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  1. It’s always a pleasure to read exchanges by people who know what they are talking about, because, being objectively informed, they differ only in minor degree. What I don’t see, however, is any resolution as to how the current situation could be resolved. I was in Israel weeks after the 6 day war. The people were proud and resolved. It breaks my heart to see what is happened since. Your leaders have all been corrupted by the US State Department and have sold you out time and time again. Your only hope is to put up candidates who hold to extremely moral positions of resistance against concessions, give-aways and the like. Concessions have always been made under threats. In retrospect, how much of your losses were due to your own equivocation, and how many of your losses might have been prevented by taking a strong and unequivocal stand. The Americans are as much out of control as you all are, and like the Israelis, they hate their leaders. We’re in the process of pushing back. What are you going to do? Where are the Ze’ev Jabotinski’s and Rav Akiva’s when we need them?

  2. rongrand says:
    August 11, 2010 at 2:07 pm

    I feel since G-d led the Jews back to the Holy Land it’s not likely He will abandon them.

    G-d never abandoned us. But the punishments for our never-ending rebelliousness sure hurt.

  3. Bottom line? There is no easy, “moral,” way out of all this.

    Is there ever?

    Think about it, Israel is located in the middle of a lousy neighborhood who’s citizens hate you and want to destroy you, good grief.

    I don’t know the answer, I feel since G-d led the Jews back to the Holy Land it’s not likely He will abandon them.

  4. rongrand –

    …what I attempted to point out is Israel has been the good guys…

    I understand exactly what you mean, but then you say

    …think of the wars fought…

    My way of thinking tells me that if they hadn’t been such “good guys” perhaps there would have been one or two wars fought… and things would have been much different in the world.

    The way things appear to be going now, the Israelis may have no option but to inflict far more damage and suffering on a broader scale than the damage and suffering that would have resulted from some incidents of “collateral damage” in Gaza for example.

    Bottom line? There is no easy, “moral,” way out of all this.

  5. …it makes many (unfounded) assumptions about what God does or does not do or like

    Keelie, what I attempted to point out is Israel has been the good guys, think of the wars fought and consider they were out numbered by the enemy, they defeated them. I don’t know about you but I have to believe G-d did shine on this. I personally believe G-d led his people back to the Holy Land, He intents to provide support. If I am wrong with that assumption please tell me.

    I can understand the IDF trying to avoid civilian casualties, none the less I said before, damn bomb the headquarters, go after the leadership, cut the head of the snake and the rest will scatter.

    I am all in favor of striking hard at the enemy and protecting the fine men and women who serve the IDF. Having said this, I believe these talented and intelligent men and women are second to none in fighting a war. They are superior and better trained and equipped then the Arabs.

    Then again what do I know.

  6. Ron,

    I agree completely with Yamit. When you say:

    G-d’s blessings shines down on men and women of the IDF who proudly carry the Star of David.

    …it makes many (unfounded) assumptions about what God does or does not do or like.

    For example, the if a soldier who doesn’t return from war because political correctness defines the fight, has children, they will not have the benefit of lessons learned from their father. And sons will be torn from their parents – the worst possible fear of a (normal) parent… We must look after ourselves first; unfortunate but there it is… The rest of the world can’t quite grasp that they are responsible for the deaths of Palestinian children, because it is they who encourage by all means, Palestinian terrorism. The movie should have said this explicitly… but who sees the movie aside from we Jews?

    I don’t want ANY Jewish soldiers to die, and whatever it takes to accomplish that, is fine with me. Intent is everything. Deliberately putting children in harm’s way is different from… need I go on?

    You simply can’t fight a war based on trying to make others (including God) perceive what you do as glorious morality… And of course most of these others don’t actually perceive it that way anyway. As Yamit says:

    We might as well be condemned for destroying our enemies and by being as brutal as we are accused of. Then it is likely a degree of deterrent and respectful fear might be the result preventing further conflicts and even bringing de-facto peace.

    The Jew-haters of the world should have a stark choice: Either fear the Muslims or fear the Jews. Right now the choice is off balance, and these cowards vent on the Jews.

  7. I don’t believe so, the IDF has done well protecting Israel

    The IDF leadership supported OSLO. The IDF leadership advocates retreating from the Golan. The IDF leadership advocated leaving Gaza. The IDF Leadership is all for being the 51st American state in all but name.( they Love their Hi-Tec American gratis toys). The IDF failed to protect the State in Lebanon war, nor for 3 years of suicide bomber Intifada. Failed to protect both soldiers and civilians during the second Lebanon war and failed to this day to stop rockets fired on our civilians from Gaza. But they do love their toys. They betray their soldiers and are only concerned with political advancement.

  8. our restraint is viewed by our enemies and the nations as weakness and we are condemned in any event. We might as well be condemned for destroying our enemies and by being as brutal as we are accused of. Then it is likely a degree of deterrent and respectful fear might be the result preventing further conflicts and even bringing de-facto peace.

    I don’t believe so, the IDF has done well protecting Israel. It’s the leadership behind the problems. The last episode in Lebanon and Gaza the IDF was sent into battle with their hands tied, they were not allowed to carry out a mission to wipe out the enemy.

    I said many times, when the enemy strikes, Israel needs to retaliate with a strong and devastating blow, especially at their heart line or headquarters. Take out the leadership of the enemy.

    We know in a few hours the Israel AF could wipe out the enemy and leave them in rubble.

    That’s what is needed.

  9. Israeli statehood is simply a matter of power: Jews had the power to enforce their wishes upon Arabs, but not upon Europeans, and so we carved a state for ourselves in Palestine.

    If we abandoned this moralistic rhetoric, Jews would be able to fight for our state just like every other nation fought for its state: without the least regard for the moral constraints intended for peacetime relations between neighbors. Bereft of the leftist moralism, which has nothing to do with the practical values of Judaism, Jews would stop twisting their brains over that which is irresolvable. Every nation that ever sought statehood exterminated or expelled the aborigines first, and only after-wards proceeded to build a democracy.

    our restraint is viewed by our enemies and the nations as weakness and we are condemned in any event. We might as well be condemned for destroying our enemies and by being as brutal as we are accused of. Then it is likely a degree of deterrent and respectful fear might be the result preventing further conflicts and even bringing de-facto peace.

    I don’t care what anybody thinks against the life of a single Jew here. I would never place such a cheap artificial price as world benevolence towards Israel for the price of our kids lives. Fuck em!

  10. Uncle, you know as well as I do if the IDF would indiscriminately take out these terrorist along with children and other civilians they would be playing into the hands of the radical Arab terrorist. They are skilled enough to surgically destroy the enemy with minimum civilian casualties.

    Remember, sadly but true the world is not on the side of Israel, the fucking anti-Semites of the world are just looking for more excuses to condemn Israel.

    This forces Israel to do right and do it better. The men and women of the IDF should be commended for doing what is right in spite of the scumbag terrorist who have no regard for human life. They show a little, they kiss their children after they strap bombs on their bodies and send them into Israel to kill.

    G-d’s blessings shines down on men and women of the IDF who proudly carry the Star of David.

  11. I am not happy with this obviously produced piece of Israeli propaganda. Any Israeli soldier or commander who choose to save an enemy over his own men and himself is demented and should be shot by his own men.

    The only restraint by Israeli soldiers is the fear of prosecution for doing the right thing. This fear of prosecution has and will kill many Israeli soldiers and it will prevent us from winning any engagement with our enemies;and might even cause us to lose our country. These were not moral calculations but 100% political by our politicians and our political correct careerist senior officers who have ceased to lead but stay in the rear safley watching video screen of the action.

    Israel has raised and trained a generation of politically correct officers and cowardly military doctrines. This is no way to fight and defeat an enemy. Thousands will die in future conflicts because of this doctrine. I am ashamed of them.