What really happened in Nashville

Simon Parkes:
– The bad guys wanted to destroy the AT&T building because it contained machines that contained a great deal of information that was damning to the bad guys.
– So they packed the RV with explosives enough to destroy the reinforced AT&T building and all machines in it.
– The good Guys, Trump, knew this was happening and acted.
– They emptied the RV of most of its explosives, broadcasted a warning for all to evacuate, and when they were sure the whole area was evacuated, blew up the RV from Space or at least from a very high altitude perhaps using laser beams.
– The machines were thus left intact.
– he doesn’t say how they removed the explosives without being detected or whether they seized the machines.
– The buy guys then started spreading lies about a suicide bomber having done it.
– It is very important to Trump’s plans for Jan 6/21 that one million patriots show up. He wants all Congressmen and Senators to be fully aware of how the people feel about the fraud.
– He said again that Trump was sealing off the US so that bad guys couldn’t escape.
– Don’t worry.

December 31, 2020 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. Amazing Polly did some net surfing about this story, just out of curiosity. Parkes had mentioned in a previous video, that the name of the alleged perpetrator would turn out to be connected with Bugs Bunny. “Bugsy” was produced by what would become Warner Brothers. They produced a film called “The Night Before Christmas”, about a gangster blowing up a building on Christmas Eve. The movie starred Anthony Quinn. In another movie, Quinn played mobster Bugsy Siegel. If Parkes’ analysis is to be read right, I would expect the whole episode will be “disappeared” quickly, since it embarrasses “hats” of both colors.

  2. During a video of the story about the battle between the US Army and CIA for the server farm in Frankfort and CIA director’s unfinished trip to Guantanamo bay (that was a while back), Simon Parkes did say that he got a job offer in Arizona and he is moving there. I believe he will stop recording these videos at that point and his well-placed sources will have to find someone else. I hope that he will work on a political thriller novel.

  3. I’ve heard BAD/IDIOTIC conspiracy nonsense before but this is absolutely the most ludicrous drivel I have ever heard in 70 years!! What is wrong with Israpundit for even putting such garbage on your post. You must be trying hard to lose all your supporters. AT&T has locations in 1000’s of places – all have access to the same info. Blowing up one accomplishes nothing. Plus if you thought blowing up one would help then why park the motorhome half a block away?? And if these knuckleheads had time to remove the some of the explosives (why would they do that?) they had time to move the motorhome to the countryside). I assume your next post this afternoon will be about the Martians landing in Memphis to exhume Elvis Presley’s grave because he is somehow involved in this!!