Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

Everyone will be happier.

April 16, 2020 | 7,619 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7619 Comments

  1. Mr. Zorn,

    I’ve been searching for the Chuck Shumer and Latisha James comments at the Israel day Parade??? It was in the news last night or this Moring, but I have not been able to find it. I wanted to listen more closely. Neither one of these people want to help Israel, although it sounded like they were trying to sale that in their remarks of “Bring them Home” I wonder if they have been scrubbed from the http://WWW.? Can you help? thks

  2. “His contribution will be remembered for generations”: Former Foreign Minister David Levy passed away at the age of 86

    Maariv online

  3. @Peloni the USA actually delivered the shipment of bombs with the precision kits that they had withheld for a short while over the Rafah mssion disagreement. The IDF proved to the Americans that it was possible in about 2 weeks to move over a million Gazans from Rafah. The Americans claimed this was not possible. Another of many things Biden and company have been wrong about.


    I’ve never heard of him, but it seems that There’s at least ONE Israeli with a smart Kop. I just now saw that he headlines Arutz 7 with saying exactly what I posted recently that nobody saw, the dangers of a “Shalit syndrome” based on the naturally strong desire to get our hostages back.

  5. @Bear
    Yes, I am aware of Gallant’s initial desire to take out Hezbollah, and the sharp consequences which will come as a result of actually taking that menace out of play.

    I am convinced that this will come to be, and that Israel has the means to see the task completed, though perhaps not with the precision munitions which the Americans intend to withhold. In fact, the US has caused a significantly greater death count on both sides of this war with its attempts to forestall Israel’s freedom of action, and yet despite these needless excess deaths, this war will be won by Israel, if for no other reason than that she has no choice but win it, with or without American support or permission.

  6. @Peloni actually Gallant wanted after Oct 7 to shortly pivot to mass attacking the Hezis because he correctly evaluated that is the greater danger. Biden had quashed a massive attack.

    Israel hopefully has stored enough ammunition, artillery shells, bombs etc for a full blown war with the Hezis in the event Biden decides to get caprice and stop weapons ships if he perceives Israel as not obeying his every wish and order.

    The Hezis in a full blown war will kill Israelis and damage facilities. Israel will need to go in the ground to stop the missile strikes besides for a massive aerial bombardment of Lebanon.

  7. Yes, it is an interesting plan.

    When the time comes it is not likely that the attacks will be subtle or limited or even deep in Lebanon, but rather, as you depict here, it is likely that all of Lebanon will be ignited at once. It is a terrible but necessary and well overdue trauma which will be visited upon Lebanon, and hopefully the Lebanese will not lie quietly as their overlords are placed under siege by the consuming efforts of the IDF. This recent attack over the past two days was a surprising change, but I expect that Israel is still being held in restraint from doing what is needed in Lebanon.

    Also, the political capital being expensed currently has seemed to be rather focused on Gaza, but we will see what comes next.

  8. @Peloni Israel has been attacking in Lebanon for months but not in mass in air and not on the ground. That is the larger strategic danger and always was.

    Me personally I would minimize my footprint in Gaza. Go to full war mode in Lebanon and Syria versus Hezis. Destroy them move up to Litani on the ground but destroy Lebanese infrastructure all over Lebanon so they can not move military around or missiles. Southern Lebanon every house needs to destroyed as most houses hold missiles. I would send waves of planes in formation shooting 10 different missiles to ten different sits to destroy a maximum amount of sites. Plus relentless artillery and tank fire.

    Negotiate out hostages if possible. The if needed after Lebanon go back to Gaza. In Gaza they do not have a military capability and more only terrorist capabiity and the missiles are virtually gone. I would maintain border controls in Gaza and buffer zones to keep them from being resupplied and keep terror cells from infiltrating Israel.

  9. In the last 72 hours, the Israeli military has attacked Hezbollah sites along the Lebanon-Israel border, including deeper into Lebanese territory


  10. Channel 14: —Netanyahu orders army to expand scope of attacks on Lebanon

    UK R Report May 31, 2024

  11. BEAR-

    I’m inclined to agree with you, it doesn’t sound as if it originated from Israel.

    .”the elimination of Hamas’ military and governmental capabilities “…….
    which, as you say, would leave Hamas viable and ready to take over Gaza again, with time to refit and recruit,

    This doesn’t sound like previous pronouncements by the PM. To me, it sounds far less than Israel’s oft repeated (months ago) intention of completely destroying Hamas, meaning killing or capturing every terrorist remaining in Gaza. Destroying it utterly.

    This was/is Israel’s goal, top priority, the hostages, although important are secondary to the GOAL.

    I’d hate to see a “Shalit syndrome” resulting from internal agitation over the hostages

  12. @Bear

    I think Biden is lying and trying to corner Israel, assuming Hamas will accept the deal!

    I agree.

  13. Biden proposed a cease-fire deal that he said Israel had proposed.

    It looks like Biden & Company at best edited something Israel had suggested. This deal would leave Hamas in power.

    Since it is Shabbat Israel has not responded.

    This deal sounds very much like something Hamas had proposed. Biden is trying to corner Hamas and Israel. I looked at the proposal it is NOT something the Israelis would write. This proposal is 99% of what Hamas wanted in general.

    Doing more research on this cease-fire proposal Israel allegedly had put out according to Biden, I think this a Biden dirty trick or con job. I found the following in the

    “The Israeli prime minister’s office, in a statement following Biden’s remarks, said that the war wouldn’t end until all of Israel’s war goals are achieved—including “the elimination of Hamas’s military and governmental capabilities.”

    I think Biden is lying and trying to corner Israel, assuming Hamas will accept the deal!

  14. I’m sure this is the case. However, I don’t see much pushback on the part of native Brits, especially their political leadership. In fact, clowns like the PM and Cameron are pandering to the muslim Jew-haters and attacking Israel.

    I wonder of those antisemitic “British” bus drivers who wouldn’t pick up Jewish children were Muslims and if so, what country they grew up in. It’s true the British have their own history, but not like this in recent memory, certainly not on British soil.

  15. Biden allowing American bombs to strike into Russia demonstrates that the world capitalism is on the verge of plunging earth into thermonuclear cataclysm. This began with a right wing coup in February 2014 Kiev and lethal vicious bombing of Russian speaking civilians in Donbas.

    Everything flowed from this. And everything now depends on leadership to which we have to commit to build and create. This is a very tall order. From whatever source we must begin to plot the history of this.

    Start by reading articles by Jacques Baud. This does not imply in any way that we are in agreement with Baud on other issues especially on his reactionary position on the Jewish state of Israel fighting Hamas.

  16. Well, they finally got Trump. The Left controls the courts, the media, big tech, academia, and everything else, so of course they got him. It was only a matter of time. So the question is, what happens to us now that their power grab is almost complete? All they have to do is “win” (and I use the word advisedly) the next election, and we’re done for, as a democracy. Wherever it is written, “…with liberty and justice for all”, they will have to chisel it off, cover it up, or paint it over. How long do you think it will be before Mt. Rushmore is desicrated?

    Does anyone remember the iconic photo of an older French gentleman, standing on the Champs Elysee, weeping as he watched the Nazis march into Paris? I have almost reached that point.

    I wonder if the Left will still think that they have won after they have turned thousands of American cities into drug and crime infested shitholes, or when the country plunges into bankruptcy, or when we lose our next war with Russia or China. What excuses will they make when the citizens of this once great country are dispossessed by third-world opportunists, or when they look at their own children, festooned with tattoos and piercings, because of low self esteem, or when they realize that they will never have grandchildren, because they encouraged their kids to cut off their genitalia, because god must have made a mistake. Now all they can raise is “fur babies”.

    I will sleep with my fathers soon. In my life was privileged to know the Great Generation, and to live through times of the greatest prosperity, opportunity, and freedom that the world has ever known, or is ever likely to know. Now, I weep for the future generations. Has “ha Satan” truly won?

  17. @Laura

    “Fuck England”

    I wonder of those antisemitic “British” bus drivers who wouldn’t pick up Jewish children were Muslims and if so, what country they grew up in. It’s true the British have their own history, but not like this in recent memory, certainly not on British soil.

    Leslie Howard (who was half Hungarian Jewish on his father’s side) recites poem in Scarlett Pimpernel (1934)

    “London broker Nicholas “Nicky” Winton helps rescue hundreds of predominantly Jewish children from Czechoslovakia in a race against time before the Nazi occupation closes the borders. Fifty years later, he’s still haunted by the fate of those he wasn’t able to bring to safety.”

    He was from a British Jewish “converso” family, himself.

    And he and the Jews he saved were popular a very short time ago.. It’s in the film.

    I think it has encouraged native antisemites but I suspect these are a small, albeit, dangerous, minority as they are here.

    Nobody wants to do the statistics or properly report the news for fear of being labeled, “racist.”

    So everyone is tarred with the same brush.

  18. Honeybee I meant the parody, view of the U.S. as Texas, obviously. Texas became independent of Mexico in 1836 and became the 28th state in 1845.

  19. if It Wasn’t For The Honor Of The Thing…”

    1min read
    Presidents on the Presidency
    August 1964

    John Adams: “Had I been chosen President again, I am certain I could not have lived another year.”
    Jefferson: “No man will ever bring out of the Presidency the reputation which carries him into it.”
    John Q. Adams: “The four most miserable years of my life…”
    Buchanan (to Abraham Lincoln): “If you are as happy, my dear sir, on entering this house as I am in leaving it and returning home, you are the happiest man in this country.”
    Lincoln: “I feel like the man who was tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail. To the man who asked him how he liked it, he said: ‘If it wasn’t for the honor of the thing, I’d rather walk.’”
    Garfield: “My God! What is there in this place that a man should ever want to get in it?”
    Cleveland (to F.D.R. as a boy): “Franklin, I hope you never become President.”
    Taft: “I’ll be damned if I am not getting tired of this. It seems to be the profession of a President simply to hear other people talk.”
    Wilson: “The office of President requires the constitution of an athlete, the patience of a mother, the endurance of an early Christian.”
    Harding: “Oftentimes … I don’t seem to grasp that I am President.”
    Coolidge: “If you don’t say anything, you won’t be called on to repeat it.”
    Hoover: “Many years ago I concluded that a few hair shirts were part of the mental wardrobe of every man. The President differs only from other men in that he has a more extensive wardrobe.”
    F. D. Roosevelt: “Presidential plans for future engagements are, I find to my sorrow, more susceptible to change than the plans of any private citizen.”
    Truman: “Within the first few months I discovered that being a President is like riding a tiger. A man has to keep on riding or be swallowed.”
    Eisenhower (making a speech): “I probably long ago used up my time; but you know, there is one thing about being the President, it is hard to tell him to sit down.”

  20. 😀 Same idea. But I wonder when the Texas ones first came out?

    “View of the World from 9th Avenue is a 1976 illustration by Saul Steinberg that served as the cover of the March 29, 1976, edition of The New Yorker.” Wikipedia

  21. Sebastien, do you have a preference when it comes to cookies? I suggest you look up “A Texans view of the USA’
    I have been watching the Trump trial in NYC. Why hasn’t Yawl begun building the gallows ? First thing we do in Texas, even before we pick the jury

  22. Seamus Justin Heaney MRIA (13 April 1939 – 30 August 2013) was an Irish poet, playwright and translator. He received the 1995 Nobel Prize in Literature. Among his best-known works is Death of a Naturalist (1966), his first major published volume. American poet Robert Lowell described him as “the most important Irish poet since Yeats”, and many others, including the academic John Sutherland, have said that he was “the greatest poet of our age”.[3][4] Robert Pinsky has stated that “with his wonderful gift of eye and ear Heaney has the gift of the story-teller.”[5] Upon his death in 2013, The Independent described him as “probably the best-known poet in the world”.[6]

  23. Hi, Sebastien (& Honeybee)

    When will you welcome me to the provincialism club with a plate of cookies like neighbors are supposed to do in old tv shows?. ?

    Cookies are accepted as legal tender, here in western Oregon. Liberals and conservatives both accept them. The eastern part of Oregon has officially registered its desire to join Idaho. SW Oregonians have rejected joining Idaho; but many of them have wanted to join far north California as the “State of Jefferson”.

    The descendants of those Texan and NYC Jews (nearly all of them Sephardic) assimilated pretty quickly. I think it was the cookies.

  24. Peloni

    Despite differences of course we fight together against a common enemy and I offer this poem.

    (The cell is a small stone building where a monk spent his life, earthen floor)

    Kevin and the Blackbird
    And then there was St Kevin and the blackbird.
    The saint is kneeling, arms stretched out, inside
    His cell, but the cell is narrow, so

    One turned-up palm is out the window, stiff
    As a crossbeam, when a blackbird lands
    And lays in it and settles down to nest.

    Kevin feels the warm eggs, the small breast, the tucked
    Neat head and claws and, finding himself linked
    Into the network of eternal life,

    Is moved to pity: now he must hold his hand
    Like a branch out in the sun and rain for weeks
    Until the young are hatched and fledged and flown.


    And since the whole thing’s imagined anyhow,
    Imagine being Kevin. Which is he?
    Self-forgetful or in agony all the time

    From the neck on out down through his hurting forearms?
    Are his fingers sleeping? Does he still feel his knees?
    Or has the shut-eyed blank of underearth

    Crept up through him? Is there distance in his head?
    Alone and mirrored clear in love’s deep river,
    ‘To labour and not to seek reward,’ he prays,

    A prayer his body makes entirely
    For he has forgotten self, forgotten bird
    And on the riverbank forgotten the river’s name.

    Seamus Heaney 1986

  25. he knows you are an anti communist meaning anti Trotskyist

    Indeed, I do oppose the policies of international communism, and Bear, for all his disagreements with me over Russia, is no doubt well aware of my position on this topic, as I have had no interest in hiding it from him or anyone else. Yet, the true reason for my opposition to the communist model is not their radical disregard for the rights of property and liberty, but rather due to their radical insecurity which drove them to seek a domination of the world beyond their own borders. In this regard, I hold an equal disdain for those so called republicans (small ‘R’) whose own radical insecurities drive them to follow the communist model to overthrow nations who will not accept the radical Liberal World Order as has been actively forced upon Israel since before Bibi returned to power. Indeed, while I am a conservative, I am not a radical in anything so much as my support of Israel, and in this respect at least, perhaps we two might find some common ground to discuss.

    As for Trump finding a valuable role for Haley to play in his govt, you should be reminded that Trump found valuable roles for many who opposed his policies to play in his govt with some significantly valuable outcomes in pursuing Trump’s policies. Notably, the acceptance of placing good talent from opposing idealogues is not without certain risks, as were seen with the betrayal of Pence at a final and crucial moment when his support was needed by the whole nation. Still, this is how Trump governed and it appears that to some degree at least, in this regard he has not changed his spots. He will, however, likely keep Haley on a short leash and hopefully limit her ability to make much mischief in Trump’s second term. Trump is no fool, even as president he will need to accept many bargains to secure his agendas, though less so if Schedule F is actively employed with effect.

  26. Peloni

    You have no answer for the deceit contained in the following from NeoCon Communist hater because you are in agreement


    Peloni Israelis including Bibi like Haley and think she is a true friend. Trump won the nomination and he was the best POTUS ever for Israel. I am sure if he wins the election Trump will appoint good people to positions that matter in foreign policy.

    When Trump talked recently he thought there was a place in his administration for Haley. So he being a man of his word might just do that.

    Everyone has opinions on people and politicians, as both you and I do many times. We differ on Haley! Your views on Haley (and many other subjects) do not hold water with me and I am sure you do not care about mine either.

    Every word in the above is directed at you Peloni because he knows you are an anti communist meaning anti Trotskyist

    For example the essence of Haley re the Russian Revolution is obscured in that discussion

    That also thereby hides the reality that our problem is capitalism and that capitalism must be ended.

    So he knows you two agree on the fundamentals

    Which is hatred of Trotsky and alliance with Stalinism

    You have indeed that in common

    But Jews need something that is opposed to what you stand for. Examination of historical truth.

    You will be on that track forever.

  27. Arutz Sheva Jerusalem Prize awarded to Nikki Haley
    Former US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley awarded Arutz Sheva Jerusalem Prize for her steadfast support for Israel and dedication to the truth. ‘ MK Danny Danon: ‘She is a true friend of the State of Israel and the Jewish people’
    Yoni Kempinski

    May 28, 2024 at 5:23 PM (GMT+3)

  28. @Honeybee

    New Yorkers are so very provincial

    Guilty as charged. When will you welcome me to the provincialism club with a plate of cookies like neighbors are supposed to do in old tv shows?. 😀

    see View of the world from 9th Ave. wikipedia article about famous satirical cartoon by Saul Steinberg.

  29. @Peloni Israelis including Bibi like Haley and think she is a true friend. Trump won the nomination and he was the best POTUS ever for Israel. I am sure if he wins the election Trump will appoint good people to positions that matter in foreign policy.

    When Trump talked recently he thought there was a place in his administration for Haley. So he being a man of his word might just do that.

    Everyone has opinions on people and politicians, as both you and I do many times. We differ on Haley! Your views on Haley (and many other subjects) do not hold water with me and I am sure you do not care about mine either.

  30. @Bear

    The Prime Minister thanked the former US Ambassador to the UN for her support of the State of Israel, ‘especially at this time.’

    Indeed, Halley should be thanked for her words and her continued support over the years. Yet, as I have noted to you previously, for us to actually know what Haley might do of her own accord with regards to Israel, she would first need to be made president. This of course is not going to happen due to her globalist associations and her tendency to play fast and loose with the truth on many topics. Perhaps due to her Globalist positions, this is for the best, and then again, perhaps her support of Globalism too is just a ruse – again, we would need to see her as president before we could see if her dishonest nature would apply to her support for Israel or her Globalist allies. Until then, I will continue to thank her for her words, and hope a candidate who can be trusted to fulfil a pledge might be elected after Trump, and for this I don’t think that Haley would qualify, regardless of her honey soaked comments supporting Israel’s right to self defense and future success.

  31. @Honeybee

    Really, Darlin, do you think all the Jews live in NYC?

    Jewish population of Atlanta: 119,000. Jewish population of NYC: 1.3 million. But, that being said, it’s not my fellow Jews I’m worried about though it was part tongue in cheek. Have you forgotten already?

    And apropos of nothing, Jews have been in New York, then Dutch New Amsterdam since 1654.

    The first Jew settled in Atlanta in 1846. The first Jews settled in NYC then Dutch New Amsterdam in 1654.
    Georgia was settled in 1733 and Jews arrived and established a congregation that same year in Savannah.

    see Jewish Virtual Library for both

    New York’s Jewish community is older and way bigger. It’s the largest Jewish community in the world outside of Israel. Jews are 16 percent of the population.

  32. Netanyahu to Haley: ‘Our victory is your victory’

    The Prime Minister thanked the former US Ambassador to the UN for her support of the State of Israel, ‘especially at this time.’

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with former US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley on Wednesday at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem and thanked her for her “long-standing support of the State of Israel, especially at this time.”

    The Prime Minister told her that Israel is determined to achieve all of its war objectives: Total victory over Hamas, the return of the hostages, and assurance that Hamas will no longer constitute a threat to Israel.

    “I want you to know how much we appreciate the fact that you are standing with us, and so do the majority of the American people, so they understand that those who want to kill us want to kill you. Those who chant ‘Death to Israel’ also chant ‘Death to America. So our victory is your victory,” Netanyahu stated at the start of the meeting.

    “The most important thing is to make sure that free societies, beginning with Israel, but also the United States and everything in between, have the right to defend themselves. And that’s why those sanctions on the ICC are so important. Thank you,” he added.

    Former Ambassador Haley stated: “I come here to let you know that the majority of Americans stand with Israel. And on October 7 it wasn’t just Israelis who mourned. Americans mourned as well. But a win for Israel is a win for America.”

    She continued: “Israel is fighting America’s enemies, and I will say to you and to anybody in Israel: Tune out the noise. You know what your job is. let’s get the hostages home, let’s beat Hamas, let’s make sure Lebanon knows not to try or do anything.”

    The former Ambassador concluded: “What too many people don’t know is that Hezbollah is striking every single day at Israel and it’s unacceptable. If this had happened to any other country, no other country would do anything less than what Israel is doing.”

    “Israel continues to be so careful about every human life and everything that they do is to protect that human life. America needs to continue to be strong and any country that is free and believes in democracy needs to be standing with you.”

  33. @Bear

    Only a pro-Russian or Pro Hamas person could doubt Haley’s support of Israel after listening to Haley interview.

    That’s funny because last I checked Haley is a professional politician, meaning she really hasn’t had a job outside of politics in decades, and as we all know that the art of the politician is to lie like crazy to get what they want, votes, funding, pork, etc. And in this vein, Haley has demonstrated herself quite capable of fulfilling this qualification in so many lies over the past year, the most fun of which when she stated she unequivocally never called for raising the retirement age when she knew she had been recorded making that statement in the not so distant past. So there is reason enough to doubt Haley, whether you, I or anyone else does or not, and the basis for doubting her would be quite irrelevant to the subjects of Hamas or Russia, the latter of which you do seem to be obsessing again.

  34. Listen to Haley interview on

    Only a pro-Russian or Pro Hamas person could doubt Haley’s support of Israel after listening to Haley interview.

    Russian Embassy slams Haley’s Oct. 7 collusion allegations following Israel Hayom interview

    “Ms. Haley, known for her long-standing “love” for our country, decided to hammer into the heads of the Israeli public a ‘version’ she invented in the spirit of conspiracy theories about Russia’s imaginary ‘involvement’,” the federation’s statement read after the former ambassador said Hamas likely had Russian intelligence.

    The Russian Embassy in Israel has strongly rejected claims made by former US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley in an interview Tuesday with Israel Hayom. In the interview, which will be published in full on Friday, Haley accused Russia of providing intelligence to Hamas ahead of the terrorist attack on October 7.

    Video: The interview with Israel Hayom / Credit: Moshe Ben Simchon

    “They can deny it all they want. But the Russian intelligence was involved, Hamas wouldn’t have had all the information,” Haley said in the exclusive interview. She also said, “I think that we know that Russian intelligence was involved in helping Iran and Hamas do what they did.” The comments were made in the wake of the pinpointed data Hamas terrorists appeared to have when they raided multiple bases and installations on the Gaza border on Oct. 7. Haley said that Russia had a vested interest in having the conflict erupt on Israel’s borders because it would provide for an easy distraction.

  35. Sebastien Medal of Honor for whom? Really, Darlin, do you think all the Jews live in NYC? The first Jews arrived in Texas in the 16th century.

  36. IDF now controls whole border with Egypt in Gaza called the Philadelphia Corridor.

    They have found new tunnels they did not know about and effectively no resupply can come from these tunnels to Hamas anymore. IDF will now destroy these tunnels. This was an important step in winning war with Hamas.

  37. During a tour on Tuesday of Israel’s northern border, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley signed an Israeli bomb, writing “Finish them! America loves Israel always,” i24News reported.

    Haley, who was a Republican presidential candidate this election campaign, signed the bomb while interacting with soldiers at an IDF post. She stressed that “America stands by Israel. Israel is fighting the enemies of the U.S. today. Don’t stop until you win.”

    The former South Carolina governor said she came on the visit to “express solidarity with Israel. These words are aimed at the Israelis but also at the Americans. We need a strong Israel, and the only way Israel will be strong is when the U.S. supports Israel completely, unapologetically,” Ynet reported.

    Haley stressed that “we came in the past, we looked at the [northern] border and warned about the threat of Hezbollah and that everything we warned about could happen and continues to happen. All eyes should be on Lebanon, we are talking about Gaza, but in the north, Israel has to repel attacks from Lebanon every day.”

    Haley continued that “60,000 [Israelis] were driven from their homes, because the region is not safe for them. Israel needs to take care of not only Hamas, but also Hezbollah.”

    A day earlier, Haley visited Israel’s southern communities shattered by the October 7 Hamas massacre, Mediaite reported.

    Haley accused Moscow and Beijing of helping Iran and Hamas in the attack on southern Israel in which some 1,200 people were killed and more than 250 kidnapped, saying the massacre “was orchestrated by Iran. It was helped with Russian intelligence. And it was fueled by money from China. Don’t deny that.”

  38. Sebastien Darlin, there is an old and respected Jewish community living in Augusta. I should say you are safer wearing a Kippa in Augusta than at Columbia or Harvard universities. It was the member of a Jewish fraternity at Chapel Hill, NC that saved the Flag from Hamas demonstrators New Yorkers are so very provincial

  39. Woody Harrelson Stars as the WWII Doctor Who Saved Thousands in ‘The Man with the Miraculous Hands’

    April 1945, with the Red Army in Berlin and the Western Allies closing in on the rest of Germany, physical therapist Felix Kersten set up what had to be the most uncomfortable meeting ever held.

    Just 60 miles north of Berlin, he arranged a summit between representatives of the World Jewish Congress and the world’s most devout Nazi, SS-Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler, who was dedicated to carrying out German dictator Adolf Hitler’s order to kill all the remaining Jewish people still held in concentration camps. The goal of the meeting was to convince Himmler not to carry out Hitler’s order. Kersten and WJC members would ultimately convince Himmler that the Western allies would agree to a separate peace and turn the war against the communist Soviet Union. The agreement saved an estimated 60,000 Jewish prisoners.

    The upcoming film “The Man with the Miraculous Hands” is a World War II-set psychological thriller that will star Woody Harrelson (“Zombieland”) as Kersten and Andy Serkis (“The Lord of the Rings”) as Himmler.

    The Man with the Miraculous Hands” is set in 1939, before World War II kicked off in Europe and at a time when the real Kersten was a renowned physical therapist. Tending to clients from royal European families and even the son-in-law of Fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, his skills caught the attention of Himmler, who invited Kersten to be his personal therapist.

    The talented doctor was German by birth, but came to Finland with German forces during the 1918 Finnish Civil War. He stayed in Finland and gained Finnish citizenship, but feared for his life if he turned down Himmler’s invitation. Because he was able to alleviate Himmler’s physical pains, the reichsführer placed significant trust in Kersten, giving the doctor the unprecedented ability to influence one of the Nazi regime’s most powerful men. Kersten would use this influence to obtain the release of many concentration camp prisoners, including Jews, homosexuals, and other Nazi-labeled “undesirables.”

    But Kersten also used his position near the top of the German hierarchy to play a dangerous game. He informed the Finnish government about the Nazi concentration camps at a time when they were only speculation; he also provided information to American intelligence operatives in Finland. The meeting he set up toward the end of the war was the culmination of years of working behind the scenes to help prisoners of the regime escape to safety. If he had been caught, he would have ended up in a camp or outright executed himself.

    Production of “The Man with the Miraculous Hands” is set to begin in late 2024. Oren Moverman (“The Messenger”), who wrote the script for the film, is also slated to direct.

  40. Re-electing Biden is like the Titanic backing up to hit the iceberg again.

    Meme on front sign of storage place. Photo popped up on Facebook.

  41. Sebastien May I suggest you visit the Civil War cemetery and mueseum in Augusta, GA You will discover Jewish Confederate Officers.were highly regarded