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  1. Rogers shared some of the statistics that former Army intelligence Captain Seth Keshel shared with her.

    Stats from the canvass sent to me by @SKeshel

    TRENDING: Hollywood Actress Puts Hillary Clinton On Notice: “You represent no flag, no country, no soul. You eat hope, you twist minds. I’ve been in a hotel room with your husband and here comes the bomb…”

    *canvassed two precincts fully & large sections of precincts throughout the county. Interviewed more voters than 75% of towns/cities in America have residents. Sample falls within 95% scientific accuracy for extrapolations.

    1) Votes Lost of Stolen – not recorded at county level – 173,104 – suggests a large swap-out, discarding, or over-scrutinization of votes, perhaps why it took 10 days to finalize election in Arizona? Similar findings from Matt Braynard’s studies in AZ.
    2) Ghost (Phantom) votes – non-existent voters with votes recorded – 96,389 – 1 out of 20 interviewed identified at least one phantom voter registered to their address.
    3) Voting method does not match official record – Est. 30,000
    Examples: *Did not vote, but vote recorded *Voted in person, but mail-in vote recorded instead
    4) Liz proposes legislative action
    5) 173,104 voted but not record + 96,389 ghost + 30,000 method
    299,493 IMPACTED VOTES = 1/7th of the 2.089mm total, and this is the low-end estimate. CONCLUSION: ELECTION IN MARICOPA MUST BE DECERTIFIED

  2. From Patrick Byrne: BIGGEST NEWS IN MONTHS!!! Big Reveal on Wednesday AM!!


    Wednesday morning, September 8, the American projects very own Seth Keshel is going to appear at 10 AM on “the war room” with Steve Bannon. While Steve allegedly has a beein his bonnet about me, I can forgive him that much because he’s going to be getting this big reveal out there. Believe me, it is the biggest news in months. In any sane world it would be headlines around the globe on Thursday.