As noted here several times in the past, Czech President Miloš Zeman is often outspoken in his politically incorrect opinions about immigration and Islam.
Below is an interview with President Zeman from Blesk, a well-known Czech tabloid, that was published after the Charlie Hebdo massacre. Many thanks to Gemini for the translation:

Zeman on Muslims: If they do not conform, deport them!
Muslims who won’t conform to the customs of their new homeland should be deported, President Zeman stated in the interview conducted for Blesk.
“Everyone should be living in his homeland. It is something different to travel and discover other cultures than to live in one’s homeland and work for its prosperity. I think that those people should live and practice their religion in their homelands and shouldn’t try disturbing common life in countries have a different culture,” thinks Zeman.
He also added that even if radicals are born in western Europe, they still belong more to Muslim lands like Algeria, Mali etc. “There is some genetic connection,” he elaborated. “A Czech remains Czech even if he lives in France. Although, in the case of Czechs, the different culture is not a problem. A Czech, such as Milan Kundera, for example, is able to adapt well in France. People from those lands lack aforementioned ability. This is not a critique as such, it is an observation,” he added.
According to Zeman, it all depends just on the willingness to adapt. “I would tell them: Unless you can accept rules laid down by your host country — while killing journalists certainly is not accepting them — go back home, to your homeland,” he concluded.
The NO-GO zones must be dismantled and those who do not behave according to the laws of the host-country must be forced to choose between jail and expulsion. Anyone engaged in or promoting sedition should be expelled manu military with no right of appeal. The Eu won’t do this strict minimum.
@ Topaz:
A little higher than the odds of pigs flying. 😉
Nations like people never to there hard and difficult things even in their own vital national interests unless first forced into doing them.
Words are cheap, cost nothing. He has the power. The laws already exist in regards to violence, treason, deportation, etc. All the democracies have this power and these laws. What are the chances the leaders will now do the right thing to save their nations
Any questions? Most countries do not grant immediate citizenship to immigrants. Israel does that for Jews based on special laws. Even so some candidates are either not accepted as they apply or are denied once here.
Example in other countries. If one does not conform to the US laws before gaining citizenship the applicants are not allowed to remain. Period.
For reasons many are staring to become aware about, most Islamics are waived through without facing responsibilities in particular in Europe and the US.
That must not be allowed to continue.
Further. Treasonous Islamic activities within countries that host them must be sharply addressed. No exceptions allowed.