Yale Epidemiologist Dr. Risch on the devastating failure of Covid Public Health Policy

September 16, 2022 | 6 Comments »

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  1. @Edgar

    please correct me; that memory cells eventually “lose their memory” and have to be reactivated .

    This is an interesting if not impossible question to answer, to be honest. The science and mechanisms behind immune senescence (where immunity of our youth fail to be protective in latter years) is poorly understood. It is believed by some to be related to the aging process and others believe it is more related to a disease state. The entire topic of senescence is hotly debated and not only is it not entirely understood (by a large measure) but it has called into question much of what was once believed to be accepted truths. One of the complicating issues is that you are vaccinated for a given strain when you are a child, but as you grow, that strain will genetically mature (change) over the years. So when you are 55 or 85, you and the current virus both look very different, but your immune system is programmed only to affect the strain you were challenged with several decades earlier, and which may have a completely different genetic appearance from the current strain. So is the immunity failing or is it simply that the current strains are too greatly changed for your prior immunity to be called up? We don’t know the answer, and the answer is likely not consistent for every individual, as some are healthier than others and some have better diets, receive more Vitamin D and have other influences that will qualify their immune status. To be certain, not all people suffer from vaccine failures late in life, but many do, and the question arises whether the distinction is primarily related to a poor immune system or vaccine failure. Vitamin D is a separate issue which is relatedly important as well when discussing anything about the immune system. This should be kept at a higher level so that the immune system can actually function well. Many people take Vit D supplements, but they should have their levels measured and adjusted to the higher range – recall that too high doses are toxic so it is important for a physician to measure and calculate the supplemented dosage.

    As to the issue of small pox vaccination, it is still believed to be protective, but it requires a healthy immune system and the greater the presence of chronic illnesses, especially inflammatory illnesses such as obesity and diabetes, the more likely any vaccination will fail to be protective, as the immune system is impaired, ie it is a statement not about a single vaccine protection but one’s immunity in general.

    The topic of Monkey Pox and the cross protection from the Small pox vaccination is topical of late, but the truth is that Monkey Pox is of no real concern. It is seen to be most affecting those engaging in homosexual practices during the infectious period, which should be easy enough to avoid. It is possible that Monkey Pox can be passed by very close extended contact, such as sharing unwashed clothing with an infected individual, but this is not how it is being seen to usually manifest, and this too would be easily avoidable. The reason it requires such close intimate prolonged contact is that the immune system is protecting people from being infected even though they are exposed. It is only due to prolonged or compromisingly intimate contact that this protection is allowing breakthrough cases to take place. It should be noted that all immunity is a numbers game. If enough infectious agents are exposed to a person, they will need a greater immunity for their protection to remain protective. Hope that is clear.

    Regarding the topic of Polio, it has been nearly eradicated from the planet, and is only present in Pakistan and Afghanistan currently. Unfortunately, what has been seen to breakout in the US and elsewhere in its absence is vaccine associated Polio, which is genetically distinct from the wild type virus. I wrote on this at length last year. Here is the link for my conversation with Adam on this subject:

    As always feel free to ask if something is not clear.

  2. @PELONI-

    My question was why any vaccine needed to be given in multiple doses instead of a single injection as was the custom in my youth, and considered a lifetime protection..

    I grew up and passed through a variety of epidemics, and my recollection is that a single vaccination for that disease was sufficient. I didn’t read or hear that there were repeat vaccinations during this time. If there had been I’d have known about it. So the single vax must have had very long lasting protection.

    I don’t think science then had progressed to “memory cells”.

    Your explanation “seems” clear enough, but please correct me; that memory cells eventually “lose their memory” and have to be reactivated .That the assumed single lifetime protective dose of my youth, in actual fact becomes weakened over time, requiring a boost.

    So I conclude that “our” lifetime vaccinations were not what they seemed. and we were lucky that those pestilences had abated or vanished.
    (although polio seems to be making a “comeback”.)

    As I mentioned, I myself got only a single vaccination,-for smallpox. Although on the wane it was still around then. I’ve never heard of anyone requiring more than one smallpox vaccination, now considered extinct.

  3. (2 of 2)
    Now back to the issue of the mRNA shots. These shots are being used, not as a vaccine, but as a prophylactic treatment, the distinction being that the shots are being given not to provide a future protection, but to provide a current protection. The phase in the above discussion between the spitting out activated immune cells and the creation of memory cells actually requires the body to enter a quiet state, where memory will be recorded and maintained. But with the current crisis of a viral outbreak, the virus is constantly re-activating the immune system, so the memory is never successfully sustained. If we were not in the midst of a constant viral outbreak, the result might be different (all the harmful side effects would still be present of course), but we don’t have the luxury to find out if that would be true, of course. Mind you, I have simplified this discussion significantly, but the result remains the same. In the midst of an outbreak, we never, I mean never, inoculate the public in a mass inoculation scheme, and this is the reason why we don’t. Even the crazy flu shot, which doesn’t work and likely does as much harm as good, is not given during flu season for this reason.

    Dr. Geert Van Derbosshe has spoken on this subject at length, but many people have a hard time following his explanations. I haven’t watched one of his interviews in some time, so I don’t have a good one to highlight this discussion specifically, but probably the interview with Del Bigtree would be best:
    Note, this is just part of a discussion of a much bigger problem of why the vaccines can not solve the Covid problem on their own, which is usually Van Der Bosshe’s real focus.

    Hope this helps. Let me know if somethig is not clear.

  4. @Edgar
    (1 of 2)

    since Jenner’s discovery, diseases like smallpox, polio, mumps, measles, etc. have needed only a single vaccination to be life-long effective….So why are the mRNA and other vaccines given in multiples…?

    There are two subjects here, and I am not certain which you are referencing. There is the issue of why a vaccine needs to be given as a 2 or 3 set seqence across a number of weeks, and then there is the issue of why a vaccine once given needs to be boosted after a period of years. I believe you are referencing the latter subject, but if I am wrong let me know and I will address the former issue as well.

    We should be careful not to equate the mRNA shots with other vaccines, so let us ignore this non-vaccinating shot for the moment since it has selective issues causing it to fail that are uniquely different from a vaccine that fails after several years, such as with the HPV vaccine. The immune system is a very complex system which we know a great deal about, but we are also quite ignorant of a great deal as well. One of the matters that have remained puzzling about it is the why of immune senescence. After the body has encountered a new virus or antigen (something that will stimulate the immune system), it will generate an immune response. If the immune stimulation is present for a period of a couple of weeks, we will see the innate immune system first triggered and later the adaptive immune system. It is this latter adaptive immune system which will train the immune cells to specifically annihilate the new antigen and then later to create a copy, stored in long term immune memory cells, for future use. After the immune system has developed its response and created many many blood borne copies of activated antibodies as well as many body-wide traveling activated Tcells, the threat from the new antigen will be eliminated. Following this, a period in which the immune system will enter a dormant period, when the immune system will not be stimulated and the activated immune cells willl slowly die off over the course of a few months. During this period of immune dormancy, long-term memory cells will be generated to store the learned response for future use. When the antigen is met again in the future, the memory cells will very quickly, a couple of days, be seen to be spitting out copies of the activated antibodies and activated Tcells to eliminate the returned threat. However, sometimes, when the body is faced with the same antigen in the future, the body will do nothing because the memory cells do not respond when called on to spit out the copies of activated cells. The cause for this failure of immune response is believed to be related to chronic inflammatory disease, advanced age, and blood diseases, among other proposed causes. The mechanism is not known, however. So this is the reason why it is often suggested that some vaccines should be boosted after a number of years, often 10yrs, particularly if you are going to be traveling internationally.

  5. @ PELONI-

    A question. In the past, to the best of my knowledge, since Jenner’s discovery, diseases like smallpox, polio, mumps, measles, etc. have needed only a single vaccination to be life-long effective.

    I myself had a now vanished nickel sized mark in my arm, likely for smallpox, given when born. That is the only vaccination I’ve ever had. I got chickenpox as a 6 mth baby, mumps as a 6-7 year old, measles at 18, and T.G. nothing since.

    So why are the mRNA and other vaccines given in multiples…? Even with variants, should there not still be enough protection from a single dose.
    Perhaps single dose should be larger….???

  6. Another great interview by Avi.

    It should be noted that the 8 mice which were employed in testing the latest, greatest “safe and effective” shot masquerading as a vaccine, were never monitored to see the long term effects, nor even the short term effects. Indeed, the 8 test rats were each sacrificed so that their blood could be used to quantify the antibody count. There is no peer review article written on the trial, nor any non-peer reviewed article. In fact, this mock trial is only documented in a slide deck. Consequently, even from this tragic attempt to persuade themselves that enough had been done, the CDC/FDA have no real data to defend, not so much as a press release. They have the power to do as they please, and they please to continue doing as they have done, with even less oversight and less due diligence. Furthermore, the mock vaccine was grandfathered in under the original mRNA EUA and thereby was never even required to be scrutinized by an outside committee, whose decision could be over-ruled as was done with a previous booster.

    With all of this being stated, the greater concern here, is and always should have been, the edict of Do No Harm, not Do As You Please. In point of fact, we can never know, even within this pathetic excuse for a vaccine trial, if any or all of the 8 rodent trial subjects would have come to die from the benefit of being injected with the experimental vaccine which will now be unleashed on the world, declared ‘safe and effective’ while never having been tested nor studied beyond the challenge with these 8 mice. As with the initial Covid shots, I would think that it would be quite well advised for people to look closely at their options, and seriously consider remaining in the control group, ie with those who will refuse to be the latest experimental rat in the latest mad scientists experiments, which no one will have the authority, nor the temerity, to acknowledge when the experiment has run well off the tracks and the Severe Adverse Effects begin to mount up and still be ignored.