What If Putin WINS?!?

Dr Steve Turley

February 24, 2023 | 5 Comments »

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  1. @Michael
    These are not fake points, and you describing them as such without the slightest basis for doing so, does little to support the credibility of your claims.

  2. @ michael
    I would trust Turley any day over you. Your arrogance is insufferable. For the first time you offered an opposite view but it is not substantiated in any way and runs contrary to every thing I have posted on the War.

    On what basis do you allege Turleys’ points are fake when you haven’t even listened to him or to all the other experts who agree.

  3. @Michael

    This is extremely unlikely, since he has never clearly defined what “winning” means.

    This is not true. Demilitarization, denazification, safety for the Russians living in the Dombass, and no NATO in Ukraine. He has been quite clear on these points since the beginning and is still not wavering from a single point.

    The situation on the ground does not add up to anything that most people would call a “success”.

    This would clearly depend on who you asked. Certainly the Dombassers would describe the current situation as a success, even if things were not incrementally moving in Russia’s direction over the past months. Of course, it might not occur to many to inquire from these ethnic Russians, given how their terrible plight has remained oblivious to we Westerners over this past decade. It is frightfully too simple to ignore the devastation which the US sponsored joint forces of Nationalists and Nazis have wrought upon the people of the Dombass. The truth is that the West still refuses to considered the devastation which they forced these people to endure, the losses which they came to suffer, and the children whose lives where destroyed even if they survived, and all of this was simply due to their ethnicity.

  4. Ah, Turley again. Tell ya’ what. I’ll just respond to the title again; and if I haven’t covered some really important matter, y’all let me know.

    1. What if Putin wins? This is extremely unlikely, since he has never clearly defined what “winning” means.

    2. The situation on the ground does not add up to anything that most people would call a “success”. Here is the latest:

    Russia Has No Strategy For Winning This War
    An overview written for OO a week ago.
    Rolo Slavskiy Feb 22

    …The criticisms of Russia’s overall strategy can be extended to the Russian home front, which has not been readied for war. If the goal is to kill 1 million Ukrainian soldiers over 10 years, there have to be enough shells, at least, being made in Russia. The only problem is that there aren’t [Prigozhin has since said that there are, but they are being withheld]. Supply problems have already started and no new factories are being opened in Russia to supply the front. Meanwhile, Russia has not made a play to establish a dollar-less world. Russia hasn’t even fully divested from globalist organizations like the WTO or the WEF or the WHO. Furthermore, many of the same pro-Globalist forces in the Russian government, who we had good reason to believe would be fired, at least, remain at their posts.

    So, yes, there have been some tactical victories in Bakhmut. There have been no successful Russian operations since the smooth retreat from Kherson though (if you want to count that), and nobody can actually point to a cohesive strategy being pursued by either the people in charge of the battlefield or the home front.

    All of this points to the fact that Russia’s elites have no stomach for this fight and a deal is being worked out through backroom channels. There will be more fighting to come though. Even is Moscow is half-hearted, Kiev and Washington is not.


    Dead Wagner troops