Israel is an island of freedom in a sea of oppression

June 21, 2010 | 22 Comments »

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22 Comments / 22 Comments

  1. That isn’t a twist. That is a Bonanza. Israel can win wars, but can only lose with the peace process.

    I am Israels biggest advocate for the wide spread use of Napalm for roasting varmints

    Hamas is the best thing that has happened to Israel since we invented Halava, not the Persians but my uncle Harvey invented it.

  2. Hymie P is at it again.

    Arens has not been nor ever was a right winger. Yes he is a liberal patriot from a secular rationalist school. All of his kids have left Israel and are left wing anti Israel extremists. Arens personally is a wuss, he birthed an Israeli fighter spent billions of our money on it and caved without even a fight when Reagan pulled the plug.

    One state solution? Great idea, Best way to get rid of the vermin and we can legislate them into wanting to get out. We can start by enforcing all our current laws like paying for water and electricity and municipal taxes. No service in IDF no political rights. Jews will move into Arab Towns and buy up every dumps and resell them to other Jews. 2 State solution is unworkable but lousy for PR. One State makes everything an internal, cultural and religious conflict but not a territorial one. Give me a few years and there won’t be too many diaperheads left around these parts.

    How do you like those cans of worms Pesky?

  3. BB is not the only rightist Politician to flip flop. There is a veritable chorus line of floppers.

    By Carlos Strenger – In a recent op-ed (“Is there another option?” June 2 ), Moshe Arens suggested that the option of one state west of the Jordan with full citizenship for all Palestinians should be given serious consideration.

    The one-state solution is advocated by a number of Palestinian intellectuals and is becoming rather popular in the European left. Their reason is generally that the one-state solution would give more justice to the Palestinians, and this position is mostly seen as anti-Israeli. On Israel’s extreme right, holding on to the Greater Land of Israel is also a popular position, generally held on theological grounds.

    Arens raises the idea from a different standpoint, because he is a secular liberal who indeed believes in full equality for Israel’s Arabs. Even though I have for years argued that the one-state solution is not feasible, Arens’ idea needs to be explored, at least as a thought experiment, because it may well be that the window of opportunity for the two-state solution is about to close. So far no Israeli government has succeeded in implementing it; Palestinians are beginning to reject it, and Israel may not be able to uproot more than 100,000 settlers.

    In his political career, Arens has indeed tried to increase equality for Israel’s Arabs, and he deplores Israel’s failure in doing so. He told me that this failure was his strongest motivation for writing the article. Thinking about this failure requires us to face the fact that Israel has been in a culture war for most of its existence – and not only with respect to Israel’s Arab citizens. Israel’s elections ostensibly seem to be about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but in reality they are a reflection of the tensions in Israeli society: religious versus secular, Ashkenazim versus Sephardim, Jews versus Arabs.

    Of course, many people will not accept Arens’ assessment that there are only 1.5 million Palestinians in the West Bank, and Palestinians are unlikely to accept the exclusion of Gaza from the new state. But even in Arens’ scenario, Israel would de facto become a binational state. Jewish cultural hegemony would have to be largely renounced and give way to a multicultural model.

    Arens’ idea raises a real challenge for Israel: It would, for the first time, have to face the task of radically revising its political system and culture and to think carefully about how ethnicities, religions and worldviews can truly live side by side with each other instead of struggling for cultural hegemony.

  4. But there is a nice twist to lifting Gaza blockade: it would immensely strengthen Hamas politically. Abbas hardly got a few roadblocks removed through negotiation with Israel, while Hamas fought successfully for open borders. Israeli concessions might lead to Fatah downfall in the next Palestinian elections, and the peace process will be stalled for another decade

    That isn’t a twist. That is a Bonanza. Israel can win wars, but can only lose with the peace process.

  5. Only BB is safe

    Netanyahu said that the security service barred his motorcade from using Highway 443, opened recently to Palestinian traffic.

    The High Court which opened the road for Palestinians considered it safe for Jews – but not, apparently, for their prime minister.

  6. Netanyahu: Capitulation is in Israeli best interests

    Addressing the Knesset, Netanyahu said that lifting the blockade of Gaza serves Israeli interests best because it allows the army to focus on weapons shipments.

    Oh really? Why then the government had lifted the blockade only in response to Obama’s pressure?

    As I predicted immediately after the Marmara debacle, it led to lifting the blockade. This government of commandos-turned-political-dwarfs capitulated on Iran, Jerusalem, and now on Gaza.

    But there is a nice twist to lifting Gaza blockade: it would immensely strengthen Hamas politically. Abbas hardly got a few roadblocks removed through negotiation with Israel, while Hamas fought successfully for open borders. Israeli concessions might lead to Fatah downfall in the next Palestinian elections, and the peace process will be stalled for another decade.

  7. Tried to Boycott Israeli Ship, Blocked Chinese Ship Instead

    It’s interesting that the repressive nation of China, a violator of human rights, does not inspire any boycott movements. But don’t dare accuse those leftist nazis of being anti-Semites. It’s merely the policies of the Israeli government they oppose and if you say they are motivated by anti-Semitism, well then you are trying to stifle “criticism” of Israel.

  8. Bust up these leftist unions.

    my initial reaction but apparently the Union workers didn’t want to get into a fight so they stayed on the sidelines.

    I’ll bet those Jewish Chinamen were surprised though.

  9. The lefties and the Muzzies threw up a picket line around an Israeli ship in Oakland, and the dockworkers refused to unload the cargo.

    Bust up these leftist unions.

  10. It’s extremely funny. The supporters of the Palestinians can’t tell the difference between Jews and Chinese.

    I would have loved to see the reactions of the Chinese when they were turned away for being Jewish.

    One of Israel’s greatest advantages is that its enemies tend to be morons.

    I chalk that up to their propensity for incestuous inbreeding. Ever been to Appalachia? How about Orange County Ca.?

  11. It’s extremely funny. The supporters of the Palestinians can’t tell the difference between Jews and Chinese. I would have loved to see the reactions of the Chinese when they were turned away for being Jewish. One of Israel’s greatest advantages is that its enemies tend to be morons.

  12. Shebrew Is this it?

    Tried to Boycott Israeli Ship, Blocked Chinese Ship Instead

    by Hillel Fendel

    Some 500 anti-Israel protestors arrived at the Oakland, California port early Sunday morning, hoping to block an Israeli ship from unloading its cargo. However, the ship did not arrive, and the crowd prevented workers from unloading a Chinese ship instead.

    The protestors say they were protesting the recent Israel-Turkey flotilla incident, though they displayed great ignorance about what actually happened; one of them even compared barely armed Israeli Defense Forces troops with Somali pirates.

  13. Shebrew is this the item about the ship picketed in Oakland?

    1. Tried to Boycott Israeli Ship, Blocked Chinese Ship Instead
    by Hillel Fendel

    Some 500 anti-Israel protestors arrived at the Oakland, California port early Sunday morning, hoping to block an Israeli ship from unloading its cargo. However, the ship did not arrive, and the crowd prevented workers from unloading a Chinese ship instead.

    The protestors say they were protesting the recent Israel-Turkey flotilla incident, though they displayed great ignorance about what actually happened; one of them even compared barely armed Israeli Defense Forces troops with Somali pirates.

    “My grandmother’s Jewish. I’m not anti-Semitic,” protestor Frank McClain told a local Oakland newspaper. “But what Israel’s doing is murdering people. They staged a raid in international waters. If Somalis had done that, they’d be called pirates and we’d have punished and stopped them immediately.”

  14. The lefties and the Muzzies threw up a picket line around an Israeli ship in Oakland, and the dockworkers refused to unload the cargo. This is a first in America, and Shebrew is displeased. It is a precedent that must be nipped in the bud.

    Time to break picket fence and since Jews don’t know how to work or fight they should hire scabs and strike busters with non lethal weapons like bats, chains, iron bars,tire irons, Brass knuckles modern versions of Shia self flagellation but the Jews ( Their hired goons)are serving out the flagellation on the scum.

    We can always have Narvey write letters when my ideas flop.

    She is in the nut house. Her beautiful, naked physique is wracked with poison ivy.

    You could always try the Yamit cure, never been know to disappoint!

  15. She is in the nut house. Her beautiful, naked physique is wracked with poison ivy. You can tell Ronny Boy that his dreams have been realized.

    The lefties and the Muzzies threw up a picket line around an Israeli ship in Oakland, and the dockworkers refused to unload the cargo. This is a first in America, and Shebrew is displeased. It is a precedent that must be nipped in the bud.

    Haven’t caught up to today’s news, hiding from the 110 degree heat in the shade. A real scorcher tomorrow supposed to be even hotter. Wed almost back to normal.

    Send a link on this story sheeb

  16. You can tell Ronny Boy that his dreams have been realized.

    rongrand says:
    June 21, 2010 at 12:33 am

    Shebrew, I apologize and I mean it. I was kidding about being nutty and the poison ivy bit. Listen when I said I am pissed it had to do what is happening to Israel. American Jews just don’t seem to care. That baffles me.

    By the way Ayn did not mention anything about a nutty sister. Ayn was cool and would not say that. I am just upset.

    My behavior was uncalled for.
    rongrand says:
    June 21, 2010 at 12:38 am

    You invoke my dead sister to insult me? Fuck you straight to hell, you gutless piece of shit.

    I earned that for sure. Now if we could get the liberal American Jews to apply that attitude towards barry obama.

    Excuse me while I go clean the blood off my shirt.

    The cut was deeply felt.

  17. She is in the nut house. Her beautiful, naked physique is wracked with poison ivy. You can tell Ronny Boy that his dreams have been realized.

    The lefties and the Muzzies threw up a picket line around an Israeli ship in Oakland, and the dockworkers refused to unload the cargo. This is a first in America, and Shebrew is displeased. It is a precedent that must be nipped in the bud.