Dershowitz questions whether Powell has the evidence

T. Belman. This was written before Giuliani cut Powell loose.

By Alan Dershowitz, FOX NEWS

[…]The big problem with these cases, Dershowitz said, is that they do not address a large enough number of votes to overcome Biden’s current lead in Pennsylvania, and would thus not help Trump win the election.

The allegation that does cover enough numbers, Dershowitz said, is the one that the Dominion computer systems were compromised to the degree that hundreds of thousands of ballots were affected.

“There, there are enough votes to make a difference but I haven’t seen the evidence to support that,” he said. “So in one case they don’t have the numbers, in the other case they don’t seem yet to have the evidence, maybe they do, I haven’t seen it. But the legal theory is there to support them if they have the numbers and they have the evidence.

Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell has insisted that the evidence is coming, but Dershowitz said she’s running out of time to produce it because she would need to file a complaint and have hearings in order to prove her case before the Electoral College meets on Dec. 14.

November 23, 2020 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. What I don’t understand is that more Blacks should have voted for Biden than for Obama.
    This appears to be a very unlikely event and I’d need some more proof.
    Just like the claim that a man bit a dog. It might have happened, but I’d like some more evidence before I believe it.