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  1. Raises big issues but who will pursue them?

    There is the issue here involving antisemitism and Israel. El Dura one of many, from Jenin on through the Gaza beach bomb, and then Qana

    But interwoven all the time in this narrative are the various events in Yugoslavia.

    The similarity is amazing. The Markale bombings, the Racak issue, and then the issue of Srebrenica.

    Who will follow that trail and link it it together in a “Grand Theory”!!!

    Now an issue that I find has similarities, the Madaleine McCann case from Portugal, where the common feature emerges once again

    1. The police lay the charges

    2. The police hunt for the proof


    Leaks to the Media by the police etc. The issue has got a resemblance as well to the notorious West Midlands Police in Britain where the Birmingham 6 were framed.

    First the charges. Then the hunt for evidence!

    What Yugoslavia has set in motion is in fact the over throwing of Habeas Corpus, the old very ancient British right connected to individual freedom from the state

  2. We knew long before the Al Dura drama that Palestinians were all too willing to sacrifice their children, send them into harms way, strap explosives to their young bodies in homicidal missions which are the end result of hate and murder training in schools and Mosques in the west Bank and Gaza and throughout the ME.

    This incident was designed to garner political brownie points for the so-called Palestinian cause by shaming Israel and falsely accusing the IDF for what turns out to be a Palestinian-staged production that involved the murder of a child to advance the goals and objectives of the Palestinian terrorist machine. Is anyone surprised?

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