US national debt surpasses $33 TRILLION

T. Belman. This is a disaster for the US brought on by the Uniparty. It is destroying the US Dollar and the middle class. To what end?

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said she was “not really concerned about the impact” the Biden administration’s spending programs were having on the national debt.<

By Jarryd Jaeger, POST MELLINIAL     Sep 19, 2023

On Monday, the United States’ gross national debt surpassed $33 trillion, the highest number on record. Debt held by the public, that which is owed by the government to those outside Washington, also hit a new record, at $27 trillion. The milestones comes just weeks before the Congress’ September 30 deadline to fund the government.

The US has owed money from its founding, however in recent years the national debt has skyrocketed due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, growing $5 trillion between 2019 and 2020, and another $6 trillion since then.

In an interview with CNBC, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said she was “not really concerned about the impact” the Biden administration’s spending programs were having on the national debt, claiming all will be well if the federal government “make[s] sure that we stay on a sustainable course.”

She did admit, however, that if leaders fail to keep things on the right track, it could become an issue.

Universa Investments founder Mark Spitznagel told Fortune that he was concerned about the impact of a US government that continues to drown in debt.

“We’ve never seen anything like this level of total debt and leverage in the system,” he warned. “It’s an experiment. We know that credit bubbles have to pop. We don’t know when, but we know they have to.”

According to the annual report compiled by the Congressional Budget Office in June, the trend is expected to continue. By the end of 2023, it predicted, federal debt held by the public will equal 98 percent of gross domestic product.

After that, debt is predicted to rise in relation to GDP, surpassing its historical high of 107 percent of GDP in 2029, and ballooning to 181 percent of GDP by 2053.

“Such high and rising debt,” the report’s authors argued, “would slow economic growth, push up interest payments to foreign holders of US debt, and pose significant risks to the fiscal and economic outlook; it could also cause lawmakers to feel more constrained in their policy choices.”

The national debt first hit $1 trillion in 1981, and since then the intervals between succeeding trillions have gotten progressively shorter.

September 20, 2023 | 1 Comment »

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  1. “This is a disaster for the US brought on by the Uniparty. It is destroying the US Dollar and the middle class. To what end?”

    To what end, you ask? Very simple. The totalitarian dictatorship referred to as “The New World Order”/”The One World Government”/”The Great Reset” has, as a requisite part of its agenda, the destruction of the middle class. Why? Because the middle class is essentially independent: they do not depend or rely on government for their day-to-day functioning or survival. And that won’t work for the globalists. The only way their agenda can succeed is if everyone is dependent on the government for their daily survival. A dependent population is a compliant population. It is necessary for everyone to be dependent on that monthly government check for the agenda to succeed. If your day-to-day survival, your very existence, depends on the monthly government check, you will do what you are told, when you are told, and not do what you are told not to do, or they cut you off and hang you out to dry. And for those who don’t understand, the CBDC is an essential part of the plan because even before you become impoverished, the government will be in control of your money and thus can control all of your activities.