Why is there such a focus on the COVID positivity rate versus testing and treating the most vulnerable?


Every day we hear about low and high positivity rates as if that is the most major point in addressing COVID-19.

Illinois and New York currently have low positivity rates and the media treats their governors as if they are geniuses.

But over four months into the virus, through July 21st:

Florida has ten million more residents than Illinois, and 2,200 fewer deaths. Texas has 17.5 million more residents, and 3,200 fewer deaths. The positivity rate on deaths in Illinois is clearly much higher.

New York has almost 25% of deaths in the U.S. They have 28,000 more deaths than Florida, with two million fewer residents.

Yet the media constantly genuflects to Cuomo while ripping Desantis. Texas has 29,000 fewer deaths than New York, and ten million fewer residents, and we are told to follow New York’s policies. What garbage.

Aren’t deaths a better measure of results than positivity rates?

If you test the riskier population, you will have a higher positivity rate. If you focus on testing everyone, especially people with no symptoms, you will have a lower positivity rate. Why is that considered great?

If you wanted low positivity rates regarding health care you could: Test all women under forty and all men for breast cancer and other forms of cancer and heart disease. You would get a very low positivity rate, but we would have wasted a lot of money doing it and the results would be virtually worthless.

Here are low and high positivity rates on different things:

There is an extremely low positivity rate, lower than the seasonal flu, on children having COVID-19, dying from COVID-19 and passing the disease to older people, yet anyone over two has the same rules as 70-year olds and they are kept out of school.

There are a miniscule number of people who died only because of COVID-19, versus having other much more serious underlying morbidity issues, yet the media and experts are intentionally misleading and scaring the public that the deaths are due to COVID-19.

There is a high positivity rate between deaths and governors who forced nursing homes to take sick patients yet the media cheers lows governors because they currently have low positivity rates.

There is a high positivity rate between Democrat run cities, crime, black deaths and poverty yet the media and most Democrats bury those statistics and keep electing Democrats and promoting their big government, high tax policies.

There is a high positivity rate among kids in inner cities who fail to meet math and reading standards. The solution for most of the media, educators and other Democrats is remote learning and to stop taking or scoring tests so the results aren’t seen. Colleges say they aren’t requiring SAT and ACT tests because the tests aren’t fair. The real reason is that the results don’t fit the agenda. They also block poor and minority children from going to charter and private schools despite the positivity rates on tests being higher.

There is a low positivity rate between the number of guns and murders, but the facts don’t matter. The guns are blamed, and more confiscatory laws are promised.

There is an extremely high positivity rate of people in the Obama Administration who committed crimes, including perjury, and who were treated as above the law yet most journalists don’t care.

There is an extremely low positivity rate of white cops who kill unarmed, innocent minorities but the media acts like all white cops are racists and that the positivity rate is very high.

There is a zero positivity rate between temperatures and oil use, (temperatures have gone both up and down a little with an exponential rise in oil use), but the media, scientists, educators, entertainers and other Democrats intentionally lie to the public that the science is settled and that oil must be outlawed and the government is the cure.

There is a high positivity rate between business failures, unemployment, people not paying their bills and draconian, tyrannical, power hungry politicians shutting down the economy and severely limiting our freedom yet that is what most of the media and other Democrats are pushing.

There is a low positivity rate between COVID 19, (1.2% of people so far have tested positive so far, with a huge portion not having symptoms or minor symptoms) and the economic, mental and physical collapse yet the headlines always blame the virus.

Get the schools and economy open. We have never shut the schools and economy down before, nor required masks, social distancing and gathering in small groups despite the positivity rate being much worse for the seasonal and swine flu. Are journalists, bureaucrats and Democrats so consumed with getting power that they don’t mind the permanent, immeasurable damage to children, the poor, middle class, small businesses and minorities who they only pretend to care about?

July 27, 2020 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. For all those doctors who never spent day one in medical school and have spent months finding ways to pretend that Covid-19 is really not dangerous (in-spite 150,000 dead Americans). Even mild coronavirus cases can cause lasting cardiovascular damage, study shows.

    If you needed another reason to avoid coronavirus at all costs, here’s one.

    Skeptics of the disease and the necessity of shutting down the economy to stop its spread have focused on the fact that most coronavirus cases have been mild or even asymptomatic, mistakenly comparing COVID-19 to “just the flu.” But a recent study of 100 recovered coronavirus patients reveals 78 of them now have lasting cardiovascular damage even though a vast majority of them had mild cases of COVID-19 in the first place.

    The study published Monday in JAMA Cardiology details the results of cardiac MRI exams of 100 recovered coronavirus patients. Twenty-eight of them required oxygen supplementation while fighting the virus, while just two were on ventilators. But 78 of them still had cardiovascular abnormalities after recovery, with 60 of them showing “ongoing myocardial inflammation,” the study shows. These conditions appeared to be independent of case severity and pre-existing conditions, though JAMA researchers note these findings need a larger study.

    President Trump and his administration have tried to say America’s low coronavirus mortality rate proves the country is beating the virus. But not only is COVID-19’s mortality rate not as low as Trump has claimed; this study proves there are far more consequences of catching coronavirus than just dying of it. Kathryn Krawczyk


  2. The situation is even worse than what Mr. Hellner reports, because of evidence that yhe CDC intentionally doctored its own statistics to make them fit the narrative that the death rate from CV remains high. This is from Sarah Westall’s site: “Back on May 17th I downloaded nationwide CDC numbers to analyze the actual fatality rate in the country. I used these numbers to write my article, CDC #’s Show NO Statistically Significant Increase in Overall U.S. Death #’s. Today I decided to download the recent CDC numbers to see the latest numbers. I was shocked to learn that the CDC altered all their previous numbers that I used in my May report. The CDC increased the death numbers significantly; so now the deaths have increased by what you would expect based on the deaths they are claiming all over the main stream media (MSM). If you do not dig further (think MSM) you will just take the CDC at its word and trust they adjusted the numbers up based on late reporting. What is concerning is that they changed numbers, that when I downloaded in May were reported as 100%, without an adequate explanation. ” Also, a quotation by Westall from the CDC’s official weekly reports of all deaths, including those from coronavirus, reveals that all deaths from “influenza and pneumonia” are also reported as CV-2 deaths by the CDC. That is incredibly sinister deception. See https://sarahwestall.com/cdc-data-appears-to-be-manipulated-lets-see-by-analyzing-the-data/

  3. “Illinois and New York currently have low positivity rates and the media treats their governors as if they are geniuses.

    “But over four months into the virus, through July 21st:

    “Florida has ten million more residents than Illinois, and 2,200 fewer deaths. Texas has 17.5 million more residents, and 3,200 fewer deaths. The positivity rate on deaths in Illinois is clearly much higher.

    “New York has almost 25% of deaths in the U.S. They have 28,000 more deaths than Florida, with two million fewer residents.”

    A liar is a liar: whether he uses words or numbers, what he says is still a lie. The Dems and MSM are liars; I don’t think it goes any deeper than that.

  4. The media and their handlers wish to see many more deaths in red states! Short of that their only choice is to deny the violence taking place in “the big blues”!
    It is not so much the power that the left wants but all the abuses it allows.