Gidi Grinstein, RUET Institute, advises Israel must prepare for possibility that its alliance with US will diminish
[..] This reality is changing. The engine of change is America’s floundering in Iraq and the waning hopes for victory there or a quick and elegant exit. In addition, at this time it is hard to see the US acting decisively in order to curb the nuclear project advanced by Iran, which is increasingly reinforcing its status as a regional power with a blatant anti-American agenda.
Moreover, the US is entangled in a series of wars and political struggles involving Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Russia, and the Palestinian Authority. It is hard to see America gaining the upper hand in any of these arenas.
Meanwhile, new forces headed by Russia, China and India are taking front stage in the global theater. These countries are looking to undermine America’s status and threaten its interests worldwide.
Gidi suggests
The core of the Israeli preparation must be premised on reorganization of the foreign policy component in Israel’s national security. We must manage this area as we do the defense establishment. That is, the prime minister must make sure that authority and powers are clearly designated for each major issue.
It is one thing to argue that we should change bed partners, it is another thing to set out what we should do with our new bed partners.
What should Israel expect from the US in the future and what support can it cultivate among the rising powers.
And finally what impact will these developments have on Israel policy regarding its Jewish nature and retention of Judea and Samaria?
This article is very timely. Israel would be wise to diversify itself. While Israel should be willing to consider the possibilty that the US might assist them in a time of crisis. it would be unwise to trust the Americans or anyone else too much.
While America;s withdrawl from Iraq may not be elegant, it will be rapid and it will be complete. America, post Iraq, will likely be a far different country than the one it is today. It will be a far weaker country who will be less willing and able to involve itself in world affairs. In the coming decade, the most powerful nations will likely be Russia, China, and India.
Assuming the US survives it will likely ally itself with one of those countries in a subservient role. Right now the best bet looks like India.
While Gidi Grinstein is spot on when he points that Israel should prepare itself in case it is unable to rely on the US at some point in the future, I would disagree with at least one of his assertions.
He seems to imply that a Jewish lobby has a great deal of influence in the US. This is simply untrue. Islamic groups such as CAIR wield a far greater influence than groups like AIPAC does. The primary reason for US support of Israel, in as such that it exists or has ever existed, is because America was once a country that conducted its affairs based on Judeo-christian principles.
The US has largely moved away from these Judeo-Christian underpinnings and she has suffered horribly because of it. US support of Israel is one of the last vestiges that is still left of this Judeo-Christian heritage.
In other words, American leaders who support Israel are doing it primarily because it is the right thing to do. As America moves further away from the Judeo Christian heritage upon which it was founded American support for Israel is much more tenuous.
This does not necessarily mean the US will not support Israel in the future. Common enemies have ofter served to bring the two countries.
The model I think Israel should follow is the one followed by South Korea. In recent years, the South Koreans have built themselves a very impressive military industrial complex. If American support for South Korea were to lessen or go away entirely, the South Koreans would be in a relatively good position to be able to meet their own defense needs. If Israel has not already done so or they are not already doing so, they should work to build up their forces independent of US aid.
In summary, the US and Israel should continue to work together but Israel should diversify itself so that it has better leverage in negotiations. The US should work to diversify its energy supplies, so that it will have more leverage in negotiations as well.
The US and the EU work together as equal partners. Also, the US and its NATO allies work together as equal partners. I would like to see the US and Israel have the same type of relationship.
The bottom line is Israel is the most important line of defense that the free world has against Islamic terrorists. As such, the US and Western Europe need a strong and independent Israel. If Israel is weakened, the entire free world is much harder to defend.
By diversifying itself Israel and the entire free world will be in a better position. I hope and pray the Israeli leadership is working on this.
Anyone interested in reading other opinion pieces by Gidi Grinstein, please go to his personal blog ‘BloGidi – A Link in the Chain’ at