Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

Everyone will be happier.

April 16, 2020 | 7,619 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7619 Comments

  1. @EvRe1 Wow!

    People also ask
    Are there places without internet?
    There are a few places left where cable, wireless or satellite signals do not reach. Deep caves like Georgia’s Krubera Cave, which reaches 5,610 feet (1,710m) underground, for one, would likely be devoid of service – it’s the deepest cave on Earth.Feb 13, 2014 › article › 20…
    The last places on Earth without the internet – BBC

  2. Complete non sequitur but a German composer I know reposted the on FB and I was touched so I decided to share it.

    In 1892 at Stanford University, an 18-year-old student was struggling to pay his fees. Being an orphan and unsure of where to turn for money, he came up with a bright idea. He and a friend decided to host a musical concert on campus to raise money for their education. They reached out to the renowned pianist Ignacy J. Paderewski. His manager demanded a guaranteed fee of $2000 for the recital. A deal was made, and the boys began working hard to make the concert a success.

    The big day arrived, but unfortunately, they hadn’t sold enough tickets. The total collection was only $1600. Disappointed, they went to Paderewski and explained their situation. They gave him the entire $1600, along with a check for the remaining $400, promising to honor the check as soon as possible.

    “No,” said Paderewski. “This is not acceptable.” He tore up the check, returned the $1600, and told the two boys, “Here’s the $1600. Please deduct your expenses. Keep the money you need for your fees, and just give me whatever is left.” The boys were astonished and thanked him profusely. It was a small act of kindness, but it clearly marked Paderewski as a great human being.

    Why did he help two strangers? We all face similar situations in life, and most of us think, “If I help them, what will happen to me?” Truly great people think, “If I don’t help them, what will happen to them?” They help not expecting anything in return but because they feel it’s the right thing to do.

    Paderewski later became the Prime Minister of Poland. He was a great leader, but during World War I, Poland was devastated, with over 1.5 million people starving and no funds to feed them. Desperate, Paderewski turned to the US Food and Relief Administration for help. He reached out to Herbert Hoover, who later became the US President. Hoover agreed to help and quickly shipped tons of food to feed the starving Polish people. The calamity was averted.

    Paderewski, relieved, decided to meet Hoover personally to thank him. When he began to express his gratitude, Hoover interjected, “You shouldn’t be thanking me, Mr. Prime Minister. You may not remember, but years ago, you helped two young students through college. I was one of them.”

  3. US going to separately negotiate with Hamas for the five hostages that also have American citizenship.

    What type of horrible things will the US demand of Israel to give Hamas for the release?

  4. Sebastien, have you seen this?

    It is an interview between an American and an Israeli tour guide, about the recent history of excavations on Mt. Ebal — including Joshua’s altar, and the inscribed lead tablets found in the siftings (saud ti cintain the wiord “YHV” in Old Hebrew characters.

    During the last century, before any of these new finds were discovered, I read the translations of the Tel-el-Amarna ostracons, which mentioned an “Apiru” (Hebrew) leader in Sch’chem named “Labayu” (Levi). This seemed to me, to recall a pre-Egyptian connection between the tribe of Levi and Sch’chem.

  5. Steve Bannon is a great friend of Israel. More info in article.

    Steve Bannon Wanted to Move U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem on Trump’s Inauguration Day
    By Rabbi Elie Mischel – 1 Sivan 5784 – June 7, 2024

    Steve Bannon Sentenced to 4 Months in Prison for Contempt of Congress

  6. @Sebastien

    It was reported the U.S. requested Ganz stay.

    Yes, it was, but Gantz was supposedly disregarding the American request that he stay and was scheduled to leave this evening after a televised address which he unfortunately cancelled. Personally, I don’t believe that Gantz would have bolted from the govt without gaining the support from the Americans that he do so. The report of the US requesting him to do otherwise doesn’t pass the laugh test, IMO. The purpose of him remaining in the govt was to advance unity, but instead of this he has played the ever-present role of a fifth column within the govt, making every attempt to destabilize the govt and most recently derail the war. This is not unity, but divisiveness. His exit will stabilize the govt and empower the Right, even as he will openly join the Kaplan forces in the streets and the US regime change effort in full.

    Hopefully he will reschedule his departing blow for tomorrow or sooner.

  7. Gantz cancels his address this evening which was presumed to be his farewell address. Like a bad penny that nobody wants.

  8. @Bear

    That would be Russia and not the USA.

    Actually, it was the USA which placed the most severe sanctions in history on Russia with a carve out which exempted Russian-Iranian trade related to the Iranian nuclear program, which I have noted to you multiple times.

  9. Yet the country that sold the Iranians their nuclear reactor and technology is not evil? That would be Russia and not the USA.

  10. @Laura

    The current WH is evil, but this is NOT an evil country.

    And yet the US govt has supported the evil Mullahs for forty years. From destabilizing the Shah, to suppying them with weapons, to supplying them with cash, to suppying them cover for their nuclear program, to supporting them in their development of the crescent of evil all across the ME. So it isn’t just this current WH which is evil is it?

  11. @Laura I concur with you. Reminds of in the 1930s there were some Americans who identified with the original NAZI’s. It is appears some who post here identify with the Russians and Putin.

  12. The current WH is evil, but this is NOT an evil country. Russians however are evil and would support the destruction of Israel and Jewish genocide.

    JUNE 5, 2024 AT 10:05 AM
    I read several articles in today’s Israpundit, which left me aghast. The length, breadth, and depth of the evil in this country is astonishing. You encounter it no matter where you look. We as a nation must fall, but what will happen to the good people, and their families? The future of civilization is in mortal peril.

  13. Yet more anti-Americanism. You too are a disgrace Raphael. No wonder I stayed away from israpundit for quite a while. I come back and the anti-Americanism hasn’t abated. Yet this is the only country in the world that is pro-Israel. I’m not talking about the government or WH. I’m talking about average citizens and their representatives, at least the GOP ones. There is not a more pro-Israel nation than the USA and you people want to throw that away and for antisemitic Russia which has zero pro-Israel constituency. Be careful what you wish for, fools.

    JUNE 5, 2024 AT 10:05 AM
    I read several articles in today’s Israpundit, which left me aghast. The length, breadth, and depth of the evil in this country is astonishing. You encounter it no matter where you look. We as a nation must fall, but what will happen to the good people, and their families? The future of civilization is in mortal peril.

  14. This is why Israel would have to be crazy to drop America for Russia. You will never see this from Russian officials. Israpundit is losing all credibility in its promotion of Russia and anti-Americanism.

    US senators to Israel Ganz: “We stand by your side against a Palestinian state”

  15. @Michael Saw the beginning of the 30 minute Jerusalem archaeological doc you provided a link for. Excellent.

  16. Hi, Sebastien

    Before I click on your link, I have one of my own:

    There is a back story. In 2004, the Pilgrimage Road was discovered while Israeli workment were trying to repair a sewer leak. Twenty years later, we have these marvellous excavations — which reveal, among other things, that Flavius Josephus absolutely did NOT exaggerate in his accounts (the ONLY contemporary accounts) of the Zealot Rebellion.

    I remember the outcry of the Wakf at that time, that the Jews “were trying to undermine and collapse the Muslim holy site! Now we can see what this “Muslim site” REALLY WAS — the main thoroughfare of ancient, JEWISH Jerusalem!

    2004 was also when I was going to go with my best friend to Jerusalem, to visit my distant cousin there. I lost touch with my cousin around June, then complications arouse involving people who were going to receive us. Then, as autumn approached, my wife’s father died; and while my wife was “Back East” to help out the family, my best friend died, who was going to go with me.

    The whole expedition fell apart, which was of course, disappointing. What I didn’t know at the time, was that some 99% of what I really wanted to see, had not been unearthed yet!

  17. I read several articles in today’s Israpundit, which left me aghast. The length, breadth, and depth of the evil in this country is astonishing. You encounter it no matter where you look. We as a nation must fall, but what will happen to the good people, and their families? The future of civilization is in mortal peril.

  18. SEB-

    Heston forgot to shave for two days in a row. Very untidy looking.
    What sort of a name id Heston anyway??

  19. @Edgar
    Thank you for checking back on the site. I had assumed it was gone for good. It does seem to be working again. Thanks!

  20. @Edgar

    since I gave you tht site it has refused to work.

    Wow, that is disappointing. I am unable to get it to load as well. That is a pity.

  21. EDGAR- I know. And Ben Hur was actually a guy! It’s a very Christian film. I guess this is an example of what in the 1730’s and again a hundred years later was referred to as the Great Awokening?

  22. PELONI-

    Would you believe it; since I gave you tht site it has refused to work. Times out all thr time. I had about 15 tabs open as usual; and every one was useless.
    What happened, do you have any idea,
    Please try it again and let me know if it works for you.

  23. SEB-

    No. didn’t see it, don’t go to movies anyway, they are never factual, and are just a bunch of actors doing what the director wants- however fantastic.
    They follow scripts dredged from the minds of narcissists, and not fact-except by accident. A plethora of “Ben Hur’s”. which, as you know came from the diseased shell shocked mind of a Civil War General.

    But thank you all thrv same, a kind thought.

  24. We have not heard from Reader with a few very brief exceptions for some time. It is in times like the current moment when I keep expecting to see him pop up with a comment explaining to us how Bibi is planning everything going against him. His out of the box reasoning, often supported with extensive research, always served to stretched my own thinking, even as we disagreed on various topics, and I hope to see him commenting again soon. I do hope he is doing well.

  25. @Edgar

    It’s a surprising site, very unbalanced,

    Thank you very much. I am a great fan of such book websites and I will certainly check it out. Looking briefly at the site, I am amazed at some of the books which are availiable there. As you noted, quite a mix of both rare and common titles.

  26. PELONI-

    Correction Typo; I’m sure you’ll have guessed, but in case….

    “Read Any Book”

    It’s a surprising site, very unbalanced, Loads of very well known “still in copyright” as well as comparatively unknown writers; and also similar load of other well known writers with NO entries.

    For instance it has Betsy Balcombe’s book on Napoleon, No other site has it. But is doesn’t have Gorrequer’s Diary.

  27. PELONI_

    Yes no doubt about it. Wilding’s account is very open and convincing. He only mentions it at the time they met, and the point is not be-laboured.-
    The book is by A. Wallis Myers, himself a well known player, and entitled “Captain Anthony Wilding”.

    If you’re interested It can be found on “Read Aby Book” on the internet. I find it a great source and have read hundreds of their items. One must get the exact author name correctly.

    The book is very amateurishly printed with many interruptions, but I think there is an index at the end where Balfour is mentioned by page. Possibly a run down at the beginning also. To get through it was a struggle as all kinds of family and extraneous matters were mentioned.

  28. PELONI_

    Yes no doubt about it. Wilding’s account is very open and convincing. He only mentions it at the time they met, and the point is not be-laboured.-

    The book is by A. Wallis Myers, himself a well knon player, and entitled “Captain Anthony Wilding”.

  29. @Edgar

    from this I can believe that his famous letter was heartfelt and deeply based on religious groujnds and justice.

    I am not as well read on this topic as yourself, but this was the understanding which I have had as well. I read on Randolph and Jennie Churchill some years ago, and they were quite close with Balfour, and Balfour was described much as you describe him being represented in the Wilding biography.

  30. I’ve just been reading the Life Story of Anthony Wilding the very famous pre-WW1 New Zealand tennis player, and multi-Wimbledon Champion-

    He knew and was feted by everyone from Winston Churchill to King Gustav of Sweden etc.

    Wilding was killed in the war 7 months after it had begun. He was a volunteer.

    An odd fact. He intimately knew A.J. Balfour whom he said was a decent tennis player, and for about 4 years, just before the War they played a lot and entered in tournaments including Wimbledon.
    As a doubles pair they actually won a well known Nice tournament.

    He said that Balfour was steeped in religion, and from this I can believe that his famous letter was heartfelt and deeply based on religious groujnds and justice.

  31. Thanks, Mr. Zorn, I knew if it was out there you would-be the man to find it. Maybe I searched to soon after it aired, before they got it archived. Any who, These two are such evil people, they chant “bring them home” and for the last few months since Oct.7 these two have done everything they can to fight against Israel and support Hamas. Even if they only support those teenage idiots on the street whom, support Hamas they are still supporting Hamas. I heard the earlier report and just wanted to listen again. Those two turned my stomach the second time as much or more than they did the first time. May their names be forgotten! Thanks for your help.

  32. @Tanna Can’t find anything on Schumer but this photo on a lot of sites. Is that what you got?

    Found nothing on James but one of her interns got arrested protesting against Israel. I voted for her Republican challenger because of her persecution of Trump and his family. And I voted for Schumer’s Republican challenger because of his lousy record on Israel. Not the only issue I disagree with him about but the rest is redundant. When Israel is on the table, there are no other issues. I voted Democrat for Governor, State Senate and State Assembly because I support tenant’s rights and the Medicaid expansion but no longer on the Working Families Party line because of their embrace of BDS. I voted Republican for comptroller because he was advocating using DEI to ration government benefits for the needy. The Dem governor supports Israel and the State Senate and Assembly members I voted for don’t talk about foreign policy, as they shouldn’t!