The war in the eyes of our leaders


Why was it decided not to topple Hamas’ regime in the Gaza Strip? What is Hamas political leader Khaled Mashaal’s biggest challenge? My conversations with decision makers.

August 29, 2014 | 42 Comments »

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42 Comments / 42 Comments

  1. My Spelling of Biryonim is from the moving poem, “Blood and Fire” by Yaakov Cohen

    1983 saw the Islamic Jihad blow up the barracks of the 1st Battalion 8th Marines. Reread what I said “had a close working relationship with Israeli Intelligence” I did not say I fought with or for Israel. I did however get to know many Israeli’s and came to count on them as friends. It was through them that I learned that what I had been taught growing up about Jews and Israel was a bunch of twisted lies. It was through knowing these brave men that I became an advocate for Israel and it’s right to existence.

    What you think of Begin is your business.

    Thanks for posting the Video, got a great laugh, I’m also a critic of the many forms of Biblical fiction. But thats another topic.

    For any offense I’ve caused you and the bee. I apologize, I’m moving on.

  2. yamit82 Said:

    Just voting for pulchritude no other considerations.

    Had to explain pulchritude to TX. He wants to know why not just say “damn good-looing women”. I have an excellent BBQ brisket recipe, but thanks. Any time you feel in the need for Apple Cobbler just knock on the door. Apples are beginning to show up at the flea market. Did you know there is a kosher BBQ Brisket contest every year in Dallas ???
    AS for the Saudis, its about oil. Brush was just trying to get in “their pants”, you understand that Yamit82, don’t cha!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Etzel Said:

    The State of Texas itself has more tie’s through Oil and Bush to Saudi Arabia than it does to Israel. There are also morons that are from states in the US that fight for ISIS.I’m sure some are from Texas.

    Texas being the heart of the American christian fundamentalist bible belt may have a lot to do with their sell out to Saudi money and influence.

    I read your:


    Hmmmm 🙂

  4. Etzel Said:

    Yamit82 and I are smart enough not to live in Texas

    I’m smart enough to not live anywhere in the USA.

    By the way I think Begin was a POS and so is the party he founded as well as all of their derivatives.

    BTW learn to spell (bryonim) correctly- It’s spelled Birionim.

    Can you explain how a goy was involved in fighting in 83 for or with Israel???

  5. @ yamit82:

    I know your the expert, Darlin, but my vote is for the IDF. I admire strong useful women. Speaking of which I just put a prime rib roast in the oven #1 and peach cobbler in oven #2.

  6. @ honeybee:

    Your incorrect use of the word “your” shows your mastery of the English language is even sub par I’m sure you’re familiar with contemptible and loathsome as well, maybe your even related to them.\

    Labor on

  7. honeybee

    It might help to learn to spell yiddish before you have the chutzpah to hok a chainik or is that just your twang, zhlub.

    I have nothing but respect for lone soldiers, I grieve deeply for his death, as well as for others who have made the ultimate sacrifice. I was in Lebanon in 83 and had a close working relationship with Israeli Intelligence there, my own blood has been spilled in Vietnam where I also held the bodies of my comrades while they died for the United States, which includes the state of Texas.

    The State of Texas itself has more tie’s through Oil and Bush to Saudi Arabia than it does to Israel. There are also morons that are from states in the US that fight for ISIS.I’m sure some are from Texas.

    Your use of the death of Sgt. Nissim Sean Carmeli to try and justify yourself and Texas is despicable.

  8. Etzel Said:

    Yamit82 and I are smart enough not to live in Texas where the men stare at each others backsides, and the steers are nervous!

    As I vaguely remember ” A Lone IDF Soldier” and volunteer from South Padre Island, Texas [ my country] died fighting for Israel, but then what do I know your the smart ass. Texans held a memorial service for him and Gov. Perry personally lauded him.

    Now Etzel you can apologize. and change your handle from Etzel to Smuck.

  9. honeybee

    Yamit82 and I are smart enough not to live in Texas where the men stare at each others backsides, and the steers are nervous! As for the cheerleaders, they’re nothing compared to the beautiful and classy woman warriors of the IDF.

    have a great labor day sug.;-)

  10. 3Etzel Said:

    The choice of car was after Tom Landry

    he was the man, so Iam told however Tx say if you watch the Cowpies for the game and not the Cheerleaders, you’re the castrati [ he did not use that word] Sugar.

    I Google the Irgun, learned a lot, and now am smarter then you and Yamit82 together.

  11. @ Etzel:

    I have researching your handle [Etzel] is it from Begin’s “War of Liberation”, or that failure of a car design??????????
    Thanks for the link, very interesting.

  12. Etzel Said:

    The Dallas Steers, or the Fort Hood Eunuchs.

    I suppose you think your being humorous !!!!!!!!! Try harder, boy!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. The excuses for not exterminating Hamas are pathetic since failure to do so is suicide.

    Can anyone imagine the world respect for Israel if Israel without restraint killed every single member of Hamas they could find? The world would rant and fume but Hezbollah adn other enemies would think twice before they started anything any more.

    Just kill the babies and get it over with before there is no more Israel.

  14. @ honeybee:
    TX is disgusted with new rules for the NFL, says they have been castrated.

    Maybe they should be renamed The Dallas Steers, or the Fort Hood Eunuchs.

  15. @ yamit82:

    TX is disgusted with new rules for the NFL, says they have been castrated. He prefers college games. Likes Johnny Manziel he’s from Kerrville.

  16. honeybee Said:

    Broncos trampled the Cowboys

    Think changing name of Cowboys to Cowsissies too much Pizza and not enough grits. I am returning to following NBA. 2 Israelis playing one in Dallas and the other now in Sacramento but played with Houston last couple of seasons.

    Now I am following Cleveland as they have a first time and first year Israeli coach Dave Blatt.

    They havea good chance of championship this year.

  17. yamit82 Said:

    Theories full of holes and a lot of misinformation and spin

    Whose theories?????????? Broncos trampled the Cowboys last night, gore all over the pizza.

  18. yamit82 Said:

    @ bernard ross:
    1-10 Theories full of holes and a lot of misinformation and spin. I scrapped a long rebuttal to your comments but will settle for:
    What’s in it for Israel???

    what’s in WHAT for Israel?
    I don’t know what you are referring to and there is a difference between me speculating on what I believe is happening, on what I believe will occur and what I advocate should be done. It appears that you must be referring to something I advocated to be done in your question but most of posts are posting what I believe is happening and will happen as opposed to my own advocacy.

    NB: Items in blockquotes are the quotations of others and the link to those quotations.

  19. @ bernard ross:

    Theories full of holes and a lot of misinformation and spin.

    I scrapped a long rebuttal to your comments but will settle for:

    What’s in it for Israel???

  20. Iraq and Libya spark oil production fears

    The world will be unable to stop the escalation of oil prices if Iraqi crude oil supplies to the outside world are halted.

    Read more:

    Iraqi Kurdistan oil shipments hit 8 million barrels

    Read more:
    (The Daily Star :: Lebanon News ::

  21. Looking to Europe, Turkey increases investment in Azeri gas

    Construction of the 1,800-kilometer (1,118-mile) Trans-Anatolia Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP) project will start at the beginning of 2015.

    The cost for the part of the pipeline in Turkey is estimated at $7 billion. Sources told Al-Monitor that this can rise to $9 billion to $10 billion. Moreover, because Turkey increased its shares in the Shah Deniz field and South Caucasus Pipeline project, it will have to contribute $2 billion to $3 billion for the construction of the pipeline from Azerbaijan to Turkey. Azerbaijan used to own 80% of TANAP with Turkey owning the remaining 20%. Turkey’s share was later increased to 30%.

    The natural gas that will be produced by the Shah Deniz field and constitutes a serious alternative to Russia will reach European consumers in four years. Feasibility reports on 21 Turkish provinces where the pipeline will traverse and on required land acquisitions have been completed. Reports on environmental and social effects have been finalized, too.

    The 56-inch pipeline that exits Azerbaijan and reaches Turkey via Georgia will have its European exits at the Greek and Bulgarian borders. Its final terminal will be in Italy. Turkey will meet its own needs from terminals to be built in Eskisehir and western Thrace.

    Read more:

  22. Israel gained upper hand in final days of war

    Political analyst Akram Atallah sees the targeting of residential towers as a wakeup call for the Palestinians to realize what Israel is capable of doing and as a message from the enemy to show that they are ready to carry on with the war even if this would lead to the destruction of Gaza. He told to Al-Monitor, “The destruction of the towers did not affect the battle as much as it affected Palestinian public opinion.”

    Political analyst Akram Atallah sees the targeting of residential towers as a wakeup call for the Palestinians to realize what Israel is capable of doing and as a message from the enemy to show that they are ready to carry on with the war even if this would lead to the destruction of Gaza. He told to Al-Monitor, “The destruction of the towers did not affect the battle as much as it affected Palestinian public opinion.”

    Atallah confirmed that impressions changed after that moment; Israel was more prone to use aircraft and it multiplied its strikes, which led to the decrease of the resistance’s rockets number and range, as the battle dragged on and reinforcement potential weakened.

    When Israel carried out the ground operation, coffins were being sent out to Israel on a daily basis. However, after the ground withdrawal, there were no coffins anymore, which made people sense that the resistance was witnessing a setback, after initially advancing.”

    Read more:

    this was the turning point when Israel showed the Pals that they were serious causing an immediate capitulation. it appears that the later air operation scared them into surrender more than the ground op. for one bright shining moment Israel pursued “shock and awe”.

  23. After Gaza, Israel sees new type of war, diplomacy
    Almost every multistory building has a Hamas headquarters. They counted on the assumption that Israel wouldn’t touch a 14-story residential building filled with civilians on flights three to 14, while the three lowest flights are occupied by Hamas headquarters.

    “In this, they erred. We felled nine such high-rises in the last days of the operation. We evacuated the population, the civilians understood that we were serious about this, and we downed those towers so that it would be clear that we would not accept terror in any form it appears. Whoever hides behind civilians is responsible for the well-being of those civilians.

    And what about the diplomatic part? Here, too, great opportunities are supposed to surface……….

    At the end of last week, Aug. 21, the Saudi foreign minister was quoted as uttering an amazing statement, one that barely registered on the Israeli radar. The minister said that we must begin to get used to the idea of coexistence with Israel. Simultaneously, a statement in a similar vein was published Aug. 11 in the Sharq Alawsat paper saying, “There is no longer an Arab-Israeli conflict,” but a conflict between Israel and Turkey, Qatar and Iran. These are unprecedented changes.

    Read more:–fm.html?utm_source=Al-Monitor+Newsletter+%5BEnglish%5D&utm_campaign=e679c12687-August_29_2014&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_28264b27a0-e679c12687-100371289#ixzz3BoFIgitB

    an excellent read!
    Note the emergence out of the shadows of the Israeli GCC understandings

  24. Why isn’t the Arab world pressing us — beyond the Hamas issue? In any other situation the Arab street would be raging, and here, we are granted legitimacy. It is because we are saying that we didn’t open fire, we are ready to stop at any given time, but under our terms.

    The arab world is not pressing us because the gulf monarchies have not, for the first time, activated their hasbara in the form of their clerical networks, fatwas, press and diplomatic corps to attack Israel. this is not due to Israels behavior, although I believe that Israel did accommodate its behavior to the needs of the gulf leaders to act as it did, but was due to the same ongoing understandings to which BB and liberman have referred for months and which have been regularly demonstrated since before Pillar of Defense. If it were not for these understandings, and cooperation,then whatever Israel did right would still have received a massive attack of Gulf PR and in the UNSC.

    Overall, once it has been decided by Israel that it does not want to own gaza then the general policy and conduct of the war was successful: an infliction of massive damage and death, a depletion of tunnels and rockets, a testing of the iron dome,a real gain in diplomatic image and negotiating position,the saving of many lives which would have resulted in an outcome not much better, and a chance to let the foreigners deal first hand with working with hamas to implement their plans(LOL) It makes no sense to spend massive amounts of blood and money that will only end with the PA in charge of Gaza, and that was the only outcome once hamas is deposed.
    Unlike the arabs, Israel needs to accumulate factual benefits rather than face saving devices.
    Let them make-up their faces while they eat crow.

  25. So actually, Hamas is now trying to fight the inevitable. It understands that, and that is why it has been flailing for days, trying to improve its conditions.

    Hamas is at a crossroads. With Egypt and Israel cooperating it is severly restricted. If the PA is successful at entering gaza in numbers it will be due to hamas need for the cash the PA will disburse from foreign donors. the PA will be identified, under this scenario, with the rebuilding of the strip. In this situation Hamas will also be under pressure to deliver gains and if it imports rockets or builds tunnels its will have nothing to give gazans unless it reverts to war. If it returns to war gaza will be even greater devvastated. Hamas is now fully on a leash.

  26. .. Israel was busy dealing with the American secretary of state who had offered a proposal basically drafted by Hamas, provided by the Qatari foreign minister. Israel turned the Americans down. It wasn’t easy, and it contributed to prolonging the war..

    The prolonging of the war resulted in some advantages to Israel:It demonstrated Hamas intransigence on the cease fires and human shields which enabled Israel to bring much devastation and death to Gaza over a longer period, while still complying with the GC. It also allowed Israel to save many soldiers lives. The human shielding, the terror tunnels, the broken cease fires, were able to be exposed due to the long cease fire and allowing hamas to hang itself in the diplomatic sphere. Israels position vis a vis gaza in the diplomatic sphere is now stronger and this will translate also in gains to the west bank “negotiations”.

  27. The Egyptian initiative was adopted by Israel because, among other reasons, we need Egypt to open the Rafah crossing.

    I dont buy this. The blockade was successful because the weak link of Egypt cooperated with Israel. This was an unprecedented cooperation and Israel wishes to maintain this cooperation. Therefore, Egypts desires carry a great weight as without Egyptian cooperation Israel would need to take philadelphi to fully supervise imports. Egypts unprecedented cooperation and Saudis unprecedented position on the war demonstrate one more example of an ongoing relationship with the gulf monarchies which should be considered in many of BB’s decisions since before the Qatar brokerage of the cease fire at Pillar of defense.

    Does the presence of the Palestinian Authority at the border crossings mean that it is responsible for Hamas? By law, yes. In practice, no chance. …By law, it is expected of Abbas, but there is no way he will succeed…..But if the unity government brings Abbas to the border crossings, we welcome it. It serves our interests well. After that, once Abbas is at the crossing, is the Palestinian Authority in charge of Gaza? Of course not. So don’t come to us talking about peace talks in Judea and Samaria when Abbas can’t gain control over Gaza.

    The presence at the border crossings will likely take place before a consummated unity gov in Gaza. Once there is a unity gov declared then PA IS responsible for gaza. If the PA is unable to police gaza and maintain its agreements with Israel then this will become a stumbling block to the “public” peace negotiations as long as the unity gov exists. This is good for Israel but may also be good for abbas in that it also gives him an excuse to avoid a troublesome final agreement and instead proceed ad hoc, under the table, with agreed improvements on the west bank while demonstrating hamas as the obstructor to the process. This can suit BB and abbas. In such a process the rhetoric and diplomatic conflicts remain as a red herring and fig leaf to the ongoing defacto process.