In the U.S., there is considerable opposition, especially on the State level, to high numbers of Syrian and other Middle Eastern migrants entering the country.
But in Canada, with Justin Trudeau and his Liberals having recently defeated Stephen Harper and his Conservatives, it is a different story.
Day after day, most of our Canadian media broadcast a message that anyone opposing the hurried entry into Canada of 25,000 migrants by the end of February from Syria and other dysfunctional Muslim Islamo-totalitarian states is clearly “racist.” (Prime Minister Trudeau first promised to get all 25,000 into the country by Christmas, but has now slowed that down to the end of February.)
Many of our young people believe that all cultures are equal and that any criticism of other cultures is somehow “racist.” If we do not stand up for a culture of liberal democracy and a culture that gives fundamental individual rights to women, gays, and ethnic and religious minorities, and water it down with people who not only have participated in war crimes but seek to impose their illiberal culture on us, we shall breach an important obligation to our children and grandchildren to pass along the same rights that were passed on to us.
Instead of prioritizing integration and assimilation into Canadian culture, the migrants will likely spend years in closed school buildings and military bases, which may become ghettos subject to control by radicals, and subject to radicals imposing “Sharia Law.” How do we prevent them from becoming “no-go” areas?
The migrants shall probably get their news from Arabic language cable TV and social media, perpetuating their anti-Western culture.
Like the Lebanese immigrants to Canada who fly frequently back and forth to Lebanon, despite the terror created by Iranian-backed Hezbollah, these migrants, once they have money saved up, will spend as much time as they can afford back in the Middle East, allowing their children to be radicalized while visiting there.
Some of the young people, like the duo from London Ontario who attacked the Algerian gas plant, will become “radicalized” in local mosques whose imams did not study in Canadian universities but are emissaries of the Wahabbist Saudi regime. Those that go to university are likely to join the innocent-sounding Muslim Students Association, which is actually an arm of the radical Muslim Brotherhood with funding from Qatar.
What will their attitudes be to Christians and Jews, and how will they differ from the negative attitudes prevailing in Syria to Middle Eastern Christians, Yazedis and Jews in the one small Jewish homeland, Israel? I, myself, giving a lecture about my novel, The Second Catastrophe: A Novel about a Book and its Author, in 2003 at a bookstore in Waterloo, Ontario was attacked by new Muslim immigrants who shouted me down saying I had no right to speak if I supported the existence of Israel and when the audience protested their actions, one yelled that I was only “ a f—ing Jew.”
Is it racist of me to reject claims that supposed “group rights” to not to be offended supersede liberal freedoms of expression?
Saudi Arabia has facilities to take up to 3 million Muslims in the 100,000 air-conditioned tents used by Muslim pilgrims to Mecca, yet refuses to take even a single refugee. Shouldn’t we insist that wealthy Muslim oil countries take their share? What is the reason they don’t? Are we allowed to discuss the notion, spearheaded by ISIS, but clearly tolerated by the Saudis, that they are working towards the creation of a world-wide Caliphate? And ISIS is far from the only jihadist radical Islamist group, whether you look to the Palestinians’ Hamas, the Lebanese Shiite Hezbollah, the Pakistani Lashkar-e-Taiba (which was behind the 12 coordinated bombings and shootings in 2008 in Mumbai killing more than 250 people), the Taliban, Boko Haram based in northeastern Nigeria, the Moro National Liberation Front in the Philippines, and dozens, if not hundreds, of splinter groups all with Islamist aims.
How many of the migrants will be young single men with no records available of whether they participated in war crimes? Any serious student of the Syrian civil war knows that especially when it comes to dealing with Syrian Christians and Yazedis there were many war crimes, but there is also sectarian violence between Sunnis and Shiites. Only the Christians and Yazedis are actually persecuted refugees. The Sunni Muslims can go to Sunni areas of Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon and the Shiite Muslims can go to Iran or Shiite areas of Lebanon. Daniel Greenfield has recently argued convincingly in Frontpage Magazine that the so-called refugees, other than Yazedis and Christians, are actually economic migrants, trying to get into those countries like Germany and Canada that have the most generous welfare systems
Am I racist for writing all this?
@Babushka – Move to Iran – FIFY
The reality is that Trudeau , many of his pals (and PALS) and media orgs such as CBC and CTV have no problem whatsoever with importing and being surrounded by psychotic Jew haatters. As a matter of fact if we could “Jim Carrey” them to tell the truth like in the movie I’m sure they would say they are quite delighted about it.
lsatenstein Said:
These “humans” – about 95 percent with ideologies destructive to us will not return the gift of freedom and democracy we give them – rather they will use those things against us to destroy us – if they don’t do it themselves, they will just enable their leaders to do so later on and eventually we will be the ones to be hanged, beheaded or killed.
Why these refugess? From the most dangerous culture on earth? – there have been millions upon millions of endangered humans in the past 50 or even 100 years and no Canadian ever gave a gol-durn about them.
As Rebel Media points on it is not enough to filter for overt Jihadism – the refugees must be vetted for ideology eg support of ISIS, ant-Israeli agendas, support of mysogyny and honour killing, support of Islamic culture over Democratic culture , desire for Sharia Law . etc.
This is NOT being done and HAS NOT been done. Canada is already poisoned.
Canada is simply importing a fifth Column which will destroy democratic and Western culture. And Trudeau will do so at a rate that will make the French look like amateurs.
The leftists keep telling us we are not the world’s policemen – so how did we become the world’s saviour with the price of national suicide?
Stop with the diversity and pluralism – we have enough already – we don’t need it at the expense of national suicide. Canadian culture now means being oppressed by immigrants and their various cultural Jihads. If Canadians want to feel good about themselves and feel compassionate they can travel to London or Paris or Copenhagen and try to give some comfort there to the last of the Europeans who are under assault from the physical and cultural Jihad of Islam.
Allowed? What do you mean, allowed?!!!
From whom do I have to beg permission to be exactly as I am, warts and all?
I figure that as you no doubt are in a position to choose who may enter your house, you too are being “exclusive”. You should let anybody into your house if they feel like wandering in.
I’m losing my patience with fools like you.
Failing to exclude violent anti-Semites is a violation of the obligation to protect our families.
And there is no need for you to transform Israel and the United States into Islamo hellholes.
Since you yearn to be surrounded by psychotic Jew haters, there is already a place that exists especially for you.
Move to Europe.
Rejoice amongst the “Asians” whose virulent anti-Semitism necessitates gun turrets on Jewish day schools in London and whose homicidal Jew hatred has repeatedly stained the streets of Paris red with Jewish blood.
Europe and Isatenstein.
It is a perfect confluence of reality and desire.
@ Bear Klein:
What I am reading in this posting and the comments is anti-sematic. Syrians are Semites too, though not Jews.
So we Jews are allowed to do exclusion. Are we doing it for revenge, for fear, or because of what’s happening in Israel and France by the under 24 years of age youth?
Families with children, adults over age 30, and Gays and Lesbians are being welcomed. Canada prefers to welcome these humans all, then to see them hang, or be killed.
If liberals are not calling you “racist”, it means that you are not dissenting from their lunacy. American Jewish organizations, leftist dumb fucks that they are, compare Syrian “refugees” to Holocaust refugees and disparage any naysayers as being bigots. Liberal Jews never miss a chance to embrace anti-Semites, and according to every poll no one is more anti-Semitic than Middle Eastern Muslims. The Jewish community in America won’t be satisfied until the United States experiences the daily street jihads against Jews that now afflict Europe.
Embracing Nazis and jihadists has long been the liberal Jewish thing to do…how better to show the innate humanitarianism of these pseudo Hebrews than to champion the cause of people who want to murder Jewish children?
Howard Rotberg, rejoice in being called “racist” by the vile masochistic nut jobs of the Left. Embrace it. Wear it as a badge of honor. It is when they stop calling you “racist” that you should worry.
Muslim nations laugh with ridicule and derision over the ludicrous display of western angst towards the flood of honor killers and whether it is the right thing to accept them in their home. Sometimes one can only learn from experience… and usually they are the arrogant and stubborn….. like the euros. Hopefully, North America will not allow the same insanity, and the fact that Trump is high in the polls shows the populations disaffection with PC lies. I wonder how well Trump would do with independent voters and even center democrats?
To what race does an indonesian muslim belong and is he of the same race as a nigerian muslim or a saudi muslim? What unites them is a membership in a cult which declares for death, slavery and dhimmitude to non members and the conquering of all the non muslim areas of the globe. Only an idiot would link race to islam.
the problem is muslims not “syrian refugees”. A muslim is not a race, nor is it an ethnicity and there are questions as to whether it is a religion as opposed to a ideological political cult not unlike the nazzi party or the KKK.
Islam is a culture, a creed.. a mission. As most of the worlds intolerants, terrorists, honor killers, suicide bombers, enslavers, etc are muslims it is good common sense to avoid having them around. It matters not whether all muslims want to kill infidels and Jews or just a lot…. we can plainly see that there is a pattern of negative behavior engaged in by many members of that org. Not all members of the nazzi party killed Jews. One must sensibly wonder as to why a decent person would belong to an org with such despicable goals and behaviors. Islam is the only political religious cult which seeks to murder or enslave those who do not wish to join their cult. The facts self evidently disprove those liars who seek to brainwash the citizenry with the “relgion of peace” canard. Sure they seek peace between muslims but only war, death, dhimmitude and slavery for non muslims.
It is always a dishonest comparison to compare muslim refugees with Jewish refugees as Jewish refugees did not engage in raping, killing and bombing their hosts. NO crime waves or honor killings were ever associated with Jewish refugees.
No, it has nothing to do with racism but rather with the behavior of an effectively substantial number of members subscribing to this club. Any member of a nazzi party would be deserving of scrutiny by Jews as should any member of the muslim org. be scrutinized by non muslims. DUH????????????????
@ lsatenstein:
Make your case for saying so.
Actually it is completely sane not to want people in your country who can not be vetted and a small amount would be terrorists now and or later when they are radicalized possibly.
A large amount of these Syrian Muslims are anti-Semites so why would some want them in their country.
Yes, I noticed that even on CNN (probably thanks to Donald trump) there was genuine discourse however lib-left it was slanted at least there was discourse but in the Canadian media – no discourse – only one point of view – not a hint of criticism allowed about Islamification, cultural Jihad , the dangerous ideology of Muslim immigrants etc.
The media just as controlled no less than a Stalinist State.
Me too. And I never have given a damn what anyone thinks of that.
“Never complain, never explain”.
Just live your lives in accordance with your own standards of liberty, and never, ever in terms of what the makers of political fashion demand that you follow. You and I are not their slaves. And if we were in fact their slaves, honor alone would require us to stand up in full revolt and slay our self-appointed masters.
Arnold Harris, Outspeaker