Are Palestine and Iran linked?

Dov Weisglass, in A Convenient Partner commented on the attempt to find a deal with the Palestinians,”

[..] Another weighty consideration for supporting the acceleration of the process is the American stance. The US administration is striving, and even pushing, for progress on the Israeli-Palestinian track. Israel must be attentive to the will of the current American administration not only because of its great friendship, but also because of its understanding of the existential threats Israel faces, which have increased as of late.

Ultimately, the Israeli-Palestinian question is difficult and painful, but it does not pose an existential threat to Israel. It is Iran and its agents to the north that pose an existential danger. An agreement in the Palestinian arena that would be led by the Americans and backed by the majority of Arab states would present the US with the required political climate, regionally and globally, to impose harsher measures on Iran.

Weisglass was Sharon’s point man in Washington in the lead up to the disengagement

September 26, 2007 | 11 Comments »