The Eight State Solution

By Dr Mordechai Kedar

Israel faces three immediate threats today: the possibility of a nuclear Iran, well over 100,000 rockets and mortars poised from three directions (Iran, Lebanon, Gaza plus terrorists in Syria and Egypt) and the Two State Solution.

The first two threats seem obvious, but why do we think that the Two State Solution could lead to the demise of our beloved Israel? After all, it’s been the mainstay policy thrust upon Israel with various international initiatives and roadmaps to peace. But in reality it would bring about the opposite result.

The creation of an artificial Palestinian state requiring the uprooting of Jewish families where no Arab population currently exists would lead to indefensible borders for the Jewish homeland. The more moderate PA and Fatah want a Palestinian state as a precursor for the ultimate demise of Israel. Hamas remains opposed to any agreement which establishes a border recognizing the Israeli state. Any proposed re-unification between Hamas and Fatah is an obvious ploy that further threatens the survival of Israel and the Jewish people. The recent attacks against Israel by Hamas are now coordinated with the militant pro-Syrian, Iran-backed Islamic Jihad. Plus the Popular Resistance Committee is yet another terrorist group operating from Gaza.

The Arab Spring has brought about a much less stable region. Israel can no longer allow the rest of the world to dictate policy that makes it more difficult for the Jewish nation to survive. Israel must declare it’s own independent solution with regards to the so-called Palestinian movement and militant jihadism that appears to be on the accendancy. Doing nothing only invites intervention from abroad.

Prior to statehood in 1948 the larger territory was known as the British Mandate of Palestine. The Jewish people, who have been on this land continuously for 3,285 years, were often referred to as the Palestinians from the early 1920’s until statehood in 1948. Here are just two examples that prove this important distinction. The Palestine Post was founded by an American Jew in December 1932 in the Mandate of Palestine and supported the struggle for a Jewish Homeland. In 1950, two years after the State of Israel was declared, the paper was renamed The Jerusalem Post. And what started as the Palestine Symphony Orchestra is known today as the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.

The Arabs who emigrated to the territory in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s to live and prosper among the Jews never wanted to be recognized as the Palestinians until it became a convenient tool in their opposition to the Jewish Homeland. In 1964 the PLO was formed which finally transformed the mantle of Palestinian from the pre-statehood Jews to the post-statehood Arabs.

Historically there never existed an Arab or Islamic state of Palestine with a capital in Jerusalem. The capital of “Jund Falastin” (“The District of Palestine”) under the Islamic 7th century occupation was the city of Ramle, 30 kilometers to the west of Jerusalem. It is very important that this historical truth be recognized as a basis for peace.

There is no Occupied territory west of the Jordan River. There is Disputed territory as a result of wars thrust upon Israel by jealous Arab neighbors. Today Arabs live within the State of Israel and in Gaza, Judea and Samaria. These Arab population centers are not going away and neither is the State of Israel.

Gaza is already a state-like entity, since Hamas took it over by force from the PLO in June 2007, thus breaking the Palestinian Authority into two separate entities. If Israel is forced to leave Judea and Samaria as part of a peace agreement, it becomes very possible that the more militant Hamas would eventually take over from the current PA/Fatah regime just as they did in Gaza, either by elections or by force. No one can guarantee otherwise.

Due to tribal rifts and local patriotism there will never be a successful unity government among the Palestinian Arab population centers in Judea and Samaria or Gaza. Like the PLO in the past, the PA/Fatah and Hamas do not represent the true ambitions of the majority of peaceful Arabs who just want a better future for their children within a traditional framework and local governance. The failed Two State Solution is rapidly heading to the dustbin of history where it belongs.

Successful Arab leadership must be independent, local and firmly rooted with a traditional and homogenous sociological foundation. Israel and the world should recognize and support local leadership in the Arab Palestinian population centers that desire lasting peaceful relations as independent city-states. Because of ongoing corruption and an overt anti-Israel agenda, the leaders of the PLO, PA/Fatah and Hamas have devoted almost a half century in a futile attempt to eliminate Israel and destroy all that her citizens have accomplished.

The eight city-states would comprise the areas of Jenin, Nablus, Ramallah, Jericho, Tul-Karm, Kalkilya, the Arab part of Hebron and the Gaza strip. Local residents would become citizens of these eight independent countries. Any Arab leadership that attempts to circumvent or dominate the development of these Palestinian Emirates would inhibit a future of security and economic opportunity for the citizens of these eight independent countries.

The Arab refugee situation can only be solved if there is lasting stability in the region. In 1948 approximately 500,000 Arabs were uprooted in advance of an Arab attack on Israel. At the same time about 850,000 Jews were thrown out of neighboring Arab countries, and most of the Jewish refugees successfully resettled in Israel. The Arab refugees have since been discriminated against by the Arab countries in the region in conjunction with the biased policies of UNRWA, so not a single Arab refugee has ever been resettled. The former director of the refugee agency in Jordan, Sir Alexander Galloway, actually stated, “The Arab nations do not want to solve the Arab refugee problem. They want to keep it as an open sore… as a weapon against Israel.” The obvious failure of the peace initiatives, which have been based on false assumptions for so many decades, has only perpetuated the Arab refugee problem and human suffering.

Complex problems require simple, workable solutions. The development of the Palestinian Emirates is a viable alternative based on the sociology of the different clans and tribes in Gaza, Judea and Samaria. This initiative will bring about a stable peace to the region and added security for Israel.

Thank you for supporting the development of the eight independent Palestinian Emirates.

Palestinian Emirates – Eighteen Point Executive Summary

1/ The only true loyalty for Middle Eastern Arabs is to family, clan and tribe and the local sheikhs who are their true leaders.

2/ There is little trust that currently exists between peoples of the different tribes in the Arab Palestinian cities of Judea, Samaria and Gaza.

3/ Any PA led government of a Palestinian state would most likely become another corrupt and failing Arab state.

4/ If a Palestinian state existed the more militant Hamas would soon seize control in Judea & Samaria from the less militant, weak and corrupt PA/Fatah.

5/ Israel would be faced on two borders by Hamas whose Charter openly calls for the destruction of the Jewish Homeland and the killing of Jews worldwide.

6/ The PA/Fatah and Hamas are not reliable negotiating partners for peace and the concept of the Two State Solution must be abandoned.

7/ Israel must now take the lead to find a workable solution in light of the recent UN vote which did not confer actual statehood to the Palestinians.

8/ As tribal leaders the individual sheikhs may want their independence from the PA to chart their own destiny of peace and prosperity.

9/ Israel should recognize the development of independent city-states in seven cities of Judea & Sumaria which would likely occur over a period of years.

10/ The eight city-states would comprise the areas of Jenin, Nablus, Ramallah, Jericho, Tul-Karm, Kalkilya, the Arab part of Hebron and Gaza.

11/ Local residents would become citizens of these eight independent city-states while those remaining in rural lands would have the choice to become citizens of Israel.

12/ The Palestinian refugee problem can only be addressed once the UN realizes that there is no Right of Return for Arabs as citizens of Israel. Naturally Arabs should find their solutions in Arab states, not the one Jewish state.

13/ As these independent Arab Palestinian city-states develop they may choose to form a beneficial alliance together to increase security, economic development and other aspects of common interest.

14/ The leaders of these emerging city-states are more likely to accept Israel as the Jewish Homeland and root out terrorist and jihadist elements within their secure borders.

15/ Israel would absorb and control the less populated areas of Judea & Samaria to enhance security for the region and expand housing and commercial development.

16/ The PA leadership will eventually disappear from Judea & Samaria once the city-state movement takes root.

17/ Gaza remains an ongoing problem requiring possible future Israeli defensive military action and will only have freedom and opportunity for it’s citizens once Hamas and the other jihadists no longer behave like terror groups against Israel, but rather manage their state for the sake of their people.

18/ Jerusalem will remain as it has been since 1967, the undivided capital of Israel that welcomes peaceful people of all religions to live, visit and pray there.

May 6, 2013 | 81 Comments »

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31 Comments / 81 Comments

  1. yamit82 Said:

    Tough broad

    Yu seem to like “stand-up” women. Finnished “The Debt” disappointing melodrama. If I were Mossad I would not have believed their Cock and Bull lie.

  2. @ yamit82:

    You good Boy,Crow Indians,very clever people,especially the way they rid selves of Custer and the Lakotas in one blow. They are sitting the world’x largesst deposit on antracite coal,

  3. Honey Bee Said:

    And you don’t who the devil the Absoroka are,do you?

    Since I don’t think you are referring to a section of the Montana-Wyoming border, I suspect you must be referring to the Absaroka Indians also known as the Crow. 😉

  4. yamit82 Said:

    barren wilderness of Oklahoma.

    The Cherokee live in eastern OK which is the the western most extension of the Southern Loblolly Pine Forrest.a truy beautiful area. The young man ,who five yrs ago,delivered my asma nubulizer to me was “Full blooded Cherok
    kee”. A member of the Mankiller famity.
    And you don’t who the devil the Absoroka are,do you?

  5. Honey Bee Said:

    @ yamit82:
    Wrong wrong the Cherokee and Absoroka Tribes are the Lost Tribe. And perhaps the Dine.

    The Cherokees of Georgia, who in the 1830’s were forcefully exiled to Oklahoma, are basically the southern most subtribe of the Iriquois, the mother tribe of the Senecas in Maryland, the Algonquins in New York State, the Creek, the Yuchi, and others. As far as DNA goes, all the Iriquois who have been tested check out as of Middle east origin; some even carry the Y-chromosome of the Cohanim. A tribe of superb nautical prowess (like Zvulon and Dan, their probable ancestors), the Iriquois are believed to have sailed from Northern Israel, exiled by the Assyrians in 722 BCE, eastward along the Mediterranean, rounding Portugal then heading north to the British Isles, and subsequently crossing the Atlantic at the shortest point to Newfoundland – all some two thousand years before Columbus arrived in America. The Cherokees moved south, settling in the Carolinas and Georgia. Essentially, American Independance was a black day for them. The American Christian missionaries found the 18th Century Cherokees to be staunchly monotheistic, and vigorously opposed to the notions of Christianity. The missionaries, furious, began a smear campaign against the Cherokees, portraying them as lewd bloodthirsty savages (see James Adair’s “History of the North American Indians). Southern Christian fundamentalists later twisted Andrew Jackson’s ear to sign the ‘hate bill” of 1830 that lead to the expulsion of the Cherokees from Georgia and the subsequent death march of the tribe to the barren wilderness of Oklahoma. To this day, the nasty Southern Christian stereotypes of the Indians linger on in the media and in the cinema. Ultimately, those Cherokees who remained alive were christened by missionaries; today, there are few pure-blooded Cherokees. Assimilation and the missionaries have taken their toll, and few people of Cherokee descent know much about their own tradition.

  6. @ yamit82:

    Taliban of Jewish Descent? Experts are Checking

    Genetic experts in India believe a large group of Taliban Muslims could be descended of the lost Ten Tribes of Israel, and an Israeli rabbi agrees.

    Experts at the National Institute of Immunohaematology in Mumbai, India believe a large group of Taliban Muslims might be descended of the lost Ten Tribes of Israel – and an Israeli rabbinical expert agrees.

    Israel’s government is partially funding a genetic study to establish if there is any proof of the link, bringing an Indian expert in DNA profiling and population genetics to the Technion in Haifa. The expert, Shahnaz Ali, will be supervised by Israeli genetic research expert Prof. Karl Skorecki.


    “Chinese EW strategy stresses that it is a vital fourth dimension to combat and should be considered equally with traditional ground, sea, and air forces. Effective EW is seen as a decisive aid during military operations and consequently the key to determining the outcome of war.”

    This explains all the continuing chinese hacking: plans, testing, preparation.


    Secretary of Commerce nominee Penny Pritzker acknowledged as many as 1600 depositors lost $6000 on average–or roughly $10 million overall–due to her family’s Superior Bank failure.
    Mr. Krislov (the depositors attorney) said the Pritzkers won an unusual deal allowing bank shareholders to be paid from recovered assets before depositors, which, along with the tax credits they obtained in 1988, meant “they came out ahead.” He portrayed the episode as showing “that the very wealthy get special deals the rest of us don’t get.”
    candidate for Secretary of commerce? she has the right qualifications.
    I think they deserve another tax break or another govt subsidy. Lets reduce her company taxes to create more jobs.
    its those pesky welfare cheats again.

  9. Bernard Ross Said:

    please elaborate on your point of view(didn’t the taliban hrbor bin laden?)

    Afghans like Persians and Turks hate Arabs.

    What was, was a tribal war lord for a lot of money paid to be able to set up an Al-Qaeda base for a few hundred terrorists. Most of them were killed in the initial American air attack or made it into Pakistan. Then so did the Sudan and Yemen give Al-Qeada aid in setting up terrorist bases as did the Saudis. The actual planning we are told was in Germany. I would say for a few hundred terrorists after 10 years hundreds of Americans dead and almost a Trillion dollars ,that it was a bit of an overkill?

    That was not the reason for the attack and invasion of Afghanistan that was the excuse. Stable government friendly and subservient to America was. The Attack was planned and prepare well before 9/11.

    Read previous posts of mine, there are others that I have posted on this subject over the years. including all links I provided

  10. yamit82 Said:

    Who’s afraid of redemption? The Fundamentalist Christians and the missionaries are, because they know that Moshiach will destroy the twenty centuries of lies that they’ve used to persecute us.

    I have this sneaking suspicion that if a “2nd coming” arrives, it will be to inform them that they made a mistake and to carefully re-read the 10 commandments. I think that many are already coming to that realization subconsciously if not consciously.
    I quote bob dylan “you know something is happening but you don’t know what it is….”

  11. yamit82 Said:

    By accusing the Afghanis of harboring Bin Laden, Fundamentalist Christian USA declared the Pathans free game. In my humble opinion, this is another tragic event in a long series of Christian murder crusades.

    please elaborate on your point of view(didn’t the taliban hrbor bin laden?)
    yamit82 Said:

    The Pathans: are proud of several things – one, they’ve never assimilated; two, they acknowledge their roots from the tribes of Israel (some claim to be Benjaminites while others claim to be Menashe; I concur with the latter opinion);

    I have viewed some of your earlier youtube postings on this subject, which I find fascinating. Along those lines I take this opportunity to thank you for the many interesting references you have posted since my arrival. Also, you have often opened my mind to information, and points of view, which are new to me. Your biblical references are generally focused on the subject at hand and geared to respond to the arguments of the person to whom you are responding. I have noted that you are able to tie the bible to both the secular and the biblical perspectives of the poster. EG in this case you have raised an interesting subject based in current events, the bible, history and the signs of the redemption. I think you made a recent observation regarding the Pathan population as Isralites and the Jewish population being equal.
    We may not always agree but I must take my hat off to you! 🙂

  12. CuriousAmerican Said:

    Functionally, what is the difference between you and the Taliban?

    Dunno? They are certainly zealous in and for their beliefs and I am also in and for mine. Then so are you zealous for your beliefs.

    The tribes that include the Taliban the Pathans are ethnically of Israelite origins who while today nominally Muslim practice their own code of Puctunwalli which is similar to old biblical law before it was softened by later period rabbis and sages. For them “An Eye For An Eye” means exactly that.

    The Fundamentalist Christian regime in America( Under Bush) used 9/11 as an excuse to nearly wipe Afghanistan off the map (an classic example of Fundamentalist Christian hypocrisy; they preach restraint, when the victims of terror are Jews, such as in Israel). The 15 million Pathans of Afghanistan – although Moslems today – are clearly of Jewish origin from the Assyrian exile of the Northern tribes. By accusing the Afghanis of harboring Bin Laden, Fundamentalist Christian USA declared the Pathans free game. In my humble opinion, this is another tragic event in a long series of Christian murder crusades.

    The prophet Isaiah teaches us that an in-gathering of the exiles will herald the day of Redemption, for “You will be gathered up one by one, O Children of Israel; It shall be on that day that a great shofar [ram’s horn) shall sound, and those lost in the land of Assyria and foresaken in the land of Egypt [and from all the other countries of exile and dispersion] will come [together ] and bow down to Hashem on the holy mountain of Jerusalem (Isaiah 27:12-13).

    Who’s afraid of redemption? The Fundamentalist Christians and the missionaries are, because they know that Moshiach will destroy the twenty centuries of lies that they’ve used to persecute us.

    Afghanistan – and particularly the Pathans – make them tremble in their boots. The Pathans: are proud of several things – one, they’ve never assimilated; two, they acknowledge their roots from the tribes of Israel (some claim to be Benjaminites while others claim to be Menashe; I concur with the latter opinion); three, although they are offically Moslems, they wear a fringed garment that resembles tzitzit, keep their heads covered, observe the Sabbath, and circumcise their sons at exactly 8 days old. The Pathans are fiercely brave and totally committed, having succeeded to drive the Russian Army out of Afghanistan and now The Americans apparently as well.

    The Pathans have totally frustrated the Christian missionaries. One major group of USA missionaries who have completely struck out in Afghanistan writes, “Since their entire way of life is opposed to change, the Pathan present one of the strongest challenges to the Christian Church today. Much intercession is needed if they are to be successfully reached with the Gospel.”

  13. CuriousAmerican Said:

    Let the Jewish people pay, at least a lion’s share of the money.

    When the hulk became angry his real personality emerged. Those Jews must be made to pay for their transgressions in rejecting “our lord”. Hit them where it hurts in their purse. Maybe we can trick them into believing its for their own good? The important thing is that they be made to pay. I keep telling them that but they’re not listening(pesky jews). If we can’t get a pound of flesh then lets get a pound of shekels.
    If there is to be a lions share paid based on principles then that share should be borne by the christian church who fathered the whole thing.
    Your fixation appears not to be the transfer but rather to be that the Jews pay the money.
    We agree on transfer and therefore the cup is half full.

  14. yamit82 Said:

    I have suggested a few times to our missionary friend in the real estate business

    I thought he was a drummer in a christian band, didn’t someone here post that?

  15. @ yamit82:

    Traditional Jewish Response to Jewish traitors as in the clip you included:

    The first act of rebellion, the first enemy who fell at the hands of the brave Jewish heroes the Maccabees, was not a Greek. He was a Jew. When the enemy sent his troops into Modin to set up an idol and demand its worship, it was a Jew who decided to exercise his freedom of pagan worship and who approached the altar to worship Zeus (after all, what business was it of anyone what this fellow worshiped?) And it was this Jew, this apostate, this religious traitor who was struck down by the brave, glorious, courageous, Mattathias, as he shouted: “Whoever is for G-d, follow me!”

    Functionally, what is the difference between you and the Taliban?

  16. CuriousAmerican Said:

    Unfortunate! We Gentiles should be doing a better job at presenting the Moshiach.

    That beintg said. As a percentage More Jews find Christ than Gentiles find Torah. If the percentages were equal you would have hundreds of millions of Torah observant Jews.


    “For you are a holy people to HaShem, your God; HaShem, your God, has chosen you to be for Him a treasured people above all peoples that are on the face of the Earth. Not because you are more numerous than all the peoples did HaShem desire you and choose you, for you are the fewest of all the peoples…” 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Ezekiel – Chapter 37

    And My servant David shall be king over them, and one shepherd shall be for them all, and they shall walk in My ordinances and observe My statutes and perform them.

    And they shall dwell on the land that I have given to My servant, to Jacob, wherein your forefathers lived; and they shall dwell upon it, they and their children and their children’s children, forever; and My servant David shall be their prince forever.

    And I will form a covenant of peace for them, an everlasting covenant shall be with them; and I will establish them and I will multiply them, and I will place My Sanctuary in their midst forever.

    And My dwelling place shall be over them, and I will be to them for a God, and they shall be to Me as a people.

    And the nations shall know that I am the Lord, Who sanctifies Israel, when My Sanctuary is in their midst forever.”

    The Christian admission of J’s failure to fulfill the Jewish messianic requirements is admitted through the concept of 2nd coming which is not based on any Jewish scriptural source, not a single one!!! There is no Jewish installment plan for the Messiah in Judaism, either he is or isn’t. Not a matter of faith but with actual witnessing the deeds being accomplished.

    Traditional Jewish Response to Jewish traitors as in the clip you included:

    The first act of rebellion, the first enemy who fell at the hands of the brave Jewish heroes the Maccabees, was not a Greek. He was a Jew. When the enemy sent his troops into Modin to set up an idol and demand its worship, it was a Jew who decided to exercise his freedom of pagan worship and who approached the altar to worship Zeus (after all, what business was it of anyone what this fellow worshiped?) And it was this Jew, this apostate, this religious traitor who was struck down by the brave, glorious, courageous, Mattathias, as he shouted: “Whoever is for G-d, follow me!”

  17. CuriousAmerican Said:

    @ yamit82:
    Correction: Should read 300 million not 30 million
    Again, the amount necessary to buy out the Palestinians would be from $150 – $250 Billion.

    Even you spoke of a time frame of years – 10-20 years, so there is enough money and if there is a shortfall I’m sure the difference can be raised from those some sources already paying them today. Money I believe will be the least of the problems. If you ca first convince clan heads then the rest will follow at least most. Those over 50 years of age will not be pressed to leave initially.

    Do you accept or believe for a pico second chrisitans will give up trying to snare Jews in favor of Arabs? You might consider sharing your end of the real estate profits you intend to earn.

  18. @ yamit82:
    Correction: Should read 300 million not 30 million

    Again, the amount necessary to buy out the Palestinians would be from $150 – $250 Billion.

  19. I enjoyed The Debt too, Honey Bee. Another good movie is Sarah’s Key. I watched it twice in one week.

  20. @ Bernard Ross:

    I have suggested a few times to our missionary friend in the real estate business that the money is readily available from christian sources just by diverting moneys raised and used in proselyting to the Jews. 300 million dollars per year just for the Jews. Over ten years he could buy out all of the Arabs and probably a lot of Jews as well. 🙂 He didn’t bite at my suggestion….

  21. Dean Said:

    Yes, I have friends who were in the Holocaust and your remarks and accusations (also the ones made through HB) are wildly over the top. You sound a lot like the extreme left (Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein come to mind).

    Friends in the holocaust? Need to give context as to in what way were they in the holocaust for it to have meaning. We here in Israel say they were survivors of the ghettos or camps maybe partisans or if lucky hiding out among the gentiles etc. but saying “in the holocaust” is too nondescript to have any real meaning.

    I disagree!! It was your comment that was over the top and I just pointed it out to you.

    I don’t care how I sound to you and I am not offended by you calling me a leftist and comparing me to Chomsky and Finklestein, so if you want to pull my chain you have to do better. Hint: Try attacking me on something I care about and relevant to me.

    Only a stupid American would think I give a damn about dumb American puerile politics other than how it might effect us here in Israel.

  22. @ Dean:

    darkness of concentration camps hoping against hope that G-d would save them.

    Jews have endured several Holocausts in our-history and we have been reduced even to about 1.5 million Jews in the world at one point.

    The Romans who killed a couple of million Jews feared the Jews even respected us because we gave as much or more than we received. They compared the Jews to a porcupine in that even if they killed us they could eat and digest us. The Romans destroyed Jerusalem with three legions but the Bar Kochba revolt brought in 13 legions and the best ones they had with the best generals they had and almost lost.

    The Roman Empire ceased expanding after the Jewish wars and began contracting as other nations realized Rome was not invincible. Our wars bankrupted the Empire. It was the beginning of the end to the Empire.

    After the Bar Kochba Revolt Rome treated the Jews quite well and rabbis of that time even praised the Romans for their liberal treatment.

    A Jew who fights has a better chance of survival than one who does not.

    G-d only promised that only some Jews would survive not all!!!

    The real tragedy of the victims of the Holocaust was that only those Jews who were religiously observant or knowledgeable of Jewish history understood why they were there. The assimilated Jews who had little or no connection to Judaism and the collective Jewish people never understood even up to the last second. That to my mind was the real tragedy, in their mind they died for no apparent or rational reason.

  23. Bernard Ross Said:

    “Jews don’t like to part with their money

    Which reminds me went to the flea market this weekend,very disapointing everyone was celebrating Cinco de Mayo,