Winning: Caravan migrants packing up and going home

By Monica Showalter, AMERICAN THINKER

You often see it at the bottom of news stories or in less prominently placed news stories, from the more serious local news outlets near the scene of the Tijuana caravan encampment:

Migrants are taking a look at the lay of the land and deciding to pack up and go home.

According to the San Diego Union-Tribune:

Outside the Benito Juárez migrant shelter in Tijuana, dozens stood in line Monday for a chance to return to their home country, a day after chaotic clashes at the border dimmed their hopes of entering the United States.Members of the Central American migrant caravan slumped in a line late afternoon to ask for return passage, after traveling for more than a month and trekking thousands of miles by foot, by bus and crammed into the beds of trucks for days.

Others said they had economic duties to fulfill in Central America. And a small handful said they did not want to face any legal consequences for the violent confrontations with border agents and Mexican federal police on Sunday.


Obviously, the great grand bid to storm the gringo border and jump in and avail oneself of all the welfare benefits the U.S. has to offer, leftwing lawyers in tow, has failed, and migrants, as it turns out, with no fear of returning to their home countries after all, (contrary to their organizers’ asylum arguments), are going home. Some of them even have the bus fare. Turns out the free stuff wasn’t free. Their quest to enter the U.S. on Tijuana’s hospitality is not popular. And the leftist organizers, promising these migrants instant entry as well as a Chavista-sized banquet of free stuff, courtesy of the gringos, stand exposed as frauds.

So now the migrant caravan is breaking up, and those who seek to enter the U.S. are going to be forced to do it legally. And President Trump, as well as Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, have said they are welcome to do that, so it’s not as if a door is shut.

But what we have here – and the media is never going to admit it – is something called winning, a victory for rule of law. Anyone who wants to enter the U.S. — worldwide — has gotten the message from this caravan charge and its big media buildup — that the U.S. is holding firm in defending the integrity of its borders. Any entry to the U.S. must be legal entry. The scruffy barbed border fencing, the double walls, the troops at hand, cobbled together as they were, along with the resolution and will of our leaders, really did do the job. Anyone wanting to bust a border is better off heading to western Europe. Trump — and the voters who sent him to Washington to get this job done – stands victorious. Surprise, surprise, Congress has now gotten serious about border wall funding.

November 27, 2018 | 1 Comment »

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  1. Mark my words: we will see a great humanitarian tragedy in a few days. For over a month, Soro’s money by the millions supported the caravan, provided food and services to the mass of impoverished latinos dreaming with USA.

    Does anyone think Soros will spend a dime to help that people RETURN?

    They will have to manage by themselves. Think about that. How many Hondurans will ever see their country anytime soon?

    Donald Trump knew he had to stand firm and fight to the end to stop that caravan. He was right.