The UN and the Obama Administration

by Anne Bayefsky, Pajamas Media.

The spectacle of the UN Security Council engaged in one more Israel-bashing exercise, while the the Iranian and Arab world burns, is a stark example of the organization’s moral turpitude and irrelevance for the 21st century. The Council is set to convene this afternoon to consider a resolution condemning all Israeli settlements built on what Arabs claim is their land. The Obama administration is doing everything possible to placate Israel’s foes, and may well decide to refuse to exercise its veto power, though the resolution promotes a grossly one-sided distortion of fact and law. The wrong side of history is close at hand.

Despite the talk about the President, the Secretary of State and the Director of National Intelligence being in the dark on most things going on in the Middle East, like the “secular” Muslim Brotherhood, there is nothing mysterious about today’s events. Serving up Israel when the going gets tough is what Arab dictators and demagogues do at regular intervals. Since the same bunch dictates virtually all outcomes at the UN, but for the Security Council, it is also what the UN does. If the President decides to join them, therefore, he is betting against democracy with his eyes wide open.

Already, via U.S. UN Ambassador Susan Rice, the administration has capitulated and agreed to a unanimous Security Council “Presidential statement” condemning Israel. That strategy just whet the appetites of Muslim and Arab negotiators who can recognize weakness as well as every other observer.

To understand just how evil the scene is, it is necessary to talk about what happened to Lara Logan. The CBS reporter was in Cairo last week covering the aftermath of the overthrow of Mubarek, when she was brutally sexually assaulted by democracy-celebrating Egyptians heard yelling “Jew, Jew.” It does not matter that she wasn’t Jewish. It does matter that the hatred and anti-semitism which runs so deep among the masses screaming for tolerance, for everybody but Jews, is precisely what is driving the diplomatic mobs at the UN. Ganging up on Israel at the UN Security Council is an ugly and contemptible scene.

Iranians are rioting today against a vicious government that stones women for alleged adultery, murders homosexuals for the crime of existing, amputates limbs by judicial decree, brutalizes anyone wanting free speech, and is currently holding two Americans hostage for hiking. Is there a Security Council resolution in the works on the dying and the dead in Iran? Bahrain? Libya? Tunisia? Egypt? Algeria? Not the slightest possibility.

The only thing on the table at the UN is a statement that it is illegal for any Jew to live on any land that is claimed by Palestinian Arabs. Not only is this a racist recipe for an apartheid Palestine, it is also a direct violation of the American and UN-sponsored “Middle East Roadmap.” The Roadmap states that the settlement issue will not be finally resolved until final status negotiations – “Phase III:… a final, permanent status resolution . . . on borders, Jerusalem, refugees, settlements.” This Security Council resolution is intended to take the settlements issue off the table and pre-determine the outcome without having to negotiate or actually live with Jewish neighbors.

It is a familiar pattern. The Obama administration has repeatedly used the UN to do its diplomatic dirty work of backstabbing an ally while assuring voters of the reverse. Last May, it agreed to Arab demands to hold Israel up as the world’s gravest nuclear threat at a major 2012 international meeting. Last August, it foisted upon Israel a UN Secretary-General investigation over nine Turkish extremists killed on a boat while attempting to pave the way for an Iranian port on the Mediterranean. In 2009, it joined the UN Human Rights Council, the most notorious anti-Israel UN body of them all, immediately lending it undeserved credibility. And it is still refusing to pull out of the UN’s latest “anti-racism” bash known as Durban III – scheduled for New York City in September – though demonizing the Jewish state is the meeting’s raison d’etre.

Last week UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, held a news conference in Jerusalem to make it clear that her first priority was to condemn Israelis for building and living, not Arab states for destroying and killing.

We know the UN is on the wrong side of history. To watch America go down the same path is heartbreaking.

February 19, 2011 | 15 Comments »

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15 Comments / 15 Comments

  1. rongrand,

    Yes – isn’t it amazing?!!! Who knew?!!!

    Where Wiener and his ilk are concerned, if all you can do is make disparaging comments like “hare-brained ideas,” and “no easy answers” you would do far better to simply keep quiet. We all know there are no easy answers, but making insulting comments doesn’t even begin to help matters. All the people you mention Wiener, are merely offering their ideas, and it takes some bravery to do that. What possibilities can you offer up? Or are you too scared to offer up any comments at all because people may not agree with them and that would upset your ego?

  2. michael wiener says:
    February 20, 2011 at 4:13 am


    Wiener, that’s amazing.

    Keelie how is it us guys didn’t arrive at this revelation?

    I guess we aren’t as clever chappies as we think we are.

    Bottom line Peker your just a wiener head.

  3. Keelie: The difference between me and you guys is that I don’t to pretend to know all the answers.

    I don’t say Israel should do ___or that________and Obama is_____________, and the EU___________and on and on and on as if you know the future or rally understand the past. (fill in the blanks)

    Case in point, if you clever chappies are so smart, how is it no one predicted the fall of Mubarek or what was really happening in Tunisia? A bunch of delapidated old geezers who really know zilch and pretend they know it all.


  4. Talk about a hare-brained idea. Israel still remains the pariah of all the nations you have named. Settlements, are condemmed by almost every state on the globe. America, and Europe are not about to give up on the U.N. just because that happens to be your idea.

    OK Wiener – so state your case. Let’s assume that idea was hare-brained. We’re all sitting here with baited breath waiting to hear how you would handle things. Or are you just one of those folks who can do nothing except mouth off pointless, hare-brained, criticisms?

  5. Who the flippin f–k is Hymie????????????

    And where is the other mousketeers, the immortal L’s- Levinson and Laura and including yourselves would comprise half a minyan?


    I conjectered that you were all political illiterates and now with your nonsense you proceed to erase any doubts.

  6. Shy Guy says:
    February 19, 2011 at 9:07 pm


    I think we already reached this conclusion on another previous thread!

  7. michael wiener says:
    February 19, 2011 at 8:17 pm

    I think you may have been unduly influenced by political illiterates such as Levinson,Laura, Yamit,Shyguy, and Harris- who know little and aspire to know even less

    Well I’ll be damn, I am right in there with the best.

    michael you have shown your true colors, liberal left and a true obama kool-aid drinker.

    I bet like Chris Matthews you get a thrill up your leg when obama speaks.

  8. michael wiener says:
    February 19, 2011 at 8:17 pm

    The world has changed a tad since the 60?s.

    True. Bozos like yourself have learned to type and make comments on the Internet.

  9. Rongrand:

    michael by the way I am not alone, as a Barry Goldwater declared:

    The time has come to recognize the United Nations for the anti-American, anti-freedom organization that it has become. The time has come for us to cut off all financial help, withdraw as a member, and ask the United Nations to find headquarters location outside the United States that is more in keeping with the philosophy of the majority of voting members, someplace like Moscow or Peking

    Ron: For your information Barry Goldwater has been dead almost 40 years now. The world has changed a tad since
    the 60’s.

    I think you may have been unduly influenced by political illiterates such as Levinson,Laura, Yamit,Shyguy, and Harris- who know little and aspire to know even less.

  10. michael wiener says:
    February 19, 2011 at 6:16 am

    Talk about a hare-brained idea

    michael by the way I am not alone, as a Barry Goldwater declared:

    The time has come to recognize the United Nations for the anti-American, anti-freedom organization that it has become. The time has come for us to cut off all financial help, withdraw as a member, and ask the United Nations to find headquarters location outside the United States that is more in keeping with the philosophy of the majority of voting members, someplace like Moscow or Peking.”

    By the way a majority of Americans support Israel in spite of the administration headed by a “Acorn community organizing pamphlet distributing anti-Semite, pretending to be a Christian (for political reasons) who embraces Islam and incompetent president”.

    It’s time for America and Europe and the rest of the world to regain control of their governments and eradicate anti-Semitism once and for all.

    By the way a majority of Americans don’t see Israel as a pariah.

  11. rongrand:

    How about the likes of the US, GB, France, Germany and Israel forming the nucleus of the “Free World Nations” and I don’t have to tell you the rules but it begins with the rights of the individuals etc, nonaggression and you get the idea. Everyone has to play by the rules and will come to the defense of one another in time of need.

    Talk about a hare-brained idea. Israel still remains the pariah of all the nations you have named. Settlements, are condemmed by almost every state on the globe. America, and Europe are not about to give up on the U.N. just because that happens to be your idea.

  12. Bill Levinson says:
    February 19, 2011 at 3:54 am

    The United Nations is an enabler for:

    Bill, bottom line the UN is a cesspool, one we all should get out from under.

    Force the remainder to move the headquarters in another part of the world, such as the South Pole, then see how many delegates and staff with do the town.

    How about the likes of the US, GB, France, Germany and Israel forming the nucleus of the “Free World Nations” and I don’t have to tell you the rules but it begins with the rights of the individuals etc, nonaggression and you get the idea. Everyone has to play by the rules and will come to the defense of one another in time of need.

    I am sure you will agree the time has come to throw the old one out.