Armed insurrection should be met with death and not a court case

By Ted Belman

Naftali Bennett on Saturday defended police conduct in Friday night’s shooting death of an Arab man in Kafr Kanna, saying the officers acted appropriately under the circumstances. Netanyahu on the other hand said we are a nation of laws.

You will recall the debate in the US about whether terrorists should be prosecuted under the criminal law of held as enemy combatants. Lessons can be drawn from it.

The Arabs are at war with us and we must be at war with them. Any Arab that attacks us, whether an Israeli or not, must be treated as we would treat an enemy on the battlefield. Shoot to kill.

I also recall a debate on capital punishment. One proponent argued that the punishment must fit the crime. The moment you lessen the punishment you reduce the severity of the crime. Thou shalt not kill says the Torah. To stress how important this proscription is we must keep the maximum sentence.

Similarly we must demonstrate that any armed insurrection must be met with death. There is nothing to discuss.

November 11, 2014 | 12 Comments »

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12 Comments / 12 Comments

  1. “Shoot to kill.”

    Thou shalt not kill says the Torah. To stress how important this proscription is we must keep the maximum sentence.”

    If the Torah intended to forbid killing, it would read: ‘Lo taharog’ — and the idea of shooting to kill terrorist attackers would then itself constitute a violation of the commandment.

    It DOESN’T contravene the Commandment, however, because the Commandment does NOT read, ‘Lo taharog.’ The Commandment reads, Lo tirtzach:

    — “You shall not MURDER.”

  2. @ Ted Belman:

    @ Ted Belman:

    It was a 2 part debate.

    Part was venue inside the USA or outside even on boar d ships was discussed…..

    Putting them in Cuba solved the problem.

    The CIA wanted them in Cuba. Many a double agent was released from Guantanamo. They keep turning up in some strange venues.

    Leader of Isis Baghdadi, was released from

    American/CIA prison in Iraq (Abu Ghraib) after three

    years… Question now is, who is he answerable to today?????

    I don’t think anything is as it seems. The whole

    debate over civilian or military courts was a

    distraction and cover for what was taking place

    below the radar…..

    After 8 years Obama never corrected the Bush policy

    as he had promised but continues to release most

    prisoners, without any trials at all.

  3. “You will recall the debate in the US about whether terrorists should be prosecuted under the criminal law [or] held as enemy combatants.”

    Actually it was over whether they should be tried in military courts or civilian courts.

    In civilian courts, the Accused has a lot more rights & safeguards than in military courts.

    The problem in civilian courts, however, is that terrorists are not lone criminals. When the defendant is part of a larger organization (hezb’ollah, al-qaeda, hamas, isis, pij, al-khorasan, etc), and attorneys do their usual exchange of evidence on discovery, the prosecutor — in giving evidence to defense counsel — is, effectively, giving vital intel not only to opposing counsel but to the whole damned gang as well.

    That was the conundrum Andy McCarthy ran up against when he prosecuted the blind sheikh, Omar Abdel Rahman, for masterminding the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Ctr. The Sheikh’s lawyer, Lynne Stewart, was taking info provided on discovery and passing it on to Rahman’s Egyptian cohorts in al gama’a al-islamiyya. Got a lot of people killed.

    It’s one thing to provide the Accused w/ a competent defense. It’s quite another to do it in such a way as enables him to continue a war against you.

  4. Its past the time already for the ultimate wimp, the internationally acclaimed liar to exit politics ASAP, maybe even before the internal elections within Likud!

  5. @ SHmuel HaLevi 2:
    @ woolymammoth:
    @ the phoenix:
    I agree that our reactions to a threatening situation is to defend ourselves and our families. I understand the hesitation and pain of the mothers an fathers of young people who serve in the IDF. It is what it is and we must do what we must do. Loosing a life of our children has to be devastating. However, in the present situation it is the future of our younger children. The future of Israel which is in danger. Number one. Start by telling the Musloid in Chief of the US that any interfering from the US will be met with publicizing all the information the Mossad have about him.
    It will be disseminated world wide. Then, proceed to do everything we must do to liberate Israel of the vermin among us. The future of our country and the future of or children must be safeguarded.
    As Yidvocate just said:

    This projection of weakness and lack of resolve by the GOI (read”goy”) is not the Jewish way. The Torah teaches that if someone is coming to kill you, you kill him first (preemption doctrine!)and we are charged to violate the Sabbath if a stranger tries to steal crop growing at the fringes of our borders.

    My father used to tell me: You do not want to be liked, you want to be respected.
    The Government of Israel should not care about what the international community says about us. After all during the Holocaust none of these bastards did even tried to stop the annihilation taking place against our people. None of them gave a dam. How do dare they to judge us for defending what is ours.
    Destroying the enemy is the only solution. It is our survival and the survival of the next generations. Remember, when acting in righteousness we have always have the protection of
    Almighty G-d.

  6. This projection of weakness and lack of resolve by the GOI (read”goy”) is not the Jewish way. The Torah teaches that if someone is coming to kill you, you kill him first (preemption doctrine!)and we are charged to violate the Sabbath if a stranger tries to steal crop growing at the fringes of our borders.

    Moreover this proper policy of deterrence saves lives as the failure of the current policy should make painfully clear and would instil respect for the Jewish state as well as point out the hypocrisy of the international community.

  7. @ SHmuel HaLevi 2:
    The picture does become a bit clearer.
    Nonetheless, I am only concerned about the unnecessary losses, pain And suffering that are being inflicted until such a time when

    if there is an imminent need to act with force, we do

  8. @ the phoenix:
    I can to some extent say that having been here for over 30 years learnt to read the tea leaves…
    We are not a people that enjoy destroying and killing others. That is the Jews are not if true to out faith, so inclined.
    Yet, if there is an imminent need to act with force, we do. Again, Jews do.
    Netanyahu is badly misjudging w/o considering that people will defend themselves. If he remain palabra only, people will take care of the enemy.

  9. There is nothing to discuss.

    – all police and army personnel should carry their firearms ready to shoot AT THE SLIGHTEST disturbance/ provocation
    – if indeed, there IS a situation that would require the use of the firearm, they must SHOOT TO KILL
    – this should be ENTIRELY at the discretion of the soldier / policeman (translation into ‘diplomatic language’ [spit!!] : if moshe does not like the face of Muhammad…. Muhammad is dead! End of discussion.
    – the JEWISH CITIZENS OF ISRAEL should be provided with light firearms and more heavy duty ones, to those Jews that live in neighborhoods and areas that (FOR NOW) still have an Arab (aka enemy) population.
    – this measures should apply equally to the “foreign media” and the so called ‘journalists’. ( the person in charge of this division should be LIEUTENANT GENERAL shalom Eisner that was promoted from lt.col)

    – these few simple measures would bring to an immediate stop of all musloid shposes that are acting very bravely, having the full knowledge that they are under the protection of pipi nothingyahoo… Let this protection be removed…
    And yes, let’s hear from the bastard in the WH, and the frog in élysée palace etc etc how upset they are….
    That would be the perfect time to acknowledge that they are upset, that we are GLAD they are upset, and that this is only the beginning…..
    I firmly believe, that under proper leadership and not this farce masquerading as the goi, all of this AND MORE , could be achieved.

  10. Yeah, exactly…whatever happened to “never again”.
    If I were in a position to advise policy, I would insist on capital punishment for all acts of terrorism, including failed attempts. Whats more, that includes the scum bags who plan, order and assist the act. Remember the aftermath of Munich, well that should be standard operating procedure. Identify them and liquidate them ASAP.

  11. Setting aside irrelevant proclamations by you know who.
    GREAT JOB by the police on that one.
    Islamic terrorist beasts must die.