Viktor Orban: ‘Ukraine ‘Not a Sovereign State Anymore’

E. Rowell:  Ukraine was set up by Obama-Kerry-Biden-Nuland to serve as a major money laundering hub for US political and financial elites.  In addition the goal of arming Ukraine was an attempt to undermine Putin, cause regime change in Russia, and strip Russia of energy resources.  Putin refused to roll over.  Even though it is impossible to win the war in Ukraine, military contractors make money whomever wins or loses. Billions of printed and taxpayer money must be spent in order to create profits for billionaires while the US economy is in danger of an explosion of debt and debt service. Americans suffer under ballooning prices for everything.  It is a satanic plan for US destruction, carried out by the US Congress.

In Conservative Conference in Globalist Belgium, Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán Torches EU Leadership, Calls for Change

By Paul Serran, GATEWAY PUNDIT    17 April 2024

There’s really no surprise in learning that Belgium’s government has gone full authoritarian by repeatedly targeting a Conservative conference taking place in Brussels, going as far as shutting down a day of events with a ridiculous excuse in the middle of UK’s Nigel Farage’s speech.

But as the old Arabic saying goes: ‘the dogs bark, the Caravan goes on’. In the run-up to a most relevant European Election cycle in recent times, the National Conservative Conference moved to its THIRD venue, and hosted as keynote speaker none other than conservative champion Viktor Orbán, long-serving Prime Minister of Hungary.

Orbán urged voters to reject mainstream political parties in the upcoming EU elections for their failure of leadership.

He also said Ukraine must never be allowed to join the either EU bloc or NATO.

Orbán strongly criticized EU climate alarmist policy and agriculture rules, that left farmers in great difficulty and drove them a an unprecedented season of protests.

He also stated the obvious: Europe’s migration crisis is now worse than ever.

Associated Press reported:

“’The sense of this European election is: change the leadership’, Orbán told an audience […] as campaigning heats up for Europe-wide polls on June 6-9. ‘If the leadership proves to be bad, it must be replaced. That’s so simple’, the right-wing populist leader said, to applause.”

Illiberal democrat Orbán torched the European Commission for using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to target his country.

“’The bureaucrats in Brussels tried to suffocate Hungary financially’, he said.”

The commission has denied Hungary access to billions of Euros over ‘concerns about democratic backsliding in the country’ – a.k.a., unwillingness to obey Brussels Globalist mandatory agenda.

“The Hungarian leader, who has been in office since 2010, also underlined the failure of EU sanctions to stop the war in Ukraine. Addressing the fact that he’s often described in the media as a staunch ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Orbán said: ‘My mother is not happy’.”

About Ukraine: ‘Guys, you have to understand that you are [Ukraine] a buffer zone country. You can’t change your house number’, he said.

“Orbán said ‘Ukraine is now just a protectorate’ relying on Western money and weapons and is ‘not a sovereign state anymore’.”

The ‘threat’ indeed existed, but it was not the Conservatives present: it was a group of ANTIFA thugs trying to disrupt the meeting.

“Nigel Farage, the man credited with taking Britain out of the European Union, addressed the crowd, saying that ‘a new form of evil ideology’ had tried to silence the conference.”

Even ultra-liberal Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo called the shutdown unacceptable.

“Municipal autonomy is a cornerstone of our democracy but can never overrule the Belgian constitution guaranteeing the freedom of speech and peaceful assembly since 1830. Banning political meetings is unconstitutional. Full stop.”

April 20, 2024 | 27 Comments »

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27 Comments / 27 Comments

  1. There’s more to pelonis attack on Baud than meets the eye.

    I have no doubt that Baud is an enemy of Israel

    Baud needs to be exposed on that score.

    But Biden is the main enemy of Israel

    And Israel WILL NOT SURVIVE if it doesn’t oppose NATO war on Russia

    And Baud is the main weapon we have in exposing NATO, Biden and the NeoCon movement

    Is Peloni stabbing us all in the back and proposing that we ignore the outstanding Baud research on NATO v Russia?

    What’s Peloni saying here?

  2. Peloni as far as I can judge has just interfered grievously with me using the experience of Jacques Baud in this deadly struggle of Biden against Putin.

    And in fact rather than saying the work of Baud on Ukraine is massively and since Ukraine is in every way a massive enemy of Israel and since we cannot stand outside of it we (Russia Israel and American opposition also) must support Baud where he is right

    Is Peloni confused?

  3. Here’s a other horrible communists spreading Antisemitism on the Alan Shatter X

    “The essence
    Haj Amin el Husseini was the Muslim Brotherhood who set up the Palestinians trademark name

    He joined with Hitler in the Holocaust of the Jews

    Folks…that’s the beginning and end of meaning of October 7 and also the ESSENCE of the Palestinians.

    If cap fits wear it! “

  4. Peloni

    Well stated about Baud. But looking for well rounded Trotskys in the present is like the impossible…such is the distortions of capitalist ideology

    Like searching for hens teeth

    Not to be found Peloni

    Why don’t you make an analysis of his obvious antisemitism and let people understand?

    You would then be addressing the deepest questions which do have to be addressed.

    I don’t think you can though!

  5. @Felix
    Baud has demonstrated himself to be among the greatest voices supporting the annihilation of Israel, defense of Hamas, and legitimizing of the Mullahs. I think this should be noted given your continued praise of him as I think you are likely unaware of this fact. He is a very great enemy of the Jewish people.

  6. Michael, please tell me, purely as a hypothetical of course, that Ukraine had the freedom in its discretion let’s say in 1980 or any other year between 1945 and 1990, had it ben invited, to join NATO.

  7. You wrote: Ukraine “…cannot be a country with NATO nukes on its border pointing at Russia.” NATO is a defensive union, not an offensive. After the Soviet Union’s collapse in 1991, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia became NATO members. Now, after RF aggression Finland and Sweden joined NATO. What is going on in Ukraine, how corrupt Zelensky and his administration – everybody knows, but it does not change the fact that the Russian regime violated the Budapest agreement and invaded the independent country – Ukraine. You wrote: “Jews also are aware that NATO is a body not to be trusted”. I agree, but can we trust Putin? His regime is a dictatorship and what is going on in Russia is worse than Stalinism. But it’s a subject of another discussion. The fact is – according to international laws, invasion of an independent country is a crime.

  8. Eve

    That is correct

    The whole editorship is united on that line and I intend to support aided by our main assist Jacques Baud

  9. Seymour

    I have found this guy Michael S to be impossible to deal with. He does not know the meaning of truth

    But the truth will win helped on this by the wonderful Jacques Baud

  10. Inna

    You write

    “Ukraine is an independent country, a sovereign state. Putin’s decision to invade her is in direct violation of the Budapest Memorandum of 1994, a key instrument assuring Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

    It can be independent. It can be so error .

    However it cannot be a country with

    NATO nukes on its border pointing at Russia.

    Research this and you will find that Ukraine Biden and NATO have said all that.

    Jews also are aware that NATO is a body not to be trusted

  11. Hi, Seymour.

    I believe you’re being insincere, in you self-deprecation. Concerning the question you just posed, namely,

    UN called Ukraine a sovereign state in 1945. Was it in fact a sovereign state in the period 1945, that is in the immediate aftermath of that declaration, and the demise of the USSR in 1990?

    “in fact” The UN has declared Ukraine to be a sovereign state since 1945 — in the same sense that it has continuously accepted Israel as such since 1948. Obviously, many countries don’t receive either recognition as binding.

    I see that you are actually asking two questions. In answer to the second, the UN has not changed its recognition policy since 1990: it is still governed by the UN charter, to which all its members have given their assent (including Medinat Israel).

  12. My angle is very simple so let me ask again because I’m stupid. The UN called Ukraine a sovereign state in 1945. Was it in fact a sovereign state in the period 1945, that is in the immediate aftermath of that declaration, and the demise of the USSR in 1990? Educate me.

  13. Michael let me follow up with you

    have you read anything by Jacques Baud. Have you researched Baud?

    You write so much on Ukraine both of you this will be a big test to answer

  14. Seymour, what’s your angle?

    Tell me now that Ukraine was in fact a sovereign state after it was so declared between 1945 and 1990.

    First of all, I will tell you what I want to tell you, not what you want me to say. Secondly, I GAVE you the link to the UN, an official link, which has recognized Ukraine as a sovereign state between 1945 and NOW, not 1990.

    Why are you trying to twist reality?

  15. Ukraine was declared a sovereign state by the UN in 1945 so Stalin could have three votes, Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Tell me now that Ukraine was in fact a sovereign state after it was so declared between 1945 and 1990.

  16. Hi, Inna. You said,

    Ukraine is an independent country, a sovereign state. Putin’s decision to invade her is in direct violation of the Budapest Memorandum of 1994,

    I’ll let Peloni argue with you about the Budapest Memorandum of 1994. Until the two of you resolve that issue, I have not forgotten that the Ukraine was declared a sovereign state in 1945. This fact is still recognized by the UN:

    Hungary was not recognized until ten years later.

  17. Ukraine is an independent country, a sovereign state. Putin’s decision to invade her is in direct violation of the Budapest Memorandum of 1994, a key instrument assuring Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. What Orban said does not matter. Under the terms of the memorandum, Ukraine agreed to relinquish its nuclear arsenal – the world’s third-largest, inherited from the collapsed Soviet Union – and transfer all nuclear warheads to Russia. Obama placed an embargo on selling weapons to Ukraine, and Trump canceled the embargo. Yes, Ukraine relies on Western weaponry. Without it, Ukraine will not win. Ukraine is not receiving enough weapons, and her sky is unprotected. American Lend Lease, which could save Ukraine, did not start despite both Congress chambers supporting it and Biden signing it. American Army is destroying old weapons not giving them to Ukraine. The US is betraying Ukraine as well as Israel.

  18. Which would be started by Russia or Iran, the only countries who are threatening to wipe out another country.

    This may lead to world nuclear war.

  19. I have learned the bill has passed by about 300, about 100 voting against.

    I’m not happy about pelonis telling of role of Trump

    This may lead to world nuclear war.

    I am now calling for re-examination of research of Jacques Baud and a closer look at Ukrainian supporters on site

  20. Hungary itself is a western protectorate. Apparently, the irony is lost on Orban.

    Ukraine isn’t sovereign anymore because of Russia’s invasion which Orban apparently supports.

    “Orbán said ‘Ukraine is now just a protectorate’ relying on Western money and weapons and is ‘not a sovereign state anymore’.”

  21. Victor Orban is able to throw Ukraine under the bus knowing his own country is a NATO protectorate. Exactly what does Orban think Hungary needs protection from that caused it to join NATO?

  22. “Orbán said ‘Ukraine is now just a protectorate’ relying on Western money and weapons and is ‘not a sovereign state anymore’.”

    At least someone is paying attention.