Conservatism v Progressivism

The way Lloyd Marcus, the black Tea Party troubador, sees it

    In their arrogant, elitist, coastal, PETA membership, New York Times reading and “smarter than us common Americans” minds, the liberal mainstream media can not grasp the concept that Sarah Palin is the voice of most Americans. Thus, Tea Party patriot’s great love and admiration for her. Palin is the conservative voice America has been waiting for.

    It’s a voice that the leftist media both loathes and fears, because it challenges their every assumption about what is right and good about America.

    Palin boldly speaks out against political correctness and stands up for conservative principles and values. Not since Ronald Reagan has a politician so unapologetically championed conservatism. With all due respect to her femininity and beauty, Sarah Palin is the, long awaited, John Wayne of the Conservative movement. If only more of our “walk on eggs, careful not to offend and pandering to political correctness” male conservative politicians would take a cue from this extraordinary woman…

    So why is Sarah Palin the liberal mainstream media’s great white whale they are fanatically and irrationally committed to destroy? Sarah Palin equals America as our Founding Fathers intended it to be: built on godly principles, freedom and respect for individual rights.

    By contrast, the liberal mainstream media are disciples of the religion of Progressivism, promoting their new vision of a “fundamentally changed” America; anti-God, anti-Capitalism, anti-individual, with a leviathan government in total control of our lives. Not only is America under attack by Islamic religious zealots, we are being attacked by Progressive religious zealots as well. I will take it a step further to say the campaign against Sarah Plain is really a battle of good verses evil.

    I remember in response to Palin’s 2008 VP nomination acceptance speech, Hollywood actress Pamela Anderson said: “She can suck it”

    Why such a passionate, angry and vulgar response to a woman who epitomizes what Hollywood feminist claim to want for women, success in and outside of the home? The truth is anyone espousing good wholesome American values and a love for their country is as repulsive to America-hating Progressives as displaying the cross is to vampires.

    Without question the strong woman from Alaska has and continues to inspire patriots to boldly defend and fight to restore our freedoms, liberty and culture. So Progressives, be afraid. Be very afraid. With Palin, Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Levin and others leading the charge and God on our side, we will take back America.

June 13, 2010 | 6 Comments »

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  1. Something anderson has much experience with.

    That’s my laurale 🙂

    Yamit, I know its difficult for you to trust any gentiles but I believe Palin is the real deal. And contrary to what you and some others here believe, the majority of American conservatives support Israel.

    I never said I didn’t like Sarah. I’m not convinced she can get the nomination and if yes win the election. by the time 2012 comes around there will be no surprises about here , not a new fresh face and I think a new fresh relatively unknown might have a better chance.

    Then there is the nitty gritty, when push comes to shove we get thrown under any bus.

  2. I remember in response to Palin’s 2008 VP nomination acceptance speech, Hollywood actress Pamela Anderson said: “She can suck it”

    Something anderson has much experience with.

    Yamit, I know its difficult for you to trust any gentiles but I believe Palin is the real deal. And contrary to what you and some others here believe, the majority of American conservatives support Israel.

  3. Yamit! It doesn’t really matter if all US presidents hate us to the point where they leave Israel (and by extension, the Jews) alone.

    Won’t happen till we depose our invertebrate eunuchs that go by the names Tweedledee and Tweedledum

  4. Our solution is to back Israel up against Israel’s enemies, regardless if you are liberal or conservative.

    That sounds like a really good idea… if one is reasonably sane. Need I say more?

    Yamit! It doesn’t really matter if all US presidents hate us to the point where they leave Israel (and by extension, the Jews) alone. The idea is not (as we’ve discussed) to make anybody or everybody love Israelis and Jews; it’s to make anybody and everybody respect Israelis and Jews. And the only way to do that is to sow a little fear into them, just to make them think twice about trying to put the screws to us. Unfortunately this may require a little “demonstration” of real Israeli power; a demonstration that will knock the breath out of the Jew-haters.

  5. How are we going to create new money??? This question sums up both sides fairly quickly. All the arguing, fighting, quarrelling, division, and loose talk empty of meaning when it comes to peace talks all hangs on creating new revenue.

    I like SOCIAL CONSERVATISM because this ideal supports Israel, Biblical wisdom, prayer, the Ten Commandments, having God in school and government, etc.

    I don’t like FISCAL CONSERVATISM because making cuts to programs that people want and need is not good.

    I don’t like LIBERALISM because they depend on other people’s money to pay for everything. All the resources that the elderly, the poor, the needy, the disabled depend on come from a TAX system that nobody really likes or wants, and yet, is the ONLY WAY THEY ARE PAYING FOR EVERYTHING.

    If HEALTHCARE IS ‘UNAFFORDABLE’ then we need to make it affordable by not allowing it to be so expensive as to require expensive insurance to pay for everything.

    I am not a communist or a socialist or a capitalist. I believe that in the God Of Israel’s Kingdom, there are no banks or taxes or debts or loan debts – God shares everything he has with us because He loves us and gladly gives us everything to share. Nobody is forced to share – but there is enough for everyone.

    THE WORLD WAS CREATED FREE – it is man who chose to put up borders and put himself into a prison.

    What we are all seeking is to free ourselves from every kind of prison that blockades our freedoms.

    Unfortunately, the false prophet Muhammad and the false god Allah wants to destroy the whole world and is succeeding.

    Unfortunately, greedy commmunists, socialists, & capitalists are destroying the whole world.

    Earth’s owner must soon come to destroy those who destroy the earth.

    I stand with the Lord, the God of Israel no matter what my own sins or the sins of others have been.

    I am both a conservative and a liberal because I love God and I love people.

    It would be nice to live in a world without sin, but all political parties are the result of our sinful, fallen natures seeking to sit on God’s Throne and play God, but nobody gets to be god in the end.

    And the end is forever.

    THE SOLUTION is for all nations to turn to the God of Israel and leave Israel alone and let them have their land.

    Our solution is to back Israel up against Israel’s enemies, regardless if you are liberal or conservative.

  6. we are a visual world and what we see defines what we think.

    No one personified this concept in American politics as Ronald Reagan.

    Sarah Palin seems to have taken this truism to heart.

    A word of caution to all Jewish Palin and conservative junkies here.

    Ronald Reagan is only surpassed by Jimmy Carter and Hussein Obama as being the president most inimical to Jews, Jewish interest and Israel than any President before or after him.

    Israel historically has not fared better under Republican presidents than Democrats and a case can be made historically that Democrats were better for Israel than Republicans.

    It is a misnomer to attribute conservatism with The Republican Party. They are not the same and Bush outdid all previous Democratic presidencies in abandoning conservative values. So did Ronald Reagan once in office.

    I remember Begin asking in reply to Reagan: ” what are we , a Banana Republic”

    BB should be asking the same question but he may not like the answer. Begin stood up to Reagan . BB is cowed by his wife Sarah.

    In the end as a Jew and Israeli my only consideration will be who I perceive is best for the Jews and Israel.