Bush stands indicted

Eli E. Hertz indicts US ME policy in a letter to President Bush

    Dear President George Bush,

    It is most troublesome that your administration – which condemns Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for organizing “The World without Zionism” conference, for labeling the Holocaust a myth, and for suggesting that Israel must be “wiped off the map” – is the same US administration that sees nothing wrong in considering a plan to declare an independent Palestinian state with provisional borders within the next two years.

    The administration is also entertaining handing hundreds of millions of dollars to Fatah, an entity that refuses to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, denies the Holocaust ever happened, calls for the obliteration of Zionism, opposes compromise, justifies support for terrorism, champions the use of violence and, just like Hamas, defies in words and deeds, ‘the inadmissibility of the use of violence.’

After that introduction Hertz lays into him for his policies.

January 2, 2007 | 3 Comments »