U.N. Human Rights Council Calls for Boycott of U.S. Companies

U.N.’s war on Israel puts American economy in crosshairs

The Washington Free Beacon has obtained a report soon to be released by the United Nations that calls for an international campaign of legal attacks and economic warfare on a group of American companies that do business in Israel, including Hewlett-Packard, Caterpillar Inc., and Motorola Solutions Inc.

The Human Rights Council (HRC), a body dominated by Islamic countries and known for its hostility to, and heavy focus on, the Jewish State, issued the report. The George W. Bush administration refused to participate in the HRC, but President Barack Obama joined it soon after taking office.Members of the HRC include infamous human rights abusers such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan, Libya, China, and Cuba.

The Obama-approved body maintains a “Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories [sic].” The current rapporteur is American college professor Richard Falk, a 9/11 “truther” who once postedan anti-Semitic cartoon on his personal blog.

In a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon, the Anti-Defamation League’s Abraham Foxman blasted the report and the HRC’s special rapporteur: “We believe you should have prevented the Secretariat from being a party to Mr. Falk’s anti-Israel agenda. Mr. Falk’s entire tenure as Special Rapporteur has served to undermine the credibility of the institution of the United Nations.”

The report attempts to instigate a campaign of boycott, divestment, sanctions, and legal action against a litany of international companies doing business in Israel. In addition to American companies, the U.N. targets include major European firms such as Veolia Environnement, Group 4 Security, the Dexia Group, the Volvo Group.

“The costs to companies and businesses of failing to respect international humanitarian law are considerable,” the report warns, “including damage to a company’s public image, impact on shareholder decisions and share price and could result in employees being criminally responsible for rights abuses.”

The report warns American employees of targeted companies that they face legal risks.

“Employees of companies can face investigation and prosecution for human rights violations committed irrespective of where the violation was committed.”

In addition to legal action against American employees of targeted companies, the Special Rapporteur “concludes that all companies that operate in or otherwise have dealings with Israeli settlements should be boycotted.” The companies should ”be prepared to accept any consequences—reputation, financial, or legal—of continuing operations.”

Should the companies continue doing business in Israel, the Human Rights Council “calls on civil society to actively pursue legal and political redress against non-complying business” and “to vigorously pursue initiatives to boycott, divest and sanction the businesses highlighted in this report” and “calls on the international community to consider requesting an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice” to punish the businesses.

When the Obama administration joined the Human Rights Council in 2009, U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice pledged, “Working from within, we can make the council a more effective forum to promote and protect human rights.”

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October 26, 2012 | 52 Comments »

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  1. @ dionissis mitropoulos: Dimtiri, further to our TV converstion. The recent paris justice system drama called Spiral is quite good and interesting fro a cultural perspective. It is very different from the Danish shows I mentioned. Everyone in the show displays corruption at various levels in a very realistic and humanistic treatment. As opposed to the Danish it is very emotional and extroverted whereas the danish is very introverted. Though extroverted the paris drama truly showcases how the french system works which to me seems like a can of worms, yet interesting. The abuse of power of many characters is widespread and I wonder how much it reflects the real situation. What I found very interesting was that sometimes, in ordinary conversation, the characters portraying French roles would use the term “inshallah” as if it had become part of the French language. There was little reference to islam or muslims except by deductions of names. I found the show to be interesting, dramatic and fast moving.

  2. Canadian Otter Said:

    How much of Greek debt was bank gambling debt?

    Canadian, your moderated comment just showed up, so i reply.

    Not a single euro of Greek public debt was due to bank gambling.

    The international markets stopped buying government bonds (unless offered extremely high interest rates) because they became aware of the massive debt that the Greek government had accumulated – a debt irrelevant to the banking system.

    At that time, no Greek Bank had any serious problem that could lead to bankruptcy. Later on, after the haircut of our public debt (i.e. after Greece refused to repay the whole of the amount we owed to the private sector bondholders) some Greek Banks faced a threat.But that was due to the fact that the Greek government did not acknowledge the whole amount owed to bondholders, and Greek banks were among those bondholders – i.e. the had lent money to the Greek government, but they wouldn’t get the full amount paid back. They had to write off a big portion of their assets.

    In the case of Greece, it was not the banks that burdened the government.

    It was the government that burdened the banks.

  3. @ Canadian Otter:
    Canadian, here is something on both the EU and the Golden Dawn:


    “ADL Calls On European Non-Discrimination Body To Reconsider Membership Status Of Neo-Nazi Party Representative

    New York, NY, October 4, 2012 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today condemned the presence a representative of the Greek neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn as a new member of the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, calling it “an affront to concepts of equality and non-discrimination.”

    Golden Dawn party member and parliamentarian Eleni Zaroulia joined the Committee on October 1st”.

  4. @ Canadian Otter:
    Canadian Otter Said:

    Hammer and Sickle on the EU star. Control by tyranny is what the EU aims for.

    Canadian, this ineptness in choosing the symbols of the EU star might be attributable to the artist who designed the EU Star.

    The author of the article of the link you posted acknowledges as much:

    Yet here it sits [the hammer and sickle] on a poster in the European Commission, advertising the moral deafness of its author (I hope that’s what it is, rather than lingering nostalgia).

    So he considers plausible that the inclusion of such an emblem is due to the artist’s moral deafness.

    It doesn’t have to be the EU that decided this inclusion.

    And even if the EU’s aim was control by tyranny, i don’t believe it would advertise its tyrannical goals with a telltale emblem.

  5. Hammer and Sickle on the EU star. Control by tyranny is what the EU aims for.

    For three generations, the badge of the Soviet revolution meant poverty, slavery, torture and death. It adorned the caps of the chekas who came in the night. It opened and closed the propaganda films which hid the famines. It advertised the people’s courts where victims of purges and show-trials were condemned. It fluttered over the re-education camps and the gulags. Yet here it sits on a poster in the European Commission. – http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/danielhannan/100185609/you-thought-the-whole-eussr-thing-was-over-the-top-have-a-look-at-this-poster/

  6. @ Canadian Otter:
    Canadian Otter Said:

    The EU Masters have enslaved Europeans by tempting them with the promise of an easier and more prosperous life. What they’ve delivered is economic hardship for the middle and lower classes

    Canadian, the Greeks prospered since entering the EU. The mistake was ours, in that we did not channel the cheap capital (that was accessible to us due to the participation in the common currency) to public investment, but, instead to public consumption.

    But even now, we are better off financially than we were before entering the eurozone.

    Canadian Otter Said:

    and cities swarming with hostile and violent Muslims.

    I don’t know the legal issues concerning deportations, but i always thought that violent foreign criminals may always be deported – someone please correct me if i am wrong.

    But why do you blame the Muslim immigration on the EU? I don’t know the issue, but i would guess that the refugee number is a function of other variables (e.g. GNP level).

    And if i cannot walk the streets safely, then i blame it on the police and the politicians who cannot create an efficient police force. Why should i blame the EU?

  7. Canadian Otter Said:

    They [the Germans], and the international elites they work with, have been busy weakening national cultures by allowing a massive invasion of Africans and Asians, and using EU dictates to assault individual countries’ sovereignty and traditions.

    Weakening the Greek national culture and traditions is good for the unjustifiably ethnocentric Greeks.

    Some years ago, a Greek President uttered a sentence that immediately resonated with the Greek psyche: “We are a nation without brothers” (“ethnos anadelfon”).

    Meaning that all the nations conspire against Greece.

    Now, considering that the only true enemy of Greece for the past six hundred years has been Turkey, one would be tempted to say to the President that the statement was rather large. We have never been a persecuted people. And yet Greeks keep on thinking along the lines that they constitute the center of the world and everybody hates them.

    Anything that helps to land Greek attitude on planet earth is welcome, as far as i am concerned.

    If that something is the participation in the EU, i applaud it.

  8. @ dionissis mitropoulos:
    The EU Masters have enslaved Europeans by tempting them with the promise of an easier and more prosperous life. What they’ve delivered is economic hardship for the middle and lower classes, and cities swarming with hostile and violent Muslims. The prospect of a Nazi dictatorship in Greece should not scare you as much as that of slavery in a continent filled with Muslims and no escape because your “supranational authority” is corrupt to the core. Proof: they don’t protect your safety, they don’t protect your borders, they don’t protect your economy, and they don’t protect your culture. The EU project is a destructive and dangerous FRAUD.

  9. @ Canadian Otter:
    Canadian Otter Said:

    We only notice when it affects us personally, as with government surveillance and control of the internet. But the threat goes much deeper.

    Canadian, i am all for the government monitoring the streets with CCTV cameras and monitoring the internet. This is how terrorists, rapists, murderers get caught.

    And considering that i do not engage in illegal activities, i have nothing to worry about such extensive monitoring.

  10. TO YAMIT – The column you cited, “Germany Profits from EU Crisis” – http://lemonlimemoon.blogspot.co.il/2011/11/germany-profits-from-eu-crisis.html

    I agree with Lemon Lime Moon about Germany’s true intentions of dominance.

    No defeat can ever make Germany lose its thirst for power. This time they’ve gone about it in a clever way, using the terms “Peace” and “Union” because after so much war and carnage, they sell. They’ve used the psychology of advertising and the promise of prosperity to take control. They, and the international elites they work with, have been busy weakening national cultures by allowing a massive invasion of Africans and Asians, and using EU dictates to assault individual countries’ sovereignty and traditions.

  11. @ yamit82:
    yamit82 Said:


    I am quoting from your link:

    Make no mistake Germany is the driving power behind the EU and the EU embraces much of Hitler’s wants and desires.

    Since the last world war Germany has not stopped it’s plans to implement it’s reich ideas on the world. Some of them are already now in place with the advent of the European Union and especially the Lisbon Treaty.

    I agree with the author’s assessment of German attitude.

    What is the implication?

    What are we supposed to want as far as the EU is concerned?

    I hate German attitude, but i can see nothing wrong with a financial and political union of European states.

  12. @ yamit82:Further on the video was the discussion of the deficit war spending pulling the US out of the depression. I wonder if that was part of the reason for Iraq and afghan wars. I have been waiting for the nflation to come for a long time and I dont see how it will not. The richer asians are now also driving up food demand which will raise local prices on foodas it is one of the few currency earners. I think we will be moving to the Japanese models of little growth because growth was primarily export driven in the past. Although the following link has a bit of a conspiracy bent it is interesting in that Wolfensohns projections, at a Stanford U talk, show where it is going and why this capital/asset/production shift to Asia was considered necessary and urgent.

  13. @ Canadian Otter:
    Canadian Otter Said:

    But the economic crisis is not the worst nightmare. People and countries are resilient and can recover. What is really in peril is freedom. The international elite’s tangled web for complete control of societies and individuals has been under construction for many years. We only notice when it affects us personally

    Canadian, how is the dissolution of the EU going to help my individual freedom?

    Closing the borders will make it more difficult to travel, i will not be able to buy the English and American books that i want, and the Greek neo-Nazis will be able to implement their agenda more freely now that Greece will not be legislatively restricted by the EU.

    I will have less purchasing options and an inability to appeal to a supranational authority to protect me from my nation’s fascists – i’ll be in trouble if the Golden Dawn comes to power, i am very vocal in defending Israel.

  14. TO YAMIT – PART 2
    But the economic crisis is not the worst nightmare. People and countries are resilient and can recover. What is really in peril is freedom. The international elite’s tangled web for complete control of societies and individuals has been under construction for many years. We only notice when it affects us personally, as with government surveillance and control of the internet. But the threat goes much deeper. Unlike tyrannies of the past, the elites now have impressive and sophisticated high-tech means for control at their disposal. It’s scary!

    Not surprisingly, the issue of threats to freedoms (such as the NDAA) were never raised during the presidential campaign.

  15. @ yamit82:
    PART 1 – Several years before the 2008 crisis there were independent economists and experts who sounded the alarm about the incoming crisis. They described the banks’ orgy of derivatives and predicted with amazing accuracy what would happen. You had to go to alternative sites to find out. The MSM never interviewed them because it is in their interest to keep people ignorant and distracted. As people are now being jolted awake by loss of investments, jobs and homes, it’s too late to revolt. Democrats and Republicans have been quietly building a web aimed at complete and ruthless suppression of dissent.

  16. yamit82 Said:

    High on Delusions

    I found the intentional inflation as a means of forcing foreign currency adjustment to be interesting. I had been suspecting for a while that the printing was a move to lower the dollar value for trade reasons but also to devalue the debt. All the US dollars held abroad will be worth less. this also explains china’s big push to make capital investments in China and throughout the world, probably with devaluing US dollars as a kind of inflation hedge and rush to secure hard assets if currencies crash.

  17. @ yamit82:
    yamit82 Said:


    Yamit, the author of the link’s article is right that the German people do have a fascist attitude.

    But he gets the economics, and the morality of economics, very wrong.

    Here is my criticism of one point the author makes:

    “If the EU was serious about helping Greece, they could repatriate 100 Billion Euros back to Greece, but no one is willing to go all the way with this. In other words, they talk brotherhood and union, but when push comes to shove it is simply only words”.

    This is crap: the various EU states have to persuade their Parliaments to donate money to Greece. Do you think they could make their populations assent to such donations, especially with the reputation of the Greeks as people who squander money?

    Of course, 100 billion will not solve any problem of Greece, if at the same time we do not take action to reduce our deficit and implement reforms that will lead to GNP increases. The EU states will have to keep on financing a never-ending deficit if we do not cut back spending and/or increase our GNP.

    Besides, if the EU displays such largesse to Greece, why not to Italy? Why not to Spain? To Portugal? Are the Northerners supposed to pay for the corrupt and/or lazy Southerners?

    By the way, if the economic policy imposed by the IMF and the EU is so bad, how come that Ireland, who implemented such a policy, has been able to regain the lending trust of international financial markets?

  18. @ yamit82:
    yamit82 Said:

    @ Canadian Otter:
    @ Bernard Ross:

    High on Delusions

    May i, too, watch the video of the link you posted, or is it just for Bernard and Canadian?

  19. @ Bernard Ross:
    Bernard Ross Said:

    I know these shows do not represent the culture but rather the perspectives of those in the media industries and that they are responding to trends in the culture.

    Yes, the characters are stereotyped.

    But, still, we get an inkling of what’s going on in their heads.

    Bernard Ross Said:

    I am aware that US tv does not at all represent Americans.

    I would suggest “The Wire”, “The Good Wife”, “Breaking Bad”, “Dexter”, “The Shield”, “The Office” (the last one is a comedy, the US version. The characters are caricatures, but the jokes are good and there is something to be gleaned concerning the American mind).

    They are/were all extremely popular. If i had to choose one to recommend for educational purposes, it would be “The Shield”, a corrupt-cops police drama).

    I have only seen the first episode of “Wallander” – yet.

  20. @ yamit82:
    Yamit, thank you for your cogent, eloquent and detailed analysis!

    Whatever economic misfortunes befall us, exiting the eurozone will make them worse.

    But there is a far more pressing reason for Greece to stay in Europe: we are kind of backwards people in attitude, and any contact with less backwards people (the English, for example) can provide us with an image to imitate. This contact can only occur if we are members of Europe.

    Exiting Europe, as i fear will be our final decision, will only serve to make more Greeks either Nazis or Stalinists ( i have already told you about the communist dude who is in charge of “Siriza”, the party which in all probability will win the next election and who featured two of its MPs in the latest attempt to break the Gaza blockade with the ship “Estelle”).

  21. dionissis mitropoulos Said:

    I do the same thing with American TV series for the same reason!!!

    Although I do this I know these shows do not represent the culture but rather the perspectives of those in the media industries and that they are responding to trends in the culture. I know this not only because of my own travels but also because I am aware that US tv does not at all represent Americans. Knowing this however I get a feeling for people, places trends, perspectives, norms; I find it very interesting in a socio/anthropological sense. I try to watch those that have had long runs which attest usually to their local popularity. I watch usually on netflix and will watch years of a series over weeks. I recently finished Wallander, The Eagle and now on Spiral, before those a few UK ones. I do the same, but with long films for asia, SA, Israel, etc. The differences are interesting.

  22. @ Canadian Otter:
    Canadian Otter Said:

    One about the return of malaria to Greece because the government has no money for anti-mosquito spraying. Bad news for tourism, obviously.

    The other was about a Guardian report: Greece embarks on a firesale – Islands, palaces royal estates and embassies must go as fears grow that country has entered full-blown depression

    Yes, but none of these is EU’s fault.

    If the government has no money for tasks that need be performed, it’s because it does not wish to hurt the public pride by selling land or state-owned companies.

    Well, if politicians don’t want to fire their constituency from the public sector, then they should be willing to hurt the Greek people’s pride by selling the public property. We need to lower our budget deficit and we simply cannot have the cake and eat it too.

    The depression in the economy was inevitable since the international markets stopped lending to us: all our economy was based on capital inflow from the international markets. But this is not the fault of either the EU or the international markets. It is us who should have put the borrowed money into good use but didn’t do so.

    Canadian Otter Said:

    Add to that the indirect result of this EU-imposed austerity: the resurgence of a Greek-style Nazi party.

    Canadian, thanks for bringing up this point.

    The neo-Nazi party, called the “Golden Dawn”, is on the rise. The economic depression is not an excuse for the Greek people. Personally, i’d rather commit suicide than live in a place dominated by them.

    But see how the EU might be of help in this phenomenon:

    The Greek Hitlers have been consistently executing pogroms against immigrants for the past few months – all with the tacit approval of the police.

    If there is any chance that the “Golden Dawn” can be declared to be an illegal political party, this will only happen if the EU starts making official reprimands to the Greek government for acquiescing to such practices. Unless the Greek public realizes that it has to choose between belonging to Europe and tolerating or applauding the Golden Dawn, the Greek politicians will take no action.

    So, rather than being the cause of the rise of the Golden Dwarf ( i just renamed them!), the EU can be part of the solution.

  23. @ Bernard Ross:

    Bernard, just a couple of points concerning the benefits of the EU for Greece.
    Bernard Ross Said:

    it has been my exprience that such reforms always tax the middle class and poor and leave the rich in place to take advantage of “bad” economic times.

    There are EU bureaucrats which are right now helping the Greek tax authorities to set up a system that will finally be able to tax not only the corporations and the civil servants, but the rest of the population who has been engaging in absolute tax evasion: plumbers, doctors, lawyers, small businesses… they were paying NO taxes at all, and the government was winking at them by never reforming the tax system to one that would make them pay their fair share to the country’s expenses. So, yes, a part of the middle class has to be taxed, but this is not unfair – it’s the sector that has been stealing for years.

    Bernard Ross Said:

    Real reforms would seek to account and repossess stolen money and recreate a level playing field.

    The problem is that most money has been stolen by us, the Greek people, in the form of undeserved entitlements (e.g. a Greek island apparently was full of blind natives that were receiving disability benefits), in the form of salaries given to people that were hired to the public sector only because they were connected to the local politician, in the form of too high salaries for public employees etc.
    Public spending for social gratification was the reason that we were borrowing (cheaply, thanks to our presence in the euro-zone) beyond what we could repay. If the EU is asking us to fire people that should have never been hired in the first place, then I can’t say that the EU is on the wrong.

    Also there are attempts by the EU to stop the widespread Greek practice of each profession to create barriers to entry. For example, I speak English ok, and I am usually very kind, and these two qualities would make me a hell of a cab owner-driver, but I cannot become one, even if i wanted to, because the taxi-owners gang has lobbied and precludes any newcomer from acquiring a taxi-permit. And such is the behavior of any professional class.

    It is this sort of reforms that will create a level playing field and the EU is helping us in this – by enforcing laws that our politicians were not legislating for fear of the political cost.

  24. To Dionissis – Spam Filter zapped my second comment, which was basically two items from the news.

    One about the return of malaria to Greece because the government has no money for anti-mosquito spraying. Bad news for tourism, obviously.

    The other was about a Guardian report: Greece embarks on a firesale – Islands, palaces royal estates and embassies must go as fears grow that country has entered full-blown depression http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/sep/19/debt-ridden-greece-firesale

    Add to that the indirect result of this EU-imposed austerity: the resurgence of a Greek-style Nazi party.

  25. dionissis mitropoulos Said:

    Bernard have you seen the movie “The Constant Gardener”?

    I have seen it but I do not remember the particular line. I find many films portray thepolitically correct position. recently I have been watching various European tv detective and cop series to get a feel for current culture. I notice that there is an effort to portray muslims as regular joes, yet at the same time clearly showing there are problems, especially the french. I saw a danish show that showed the Israeli as the blood diamond merchant who was blowing up a danish primary school and trying to make it look as if arabs did it. My gut is that they are desparate to play pretend and believe that acting as if it is so will make it so. Itis more likely that what they are trying to avoid will gobble them up.
    dionissis mitropoulos Said:

    To their mind, it goes without saying that the UN is a source of moral authority in international politics.

    I think you are right and it demonstrates that the supposedly modern educated population is as incredibly ignorant and stupid as those of the past. Ca plus change…! However, those who have the money to control info and the media know that most people have little time to be informed and that they proceed on trust that the info is genuine, which it often is not. This of course makes a good argument against the “free press” by saying that elite big money and power usurp manipulate the people. Therefore the argument for “govt controlled press” as obtains in communist countries, etc. It appears to me that the “people” are never in charge and are given a choice between the devil and the deep blue sea. Doesn’t anybody ever wonder at the choices given the US electorate every election. As Yamit indirectly stated we appear to be choosing between the Mormon and the muslim, (and various other parallel ideologies), isn’t that odd in a country of 300 million plus americans? My gut tells me this is more than a coincidence: 2 ideologies with the abilities to focus on a goal

  26. @ dionissis mitropoulos:
    Malaria returns to cash-starved Greece. No money for anti-mosquito spraying. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/greece/9626423/Malaria-returns-to-crisis-torn-Greece.html

    Firesale. Greece to sell islands and other assets to pay debt. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/sep/19/debt-ridden-greece-firesale

    How much of Greek debt was bank gambling debt?
    Who benefits from all this while Greek people suffer and watch as their country is being plundered?

  27. @ dionissis mitropoulos:
    Dear Dionissis, I don’t have the qualifications to write about the economy, but I know enough about EU-Brussels to feel EXTREMELY uneasy about anything it rams down the throat of individual countries, as it’s been doing for years. Although it tries to fool the world with its talk of European peace, unity and progress to the soundtrack of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony, it is based on a sordid antidemocratic scheme that disempowers individuals and nations and destroys their sovereignty. The sooner the EU is revamped beyond recognition, or dismantled altogether, the better.

  28. dionissis mitropoulos Said:

    The EU,.. are asking us for economic reforms that Greece should have implemented at least 10-15 years ago.

    I am not terribly familiar with the EU economy but it has been my exprience that such reforms always tax the middle class and poor and leave the rich in place to take advantage of “bad” economic times. Real reforms would seek to account and repossess stolen money and recreate a level playing field. an economy is a community and its members have the right to decide who may do business within the community and that those who do not benefit the community do not do business. Those who have managed the economy have colluded with those who were selected to manage govt to swindle the rest of the citizens. Any reform speaking to that? There always seems to be money available for useless and redundant endeavors such as the EU govt, the UN etc. Most of the money spent on foreign aid and welfare does not even go to the individuals in need but to bureaucracies created for pork.

  29. @ dionissis mitropoulos:
    Okay, let’er rip.
    Let’s see who in America is still brain dead to support him… let them fall with him.
    Let’s see who in America is wise enough to get out of dodge because I hear a big whistle blow’in out of heaven and it’s called Curses. THE GOD OF ISRAEL will not be mocked.

  30. @ Laura:
    “Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US, has been the suggested actions for decades by many of us (not leftists however). It, like the LeagueofNations is useless..a skewed organization wth virtually no authority but which can indirectly cause pain for people or countries its NAN and Arab League deem unworthy. If not for the UNSC..where would the West ( Israel etc.) be? As Kissinger said, military actions are taken by
    coalitions of nations with similar goals..not the UN (see Korea). Hoewever, the Arab League is an exception, (see Syria). Sure, destroying Israel is encouraged, while 35,000 Syrians have been killed thanks to
    its dictator, while the UN is talking. Sanctions against those companies..I think they will survive..and have propered despite similar actions years ago. A counter boycott is plausible. Falk should be arrested
    for war crimes and fostering economic genocide against a country.
    but enough of words. John Bolton has been cricial of the UN for years,
    yet ur President still thinks it is a humanitarian organization with
    merit.Perhaps if millions wrote him..wshat we thought..it might sink in.
    Otherwise, just more “noise”.

  31. @ Bernard Ross:
    Bernard Ross Said:

    I wonder how long tapxayers want to fund this theatre of the absurd.

    Bernard have you seen the movie “The Constant Gardener”?

    At some point Rachel Weisz (such a godess!) condemns the war in Iraq and appeals to the UN’s moral supremacy to authorize a war against a country.

    Her appeal was done in such a suavely assertive manner, that it hit me immediately: the UN has won the hearts and minds of the international public.

    To their mind, it goes without saying that the UN is a source of moral authority in international politics.

  32. @ Canadian Otter:
    Canadian Otter Said:

    The UN’s present target is Israel and US companies doing business with it.

    My second biggest fear for Israel is that Obama will threaten her with a UN Security Council Resolution on boycotting her, if Israel does not succumb to his visions on the peace process.

  33. Perhaps Susan Rice voted for this resolution!!!
    We need to keep in mind that Europe and US need desperately the OIL & the gas.
    This trumps EVERYTHING ELSE!

  34. @ Canadian Otter:

    Canadian, i agree with everything you said except for

    Canadian Otter Said:

    Just look at how the Greek people recently were forced to submit to EU dictates.

    The EU, their anti-Semitism notwithstanding, are asking us for economic reforms that Greece should have implemented at least 10-15 years ago.

    Since we were so feckless and corrupt to do it by ourselves, it’s a good thing that someone now forces us to.

    I just hope we will not opt for the fool’s bravado and exit the eurozone voluntarily, giving the finger to the EU and committing economic (and cultural) suicide at the same time.

  35. Andy Lewis Said:

    The UN is now Berlin on the Hudson. Kick out all inhabitants at 3 AM and then pulverize the building with a wrecking ball.

    In such a scenario, the UN will produce evidence that the UN building belonged to Palestinians and they will issue one more resolution condemning Israel for her treatment of Paleostinians (so called on account of their evolutionary stage).

  36. Absurdity left unchecked will proceed to its natural conclusion whereupon the correction is painful. All those joining in may suffer, including those corrupt churches who ignore the slaughter of their christian brothers and focus their energy instead towards helping jew killers. Ultimately we may be seeing the end of the UN in its present form. I wonder how long tapxayers want to fund this theatre of the absurd.

  37. I think the IDF should conduct a military raid on the UNHRC in Geneva, separate out those people from nations they don’t want to piss off, and kill the rest, since they are basically nothing more than well spoken and well dressed Islamonazi (or Euro-Nazi) terrorists.

  38. While Muslim-dominated UN agencies dictate to the world, with the acquiescence of the US and other western countries, those same western governments increasingly empower their own Muslim minorities, accommodating their demands, and encouraging them to participate at the top of the countries’ most important institutions.

    The UN’s present target is Israel and US companies doing business with it. Tomorrow it could be any country that enacts measures to stop the Muslim takeover of their societies. ~~~ And a boycott is only the beginning. Any country can be brought to its knees these days through economic strangulation and the manipulation of its leaders. No need for armies, no need for a coup d’etat. Just look at how the Greek people recently were forced to submit to EU dictates. ~~~ If non-Muslim nations had just a little bit of awareness, they would oppose this boycott of Israel as a matter of principle and self interest. But they don’t seem to have either awareness, or principles, or any notion of true self-interest.

  39. It is long past time to shut down this depraved, OIC controlled, Jew-hating organization. No calls for boycotting companies which do business with Iran who’s rulers call for the genocide of Jews and brutally oppress their own citizens. Nor are there any calls for boycotting the numerous other savage sharia ruled nations which regularly commit atrocities against non-muslims and women and who advocate genocide, such as saudi arabia, pakistan, afghanistan, egypt etc. We live in a sick, morally inverted world.