China’s Massive Trade Imbalance: The Rope with Which They Would Hang Us

Beijing’s use of COVID-19 could help them achieve global dominance

by Lawrence Kadish, GATESTONE INSTITUTE  •  May 7, 2020

  • China’s communist leadership quickly recognized that if the U.S. continued to demand economic reciprocity, China could easily lose its ability to claim solo superpower status for the remaining decades of the 21st Century.
  • China found an “accidental” biological and economic weapon that has the potential to achieve their singular strategic goal: removing a strong and powerful international competitor, the United States.
  • As Vladimir Lenin, the father of the Soviet state, is reported mockingly to have said, “The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.” China’s leaders have long believed that America’s unsustainable trade imbalance with China is that rope. Add the global pandemic crisis introduced by China and Beijing sees victory without an artillery shell being fired.
  • Like blinders falling from the eyes of those who have long avoided the truth, this new clarity will create a united, engaged, and resolute international community prepared to confront Beijing’s agenda of global dominance.

Vladimir Lenin, the father of the Soviet state, is reported mockingly to have said, “the capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.” China’s leaders have long believed that America’s unsustainable trade imbalance with China is that rope. Pictured: Container ships laden with exports at a port in Qingdao, China. (Photo by STR/AFP via Getty Images)
China’s leaders are shrewd students of history and they apply those lessons every day as they pursue their agenda for global dominance.

For example: They know the decline and fall of the Soviet Union came about not because of military might or the square miles under control. Rather, it imploded because the West, and specifically the United States, used freedom of thought, capitalism and the enormous power of the free market to marginalize, reduce, and collapse the Soviet Union. They simply couldn’t compete on any level with the West. From technology to the quality of life provided for its people, the Soviet Union became a nation without a future. Fortunately, it ended with a tired sigh rather than a nuclear exchange.

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May 8, 2020 | 1 Comment »

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  1. The Western’s kleptocrats are selfish and self-destructive! The real problem is that they destroy others!
    Unfazed now Hollywood kisses the behind of the CCP! H-wood loves power and abuse of power! This is mesmerizing and toxic!