US/Israel cooperation on energy independence

AJCongress Congratulates Senator Jeff Bingaman and the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee for Progress on USIECA

July 25, 2007 — The American Jewish Congress (AJCongress) today congratulated the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources and its Chairman Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) for favorably reporting out S.838, the U.S.-Israel Energy Cooperation Act (USIECA), landmark legislation to establish a $140 million program for collaboration over the next seven years between U.S. and Israeli academic researchers and U.S. and Israeli companies to develop alternative energy technologies. [..]

Amplifying AJCongress’ longstanding commitment to USIECA’s passage, AJCongress President Richard S. Gordon explained that

    “next to the preservation and defense of Israel itself, nothing is more important for the future of the State of Israel than energy independence. While many think of energy independence as an economic issue of supply and demand, or perhaps even as an environmental issue, energy independence is even much greater than that. It is a vital national security matter, not just for Israel but for the United States as well. The American Jewish Congress has long recognized this, long before it became in vogue to talk about energy independence.”


July 25, 2007 | 1 Comment »

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  1. Israel and America have enough shale to be able to supply ea. country for at least another century or two. Canada also has plenty and produces some of its oil in this manner. Now according to some reports a couple Of Russian Israeli scientists have developed a new cheap method of extracting oil from shale and have not only patented their process but have set up small pilot plant and Sherry Arison one of our Moneyed elites have purchased the production rights and expect to produce Israels oil requirements within next 10 years. This process is made economically viable due to the very high prices of oil today. We are already independent in natural gas. America has more reserve including off shore to also be independent it just a matter of Green lobby and cost of extraction and refining vs cheaper cost of importing from existing sources but what will happen if trends continue that the economics will force oil companies to extract their own as the price of importing will be high enough to make domestic exploration and extracting more profitable than importing.

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