Trump Keynotes the Black Conservative Federation Gala in S.C. – 2/23/24

E. Rowell:  Ben Carson, MD is at 1 hour and 3 minutes.  He spoke about his growing up, his mother and what he learned from her, and God.  Dr. Carson spoke movingly about learning how to take responsibility for himself and the terrible trap of victimhood.  President Trump began his speech at 2 hours 25 minutes.  Trump has united much of the United States of America under his movement to Make America Great Again.  He has united white and black Americans, Hispanic Americans, and hard working people from all ethnicities and all parts of America, now including inner cities in NY and Chicago.

By Sundance, THE LAST REFUGE                                    23 February 2024

The Black Conservative Federation (BCF) held its annual gala to honor multiple individuals who have made contributions to the movement, and former President Donald Trump served as the keynote speaker.  The event was scheduled to happen at 6 p.m. ET on Friday, Feb. 23, at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center where President Trump will deliver the keynote speech.

Tonight’s honorees include: Dr. Ben Carson with the lifetime achievement award, Mary Millben with the BCF President’s Award and C.J. Pearson BCF Champion Award.

February 25, 2024 | Comments »

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