Family Matters, AM THINKER July 31, 2022

Destroying the American family is a requirement for leftists and their totalitarian and globalist dreams. More

World Economic Forum attacks idea of private property, natural rights, AM THINKER   July 31, 2022

You know what else would harm the environment? The utter devastation of worldwide economies and the resulting poverty, illness, disease, chaos, conflict, and hopelessness that would be sure to follow.   More

July 31, 2022 | 39 Comments »

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39 Comments / 39 Comments

  1. @READER-

    The “Light Unto The Nations”, meaning the Pagan Goyim surrounding Biblical Israel, was a hyperbolic wish emanating from a resurgence in Jewih practices after a bad spell with “evil” kings..

    it was not meant, I believe, to be eternal, since the Goyim of later years were NOT pagans but believers in a Creator, not of course through Judaism, but at least Noachian.

    They don’t need that “Light” any more. They have their own “Lights”. So stop making silly, irrelevant comments…….PLEASE……!!

  2. @READER_

    That’s a load of “horse nonsense”. Remember Israel was under the British Mandate Rule….and I mean RULE, until the Irgun was instrumental in chasing them out. There were about 500.000 Jews at the time, and Hebron was already full of Arabs with NO Jews living there at all. None, I believe , since the massacre in 1929, when there were several hundred Jews there, along with many thousands of Arabs. There have been hardly any Jews there since the Dispersion.. Even in 1948 I KNOW the fuss there was when the Jews and/or their heirs) tried to reclaim their property they were chased from in 1929, and the Government prevented them-even though they had authentic Title Deeds… I’ve read about it in several accounts.

    They didn’t return at all until after 1967..

    The Arab Mamzerim claim that the Patriarchs and Matriarchs belong to them.

    How do YOU suggest that Netanyahu could have “reversed” the numbers. how would YOU have managed to place 100,000 Jews in Hebron, which already was bursting with over100,000 raving Arabs.??

    You are totally WRONG, and talking nonsense that has no relevance to the actual situation. You make statements without substantive evidence to back them up, all too often… Your saving grace is that you also post some very interesting and accurate items.

    But NOT on this subject. When you get into a dispute where you’re totally wrong, you double down on it. Then you talk in generalities instead of specifics.

  3. @peloni

    Get ready to see how badly accepted procedures are ignored.

    Who is supposed to be “the light onto the nations” – the Jews or the Japanese?

  4. @Edgar

    I looked it up. There are 700 Jews in Hebron, and 155,000 Arabs.

    You are confusing cause and effect.

    If your beloved Bibi didn’t give away Hebron, and if he cared about the Jewish settlement, the numbers might have been reversed.

  5. @Reader

    Because a statesman is supposed to behave like a statesman according to the accepted procedure and not like a hysterical low bred housewife


    Get ready to see how badly accepted procedures are ignored.

    Watch this:
    or this:
    or this:
    These are just a few clips, there are many more. In fact, you could watch the Japanese Parlaimentary fist fights all day, there have been so many over the years.

  6. @Edgar

    Why shouldn’t Netanyahu behave “abominably” towards Bennett

    Because a statesman is supposed to behave like a statesman according to the accepted procedure and not like a hysterical low bred housewife who hates her neighbor and seeks to insult and humiliate that neighbor at every turn.

    But at least a housewife is not in charge of a country like members of the Knesset or former prime ministers.

  7. @READER-

    Why shouldn’t Netanyahu behave “abominably” towards Bennett, a turn coat, who stole right wing votes from LIKUD, and allied himself with the Left, contrary to his sworn word shortly before, and also made buddy-buddy with the Terrorist Arab Muslim Brotherhood reps.

    Bennett (like Mussolini) should have been hanged by the heels from the nearest lamppost. ..A good old French (revolutionary ?) saying..”a la lanterne”….

    It was the damned Socialists like BenGurion, who gave the Arabs the vote, which they didn’t need to do, and caused ALL our present problems.

    It was Rabin the murderer, acting on Ben Gurion’s orders who machine gunned the drowning Irgun members of the Altalena. It was the cursed Rabin, (Yossi Beilin and snake Peres) a socialist, who brought us to the Oslo Discords and invited Arafat and tens of thousands of his terrorist inot the Holy Land and gave them “respectability” and gave us thousands of murdered innocents from their immediate terrorism , ongoing to this very day.

    Words fail me… !! Very rare for me. Bennett is the smelliest skunk of Israeli politics….and THAT is saying VOLUMES.

  8. @Reader

    Netanyahu declared WAR of the opposition on the coalition as soon as it was formed, he behaved abominably toward Bennet when it was time to transfer power, etc.

    Bibi was not elected as leader of the largest party so he could support a bunch of leftists feeding the Brotherhood billions of sheckels and hectares of land. He was in the OPPOSITION because he OPPOSED the govt, and yes this began on the very first hour of the formation of this abomination which would only be considered legitimate in Israel – in what other nation would a terrorist group, whose stated goal is the destruction of that nation, have a political party serving in the govt of that nation. Yes, Bibi opposed the govt, and I am quite pleased that he did so, and only regret that it took him a year to bring this monstrosity to its knees. I stated previously that he should not have handled the passage of power as he did, but I do believe this is not a very important point either way, to be honest.

    And he did all that to stay in power and to avoid a conviction in a court of law (which is not only my opinion).

    He did all of that to block the agenda of the Leftist-Arab govt. Again, it was a Leftist-Arab coalition in which a handful of defectors of the Right were enabling the Leftists-Arabs. He was the leader of the Right. This is what the opposition does, they attempt to block the govt and bring it down. You cannot be so unaware of these things as you try to pretend.

    In any normal country this behavior by a senior statesman and members of parliament would cause a major scandal but not in Israel, unfortunately.

    Again, this is nonsense. See earlier statements above.

    As far as blaming the public – the public, unfortunately, has no power in all those “free democracies” which allow them to vote for already corrupt politicians.

    This statement really doesn’t make any sense, I mean it isn’t clear what you are stating. The public have the ability to vote for whoever they care to vote for, if they did not like the “corrupt” Bibi they could vote for any other politico who they assessed as being more pure, while also being far less experienced, far less capable and almost certainly far less effective when leading the state, but the choice was theirs to make. Recognizing all of this, Likud, unlike many other parties, chooses its chairman by a party election, and Bibi’s victory in leading the Likud was not a close contest. With him at the head of Likud again, he won an overwhelming victory in gaining the support of the people with his party winning one out of every 4 MKs elected, far above the nearest contender, Lapid, who only won about one out of every 5 MKs.

    The only way you might support the idea that the public are not at fault, would be if the election was rigged, à la the recent American model. If this were the case, I would suggest that the election theft was either not extensive or those rigging the election were somewhat challenged with their math. In any case, I still believe my statement of the public owning the blame is well explained and fairly argued.

  9. @Reader

    Everyone else who would have done the same would be denounced here in the strongest possible terms – but this is BIBI!

    In point of fact everyone else in the Knessett would have done exactly the same as Bibi, as there is still to this day no contrary voice on the vaccines in the entire Knessett. Upto now, there has been no one willing to break with this toxic shot, leaving Bennett and Bibi quarrelling about who would have acted sooner to begin the VAX Redo 2, then 3, then 4, then….

    As insane as this is, there has been no voice for those opposed to the medical tyranny being pushed in Israel, not on the Right, not on the Left. I believe there was a new MK who did voice his opposition, not to the vax, but to the mandates (if memory serves correct), I can’t recall his name but his lone voice of objection was only reported objecting in a single vote (to my knowledge in any event), just to put things into perspective.

    There is, however, an opposition to the shots in Israel, as the protests have not been completely hidden, but to whom will they lend their support? Who will champion their cause and who will speak for them? Will they form a single issue party? Or will they splinter between the right and left where their voice will be muted and their power diluted to nothing? And should they succeed in forming a party, will their votes pass the threshold or be dashed under the required quota, leaving both the Right and the Left a few votes short of a govt. All good questions of course, with no certain answers.

  10. @READER-

    I looked it up. There are 700 Jews in Hebron, and 155,000 Arabs. And in Kiryat Arba, a suburb of Hebron, and just minutes away, are over 5,000 Jews. Hebron is 18 miles from Jerusalem.

  11. @peloni

    Yet it was the political interests of one man that caused 5 elections in three years? No.

    Netanyahu declared WAR of the opposition on the coalition as soon as it was formed, he behaved abominably toward Bennet when it was time to transfer power, etc.

    And he did all that to stay in power and to avoid a conviction in a court of law (which is not only my opinion).

    In any normal country this behavior by a senior statesman and members of parliament would cause a major scandal but not in Israel, unfortunately.

    As far as blaming the public – the public, unfortunately, has no power in all those “free democracies” which allow them to vote for already corrupt politicians.

  12. @Edgar

    They already overflowed Hebron

    And now they are getting ready to overflow Area C and keep multiplying in Gaza, J&S and within the Green Line – let’s just hand the country over to them and move – BUT WHERE?!

  13. Oh, I forgot:

    Netanyahu also offered the whole of Israel to Pfizer as a country of lab rats for testing the Pfizer vaccine and agreed to hand over the info on all the Israelis to Pfizer which is a security threat in the age of bio weapons.

    But, of course, his intentions were THE BEST!

    Everyone else who would have done the same would be denounced here in the strongest possible terms – but this is BIBI!

    He cannot be wrong!

  14. @ SEB-

    Yes I know you said “in spite of”. Although I didn’t think of it when posting, just think….it’s that “in spite of”, which shows that you had a very negative view of the speech and had not considered that the PM was just talking, because of pressure, and really saying nothing, and also, you STILL mention it today in mid 2022, despite the fact the the speech was 13 years ago already and YET, nothing has been done to further an Arab state, certainly NOT by Netanyahu.

    Sorry old boy, but Dems the Fac’s… And…I STILL did not even think of you in my “condemnation”. I rarely if ever say anything but agree with you 100%….say 99%.

    Oh yes, another thing, Churchill said….sitting beside the brash American Lady Astor at a dinner, she said , “If I were your wife I’d give you poison”…and the old boy replied..”and if I were your husband , I’d take it’..

    But I think that the saying you mention was by someone else. I recall it in a Reader’s Digest many years ago and it was still older than that. Sounds like an Oscar Wilde, quip. Maybe Chesterton….The Twain period was far to careful to be so suggestive.

  15. I think we have some classic reading comprehension or rather incomprehension comedies of errors going on here. Case in point:
    (“submitted for your approval in the Twilight Zone”)

    Boy with wooden prosthetic eye to girl with split lip at party sitting by herself”

    He: (Shy, hesitant) Umm, Care to dance?
    She: (ecstatic, joyful) Would I?
    He: (wounded, hurt) HAIRLIP, HAIRLIP, HAIRLIP!

  16. @Edgar I said I support Bibi in spite of Bar Ilan and Hebron after Reader dismissed out of hand my links to articles listing his accomplishments and accused him of unspecified “crimes” against Israel and I said, “like what?” but he didn’t reply. Actually, I had to guess he meant Bibi who he had obliquely referred to as someone I “worship.” And then Ted and you then jumped into the act focussing on the things I was trying to guess Reader might be referring to and said I support him in spite of.

  17. READER-

    So…he met Arafat many times, during the Bush and Obama era. Not the best atmosphere for asserting Israel’s rights. So where is Arafat now, and what results did the meetings have…except to keep the US off Israel’s back at least somewhat. WHO COULD HAVE DONE MORE?? Nobody. !

    He “gave” Hebron to the Arabs. They already overflowed Hebron, and it’s right beside Jerusalem and can be controlled at will. And he inserted a Jewish presence right there. All your complaints were either averted or eased, whilst pinned down by the antagonistic US Admin.

    A master work of Netanyahu is that at the same time he made Israel a Regional Superpower, with already many UNOFFICIAL contacts with Arab countries purporting to be Israel’s enemies.

    He spread Israel’s influence Eastwards, and gained a HUGE ally in India. And much more. The guy is a genius , a statesman of superior calibre to most of the international rest. Who else could have done what he achieved under the same unbelievable pressures.??

    What’s the use talking to YOU. You are never convinced by positive facts, only look for negatives and do not consider the background circumstances and milieu . as a true thinker should.

  18. ZORN S. –

    I wasn’t referring to YOU……. Maybe I should have omitted the last “s” :. But….if you feel you deserve it, be my guest. Your agreement about the Bar Ilan Speech, was merely an example of “not thinking”.. Agreeing with THE dunderhead, is “not thinking” although he gets a lot eight, which deserve support.. Just not this.

    As TED points out, it included negatives which made the whole thing meaningless. He saw that. Why didn’t YOU ??

    And of course the Jordan Option is the ONLY solution which will ease Israel’s burden and responsibility, as well as acquiring a more loyal ally.

    it depends on how firm a grip that Mudar can get on the minds of the People, the armed forces, their loyalty, and understanding that they on the cusp of making Jordan a meaningful country instead of a landlocked (minus Aqaba) poverty stricken collection of starvlings dependent on International Aid., .

  19. The PM is a ZIONIST to the core. His family on both sides for generations have been strong Zionists.

    Political views are not inherited – you can take as examples almost any descendant of the previous Zionist generation of Israelis.

    As far as his being “Zionist to the core”:

    1) He has never rejected the possibility of the TSS, even very early on; by 2014 he even said that the Jewish settlers should be allowed to “stay in their settlements under Palestinian rule” and the talks may be conducted on the basis of the green line;

    2) He met with Arafat personally many times throughout 1996;

    3) He gave away Hebron;

    4) He voted for the “disengagement” from Gaza;

    5) He froze the settlement construction “temporarily”;

    6) He tolerated or allowed the illegal Arab takeover in Judea and Samaria;

    7) “In May 2012, Netanyahu officially recognized for the first time the right for Palestinians to have their own state in an official document, a letter to Mahmoud Abbas, though as before he declared it would have to be demilitarized.” Wikipedia

    This was within a month after his father, Benzion Netanyahu (a staunch Zionist) died on April 30, 2012.

    8) His forced privatization of government assets initially boosted the economy but ultimately resulted in growing inequality and a rise in the cost of living, (some assert that the country is now owned by several very rich families). [Besides, a country under siege has no business supporting the unlimited “free market”, foreign investment, etc. – look at Russia now under sanctions the kind of which Israel wouldn’t be able to withstand.]

    “Netanyahu also greatly eased Israel’s strict foreign exchange controls, enabling Israelis to take an unrestricted amount of money out of the country, open foreign bank accounts, hold foreign currency, and invest freely in other countries.” Wikipedia

    He also lowered the taxes – much more significantly for the corporations (whose tax rate was already much lower than for other taxpayers) than for an average taxpayer;

    9) Etc., etc.

  20. Now We’re Just Haggling Over the Price

    George Bernard Shaw? Winston Churchill? Groucho Marx? Max Aitken? Mark Twain? W. C. Fields? Bertrand Russell?

    Dear Quote Investigator: There is a famous story about sex and money that I have heard in myriad variations. A man asks a woman if she would be willing to sleep with him if he pays her an exorbitant sum. She replies affirmatively. He then names a paltry amount and asks if she would still be willing to sleep with him for the revised fee. The woman is greatly offended and replies as follows:

    She: What kind of woman do you think I am?
    He: We’ve already established that. Now we’re just haggling over the price…


  21. I totally agree with Edgar. Bibi recognized the TSS in the speech but he he surrounded it with preconditions. Little harm done. Res 2334 is another matter. It stripped Israel of it s rights. and the pressure put on Israel as reported by Kushner reflects this.. The JO offers the only hope.

  22. @Grasshopper

    During my speech here four years ago, I said that the solution is a demilitarized Palestinian state…Why are you not willing to recognize the Jewish state? We are willing to recognize your nation state, and that is at great cost – it involves territories, our ancestral lands, which is not insignificant. And I say this as well – this is a very difficult thing. ..


    But I support him in spite of this anf giving away Hebron because he has done wonders for Israel and is the only electable right wing candidate for PM. I support Trump for the same reason despite his disastrous peace plan.

    And thanks for calling me a dunderhead.

  23. Dunderheads are STILL talking about “The Bar Ilan Speech”. Dumb-bells Incorporated. It was only a speech, a political load of the crap foisted on him by the US. O’Bumba was in charge then, a “good” friend of Israel……
    not to mention that he succeeded another “good” friend of Israel, the “nucular” guy…..

    The internet reports say that there were months of pressure from the US, and even so, the P.M insisted that any “state” must be DEMILITARISED.

    Donkey-drop, go and look it up.

    You all forget this.. And seem not to notice that NO steps have been really taken to implement it. It was just a ploy to get the pressure away for a while. The PM is a ZIONIST to the core. His family on both sides for generations have been strong Zionists.

    As for his imaginary crimes so beloved of Netanyahu haters , Did they include that he paid too much for ice cream…??? Maybe he got a cut-rate and pocketed the difference…And the enormous crime of stealing empty bottle return cash. .Oh, that was his Missus, but “It’s All In The Family”..

    EVERYONE seems to forget Mandelblit and the Cabal which instructed him. MANDELBLIT, and INVENTED CRIMES are hand in hand, with the utterly corrupt judicial system and the behind the-scenes Israeli Oligarchs.

    Israel is a MESS, and to PELONI, I applaud your masterfully laid out reasons for the present 6th election which looks as if it may soon be followed by a 6th., in Israeli’s attempts to rush to disintegration and commit suicide.

  24. @Reader

    The man caused Israel to go through the 5th election in 3 years or so in order to further his political interests and it’s minor compared to the rest of his deeds which harmed the country.

    Israel is a Parliamentary Democracy. The people choose the MKs and the MKs choose the govt. Yet it was the political interests of one man that caused 5 elections in three years? No.

    The blame lies with the Israeli public who failed to choose representatives who could or would manage the govt capably. After failing to find a center wide enough within the elected MKs, the public returned to the polls and elected a similar slate twice more, in back to back elections, MKs who were not only incapable of ruling, but purposefully refused to amend or ignore their differences to provide the nation with a government it so desperately required. How inappropriate was it that oaths were taken to not form a broad centered govt, and kept, and this seemed to provide the public with the solace of their support. At long last with a 4th election, a govt was finally formed to rule the Zionist nation, but the content of this govt was filled with anti-Zionists and Brotherhood elements which led it down a trail of humiliation and devastation and folly that will not easily be resolved. Indeed, if anything could indict the leaders who perpetrated this crime against the nation more thoroughly, I can not imagine what it might be.

    And yet, if polls are to be believed (a real and serious question), the public are on the verge of committing the same exact crime, supporting the same cast of characters, as had led to the previous elections, still incapable of forming a ruling govt, and the same villains challenging the nation with the fact that they still refuse to form a broad centered govt.

    At any time in a nation’s history, for such a crime to be knowingly committed over and over again, would be a serious indictment of the electorate. Yet, Israel stands upon the edge of a great chasm, with the Radical Americans enabling the Iranians to greater and greater positions of power and dominance, and despite this existential alliance between her greatest ally and her greatest foe against the nation, the Israeli public appear to still refuse to elect representatives who might possibly pursue the formation of coalitions over their continued petty divisions. This is the reason we are now seeing a 5th election coming soon, not the “political interests” of Bibi Netanyahu. Indeed, it was the public’s very certain will that has fixed the nation’s fate in this too long continued state of interregnum, and in a democracy, the public’s will is all that matters, even though the heavens should fall and the Iranians should rise because of it.

  25. @Sebastien Zorn

    Aah, I presume you are referring to Bibi?

    Why don’t you look at his actual record as a whole instead of selectively pointing out his achievements listed as someone else’s opinions?

    The man caused Israel to go through the 5th election in 3 years or so in order to further his political interests and it’s minor compared to the rest of his deeds which harmed the country.

  26. @Reader Aah, I presume you are referring to Bibi? Though I also disapprove of the Bar Ilan speech, the charges against him are absurd, he has done more for Israel than almost any other PM. Here are a couple of good summaries. Competence matters, too.

    Netanyahu’s accomplishments will stand for decades
    The State of Israel is stronger today than it has ever been. Benjamin Netanyahu will go down in whistory not only as one of its longest-serving prime ministers, but as one of its best.

    Partial list. Neither article discusses his victories against Iran and prevention of leaks.

    Top 10, biggest achievement of Benjamin Netanyahu as Israel’s Prime Minister



  27. @Sebastien Zorn

    Policies speak louder pleasantries

    Then why don’t you apply the same concept to other politicians?

  28. @leanmarc Policies speak louder pleasantries and Trump has a platform and a record to judge him by.

  29. Sebastian and Michael. I once manage a school where English was taught to immigrants. One nite held a cookie in front of the face of a little Vietnamese toddler. You could see the wheels turning in her head. Then she trussed out her hand and proclaimed, “mine” !!!!!!!!!! Her only English word. Learned in Day Care.
    Communism was always doomed by simple human nature.

  30. The WEF is NOT against property ownership.

    It is FOR property ownership by the very few super-rich.

    Do you think they are going to nationalize Amazon?

    Most likely it will be Amazon or a similar entity which is going to own all those cars and other “idle equipment” to be rented by the common folk “who will own nothing and be happy”.

    When technological development deprives most people of gainful employment, the power will be in the hands of those who own all the resources and supplies including food, water, clothing, etc., etc.

    Of course, the accursed socialists and communists thought that in the future the means of production would be in common ownership but little did they know.