
    Damn, fuck them. Israel has to do what it has to do to protect her citizens and territory and that means being tough doing it.
    The same with the UN, fuck them too.
    Why is the world worrying about what Israel is doing when they themselves are being kicked around by Islam.
    Dumb asses

  14. It seems in a few short years we can become a major competitor to Russian natural gas in Europe. That opens a lot of political and economic possibilities. Seems as though we will gain the upper hand despite of assholes like BB and Barak. That is unless they manage to screw this up too.

    US expert: Another 12 trillion cf of gas offshore
    There is a very small chance of an even larger “mega gas field.”
    4 August 10 11:33, Amiram Barkat
    A large natural gas reservoir to be found offshore from Israel, most likely amounts to to 12 trillion cubic feet, 50% larger than Tamar, says
    US Geological Survey (USGS) geologist Christopher Schenk who headed the team that mapped the Levant Basin Province for potential oil and gas discoveries.

    At a lecture at the Institute for Earth Sciences at Hebrew University in Jerusalem yesterday, Schenk analyzed the findings of the USGS study, which was published in March. The estimates of the largest field size is with an average probability. He added that there is a chance of an even larger field, but at lower probability.

    Schenk said that the lowest probability was finding a “mega gas field” of 30 trillion cubic feet, chances of which he put at 1 in a 1,000. He said that Israeli experts with whom had spoken estimate the gas reserves at the Leviathan structure at 14-25 trillion cubic feet.

    Noble Energy Ltd. (NYSE: NBL), Delek Group Ltd. (TASE: DLEKG) and Ratio Oil Exploration (1992) LP (TASE:RATI.L), which own the Leviathan license, estimate a 50% probability of finding 16 trillion cubic feet of gas in it. Schenk said, “A 16 trillion cubic foot gas field is considered an extraordinary find on a global scale.”

    Schenk heads a USGS team assessing global oil and gas reserves, which is mapping 130 geographical regions worldwide.

    Published by Globes [online], Israel business news – – on August 4, 2010

  15. Samson Blinded
    BB and Barak have drawn the wrong lessons of Marmara incident.

    After Navy commandos encountered fierce resistance on the Marmara and shot dozens of activists there, the obvious conclusion would be that the Navy should avoid unnecessary confrontations. The intruding ships can be incapacitated and towed to Ashdod.

    But Jewish madness is unlike any other. The government has not given up on using Navy commandos against ‘peace’ activists. It has not given up on the idea of rappelling commandos into hostile crowds. Instead, the government seeks to further restrain those commandos from shooting at enemies who attack them with axes, pipes, and knives.

    The Israeli General Security Service trains Navy commandos in hand-to-hand combat, so that they won’t shoot any more Muslim terrorists on “Free Gaza” ships.

  16. First get rid of BB and Barak then talk annexation. With that duo running the show we’ll be lucky to have Tel Aviv when their through.