UN: Islamic terrorists ideology must be undermined. (WHAT??!!)

Associated Press

The UN human rights chief called Tuesday for a campaign led by Muslims to undermine the ideology of the Islamic State terrorist group, saying this may ultimately be more effective than airstrikes.

Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, a Jordanian prince and the first UN human rights chief from the Muslim and Arab world, told the UN Security Council that by calling for a caliphate, or Islamic state, the group is exploiting “a general yearning” shared by many Muslims the world over.

But he stressed that many Muslims are opposed to the terrorist group for the crimes it has committed in enforcing its ideology, which likely amount to genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.

Zeid implored the Security Council to support efforts to overturn the Islamic State group’s “ideology of violence and death, for the sake of the rights of all in Iraq.” He also urged the new Iraqi government to join the International Criminal Court so the Islamic State group’s leaders can be prosecuted.

November 19, 2014 | Comments »

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