Tucker Carlson interviews Victor Davis Hanson

October 4, 2023 | 5 Comments »

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  1. Hi, Raphael

    I wish I could also say “I am no longer shocked by anything”. Whenever it seems I have seen the worst, a new surprise comes up. Have you read Roger Stone’s book,

    The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ Hardcover – November 6, 2013


    I watched him in an interview, revealing things about President Lyndon B. Johnson: his character, and his central role in the assasination of JFK. I followed this up, with digging up info about Johnson’s background and the nature of Texas politics.

    Johnson escalated us into the Vietnam War, then passed the baton to Richard Nixon. These were people I was supposed to entrust my life to. Nixon had some scruples. Johnson, it seems, has none. This hit me very hard.

  2. @Michael S

    I am no longer shocked by anything. I do miss my innocence. Your brief description of Pete Santili, (I’ll watch the video later), made me smile. The oafish corruption of those in power, bears little resemblance to the Mafia… they got no class, no finesse. Capiche?

    As far as “cleaning house” goes, the house itself does not need to be torn down, but the corruption which is hidden within needs to be dealt with. I meant it more in the sense of “Bedikat Chametz”, the rigorous search for, and burning, of any crumb of chametz (representing sin) which can be found in the house (Shemot 12:15). It is not the house itself which is unclean, but the chametz which is inside. It must be purged.

    Yes, I agree with you that we would benefit greatly from righteous, yes, even godly people to reconstitute our government, and all the other institutions of society, (i.e. academia, justice, media, medicine, etc.) But it must first start with a purging.

  3. Hi, Raphael and EvRe.

    Raphael, if you were shocked at all by the revelations Tucker and Victor put forth, I highly recommend what Frank Gaffney and Pete Santili have to say about the “(Chinese Communist Party-) Captured Elite” who permeate Washington, DC. Pete comes from a family with Mafia connections; and he was having difficulty fathoming the cheapness and lack of character in those who govern us — starting with Diane Feinstein, Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy.


    As for “cleaning house”, go look up Leviticus 14:33-57, about what to do when a house has “leprosy” (black mold?). You have to tear down the whole house. Only God can clean the mess we’ve gotten ourselves into.

    Rather than trying to scrub clean the US government, it might be a profitable exercise to find even ten righteous Jews or Christians in America, who haven’t prostituted themselves for bribes and favors. If you can find even three, you probably haven’t looked deep enough into the matter.

  4. OK, I confess that I didn’t watch the whole thing. I love Tucker and Victor Davis Hanson, but it’s all hand-wringing. We’ve heard it all before. We all know what’s going on. The Left has created a totalitarian state out of what used to be the (free and just) United States of America.

    What I really want to know is, how are we going to get out of this mess? It certainly won’t be through the electoral process, or through the courts. No, the only way I see is if someone with some real power surfaces and “cleans house”. That’s what we need, but that is also incredibly dangerous, because you don’t really know what you will end up with. The solution could be, and often is, worse than the problem. Our founding fathers may have had similar misgivings, but as men of integrity, they were able to bring us into the light. Does such wisdom and integrity exist today? Let’s pray that it does.

  5. Tucker Carlson correctly identifies the qualities of the current Biden junta, and the current state of political affairs in the United States.

    But the core problem I believe has to do with the fact that Trump is an existential threat to certain people who have been in power and who are determined to remain in power. He is a threat because he knows the crimes they have committed and he knows which of them has committed treason. He is a threat because he cares about the American people and making the economy thrive, which means putting the needs of the billionaires and globalists somewhere else than first.

    The globalist wants free access to make money in China, but Trump is committed to manufacturing in the US, which would then compete with the manufacturing in China. This is, from a globalist perspective, bad for business. But at the same time, it is VERY good for business in America. It translates into more jobs, and better jobs, and a more stable economic base than we have had since the global trade deals made businessmen into billionaires from Clinton’s presidency forward.

    Now the US economy is finance based and service based and the world is de-dollarizing. The US cannot afford the interest on the whopping debt racked up, and there aren’t many buyers interested in buying US debt.

    The globalists do not want a return of a man who wants to make America Great Again, because they want to make America Powerless Again In this, they have something in common with Iran.

    They are doing everything in their power to get rid of Donald Trump in front of every American and every other person in the world. They don’t care who sees it, because they are certain they are going to win. And that is all that counts for them. They cannot afford to let him win.

    So they will squeeze him legally, and in so doing, let Americans know this is what will happen to them if they get in their way.

    But this is an existential fight, because the treasonous criminals do not want to be found out to be the frauds they are.

    Unfortunately, the truth has a way of eventually getting out.

    The American people know not what is in store for us nor for our lost liberties.

    We are watching the use of the country’s legal system for the purpose of destroying the American experiment in liberty. It is a form of warfare by unconventional means, and the goal in this lawfare is the overturning of the entire American political system into a tyrannical one.

    At some point the American people are going to have their say. If there are to be no more free and fair elections, Americans will be have no choice but to have our say with force. This is simply what comes when non-violent means of political change is prevented.