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  1. Episode 624 is very instructive:

    1. Efforts to overturn the cerrtification of US Presidential electors — the legal and political obstacles, with the SCOTUS decision not to get involved, along with the McConnell-Pelosi collusion, make it unlikely that the American people will find redress of grievances.

    2. Dr. Li-Meng Yan. She is an incredibly brave member of an incredibly brave race. She has put not only her own life, but the lives of her loved ones, in danger in order to warn China and the world about the dangers of the CCP virus lab. Note:

    “The mother of Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a Chinese MD/PhD virologist who fled China and published evidence that COVID-19 was created in a lab, says that the Chinese Communist Party has arrested her mother.”

    The Jewish people, and now the American people, are standing up to the most powerful tyrants in history (as Li noted about Xi Jinping’s CCP). They are absolutely ruthless, and will not back down; they can only be defeated by war. Despite our unequal match against them, the Chinese have demonstrated what we need in order to overcome these tyrants: raw, indominatable courage:

    This is the only way we can defeat the forces arrayed against us.