Bomb Iran Now

China Confidential

Islamist Iran is preparing for war with the West–a conflict Tehran’s turbaned tyrants are confident they can win.

Sea-launched missile strikes from Iranian controlled, foreign flagged cargo ships, and sponsored mega-terrorist attacks are among the weapons in Iran’s arsenal, along with batteries of ballistic missiles that can reach Israel, American bases throughout the Middle East, and parts of Europe.

The monstrous regime may not yet have nuclear warheads to put on its missiles; but it can deploy radioactive dirty-bombs and chemical and biological weapons in a showdown with the United States and its allies.

With the help of Hezbollah and Syria, Iran can reduce every Israeli city and town to rubble.

This level of confidence explains Iran’s continued defiance of the United Nations Security Council–the mullahocracy yesterday rejected a repeated demand by the 15-nation body to suspend uranium enrichment work after it imposed arms and financial sanctions on Iran–and provocative kidnapping of British sailors and marines. The 15 naval personnel, including at least one woman, were captured in Iraqi waters, contrary to Iranian claims that they had illegally entered Iranian territory.

Intelligence experts are seriously concerned about the fate of the prisoners. They have certainly been subjected to harsh interrogation methods, possibly including torture, and have probably been moved to a secret, secure location in order to be used as hostages and human shields. CONTINUE

March 25, 2007 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. We’ve been forestalling the inevitable conflict for 28 years. Iran has been at war with us since ‘79, it’s time we acknowledged this reality. The mullahcratic regime must be destroyed as soon as possible.

    Laura, We are to polite to do that until they destroy us first, or come close to it.

  2. Inevitable conflict is forestalled by cowards who don’t want it to happen on their watch and so they go from one series of plans and processes to the next hoping that the time-bomb doesn’t explode until the next guy’s watch.

    We’ve been forstalling the inevitable conflict for 28 years. Iran has been at war with us since ’79, it’s time we acknowledged this reality. The mullahcratic regime must be destroyed as soon as possible.

  3. Flying as high as Iran is now, the further she has to fall. Now would be a very good time to bring Iran crashing down to earth hard enough that it ends up in a deep hole from which it will not be able to climb out of for a very very long time.

    If the onlookers would stand aside or act as friendly referees and allow Israel to take out the Iranian reactor, it might forestall all out war as Randy mentioned, it might be the Hiroshima effect, like a hard blow to the nose of the school yard bully, and take all the fight out of Iran. It might also save lives in the long haul.
    But I know that I must admit to my own finite judgements and just wait for the judgements from G-d. He has Israels best interests at heart.

  4. There are a number of fundamental differences Westerners perceive between the Westerners and the radical Muslim world. That perception is made apparent from the words and deeds of Westerners and those of radical Muslims.

    One of those differences is found in how each perceives the value and purpose of life.

    The former loves life and will do just about anything to avoid putting their lives and well being at risk. That includes the West expressing great concern for the lives and well being of the Muslim world generally, rationalizing they have been made captive to the tyranny of Muslim radicals. Hardly hidden at all by these rationalizations, is the fear Westerners have of angering the Muslim world by denying too much their demands on the West, which the West feels could swell the ranks of the radical Islamists and make them even a greater danger to the West.

    The Muslim radicals on the other hand, numbering far far more then Western wishful thinking will admit to, love death if that death serves the purpose of enabling the radical Muslim survivors to live a life in accord with the tenets of their radical interpretation of their Islamic faith which means conquest of the infidel West, killing many, forcing the conversion of many and those survivors left too weak to pose any threat to Islam to be dominated and reduced to a life of dhimmitude.

    The EU has demonstrated time and again that they prefer to live a life on their knees to Islam with the radical Islamic foot on their necks. There likely will be a point when Europeans choose to fight back. The oppressed usually do come to that point, but often it is too late.

    America is still strong enough to stand tall in the face of radical Islamic danger and the blows radical Islam delivers to her. That limited succes by the Islamic radicals only emboldens them and strengthen’s their resolve to keep up and intensify their battle with America and America is therefore suffering far more losses then it needs to, if it were to declare all out war and go after the radical Islamists by the same rule book of war the radical Islamists use, which of course does not exist.

    Iran has been engaging in brinksmanship with the West. Each time Iran thumbs her nose at the West and ratchets up her rhetoric only to see the West’s response is angry sputtering, Iran feels increasingly empowered. Ahmadenijad and his followers are practically intoxicated with their increasing sense of power and that their goal of becoming the Muslim the power in the Middle East and their dream for the destruction first of Israel and then America is within their grasp.

    Flying as high as Iran is now, the further she has to fall. Now would be a very good time to bring Iran crashing down to earth hard enough that it ends up in a deep hole from which it will not be able to climb out of for a very very long time.

  5. “It’s going to happen, we all know it, so why wait? Schmeis kint, schmeis.”

    Inevitable conflict is forestalled by cowards who don’t want it to happen on their watch and so they go from one series of plans and processes to the next hoping that the time-bomb doesn’t explode until the next guy’s watch.

    Then there are other cowards also who just cannot deal with what a failed peace means. To admit it is to have to face it, they would rather make themselves believe it can all be worked out somehow someday – meanwhile, the house is burning down around them but their eyes are closed. I don’t know what they do about the smell of smoke.

  6. I said it before, I’ll say it again; If you are certain of war with the schoolyard bully, strike first. Strike hard, strike fast and strike where it hurts. Do it now! The bully may later become your friend, but only if you beat him soundly. First! Then save one big punch for his buddy (Russia) when he comes.
    It’s going to happen, we all know it, so why wait? Schmeis kint, schmeis.

  7. That is clearly a legitimate concern. All the more reason for swift, decisive, overwhelming striikes–using any and all weapons necessary–to utterly destroy the regime and end its war-making ability for decades to come. Failure to act now could lead, God forbid, to the destruction of Israel and devastating attacks on the US.

  8. Although they will put up an ugly fight, Iran is still no match for the West. My concern is for the 25,000 Jewish human shields living in Iran.

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