Habayit Hayehudi MK outlines new ‘Palestinian emigration plan’

MK Bezalel Smotrich calls on state to pay Arab residents of Israel and Judea and Samaria to voluntarily emigrate abroad • “This is not a transfer,” he emphasizes • “National aspirations? Palestinians? Not here. Not at our expense,” he states

By Nadav Shragai, ISRAEL HAYOM

A new plan put forward by Habayit Hayehudi MK Bezalel Smotrich would see the government pay Arab residents of Israel and Judea and Samaria to voluntary emigrate abroad.

Smotrich will present his plan at a National Union conference next week, where he believes the party will adopt it.

“This is not a transfer,” Smotrich stressed. “Some 20,000 Palestinians already leave Judea and Samaria every year. Surveys they themselves conduct reveal that 30% aspire to relocate abroad. I will help them with this, fairly, with full monetary compensation, and not by force. It will be cheaper than the wars and military operations [we see] every few years.”

Smotrich’s plan also calls for the dissolution of the Palestinian Authority, imposing Israeli law over Judea and Samaria, increasing Jewish settlement activity in the area to match population growth, and in general to “erase the paradigm of the Palestinian state from public consciousness and on the ground.”

According to Smotrich, “It is not desperation that motivates terrorism, but hope, whose main expression is the Palestinian state. This is what I want to destroy. … There will not be peace as long as we preserve the concept that this land is destined to contain two collectives with conflicting national aspirations. There is room here to define and realize the national aspirations of one people only — the Jewish people. This is just. This is moral. This is what will be and it is not open to negotiation. This hope of theirs is the mother of all sin. National aspirations? Palestinians? Not here. Not at our expense.”

Smotrich instead says the Arabs that choose to remain in Judea and Samaria will have two options: “Anyone who chooses to remain here as a private person will enjoy a much better life than his relatives and friends in the Arab countries or … under the corrupt administration of the PA.”

Smotrich said he would initially offer them the administration of their local municipalities and grant them a number of rights, but they would not be allowed to vote in Knesset elections. The attitudes of those that remain would be examined for a period of 30 years, after which they would be eligible to receive a series of other rights, including the right to vote in general elections, on the condition they first serve in the IDF.

As for those who stay and continue to wage war against Israel, Smotrich says Israel must win.

September 6, 2017 | 55 Comments »

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50 Comments / 55 Comments

  1. @ yamit82:
    Yamit I agree with every word of yours above. The bigger issue for me is that under those circumstances we would need a leader who can rally the People, someone who can tell them (us) that we may be in for tough times for a bit as we weather the initial (months?,years?) storm, but someone who can instill belief that we will weather it, and indeed come out stronger for it. Bibi, in my view, is not that guy. Truth is that unfortunately I don’t see that person within our current political spectrum.
    Then again, and this may sound funny to many here, but maybe Hotovely or Shaked one day.

  2. Yes Israel could withstand sanctions embargoes are a different kettle of fish.

    If Israel were to openly use our nukes as an operational offensive weapon of deterrence we would not need massive land armies and the savings could be applied to satellites, ICBM’s medium range smart rockets and missiles…. Bunker busting bombs anti missile lasers, submarines armed with nukes sans producing new fighter aircraft too expensive for Israel and engines a major problem to produce for a country like Israel with limited means Israel is a major up-grader and we should invest in refurbishing and upgrading existing aircraft…..F-15 much better performance than F-35. Now that Israel is energy self sufficient ..including food and water it would be hard to break us….If you survive the first couple of years sanctions relax and then dissipate to irrelevance as Israelis are experts in grey market activity and will find workarounds for every important obstacle. The negative will be seen in the short term with massive emigration especially among the young which will hurt our national project and overall morale in the country.

    Every economic sanction by the Arab world against Israel and by countries abiding their sanctions have strengthened Israel and forced us to produce our own products of quality allowing for competitive exports. For every weapon or weapons system denied Israel by America and others like AWACS, CRUISE MISSILES, BUNKER BUSTER BOMBS AND MANY OTHERS Israel produced our own versions and are now major profitable exports…. Tourism will suffer many bankruptcies and exporters will also suffer that’s when those claiming to be friends and supporters of Israel will be tested. Btw Israel is now a natural gas exporter and we are sitting on almost 300 billion of recoverable oil from newly discovered well including the Golan and including 260billion barrels of shale Oil which is more than what the Saudis claim to have….. sanctions can force Israel to speed up development and production… Sanction can make life difficult for us but also in the long run make us much stronger both in military and defense terms and also our economy….

  3. I agree with most of what you say, Sebastien. However, Israel largely gave up its capability to produce some crucial armaments, chiefly jet planes, over the vigorous objections of a former Israeli defense minister (can’t remember his name, but a great Israeli patriot). The U.S. has over the years seduced Israel into intertwining its defense industry so closely with that of the U.S. that it is now difficult for Israel to produce some key weapons systems completely on its own. More important than this problem, however, is the likelihood that trade sanctions by the United States and the EU could seriously damage Israel’s economy. Worst of all, there is the possibility that the international press would whip up such hysteria about supposed Israeli “ethnic cleansing”–hysteria that was originally generated against Serbia during the 1990s Balkan Wars– that one or more of the great powers would be emboldened to take military action against Israel. There are many people in the governments of all five permanent members of the Security Council, as well as in Germany, that would just love it if they could make Israel disappear. Israel must avoid giving these people a pretext for brainwashing the Western public, including the American public, into sanctioning Israel’s destruction. These behind-the scenes American and European bureaucrats, aided by a corrupt Western press in their pocket, have already made substantial progress in this brainwashing of the Western public.

    There is no question that a change of leadership on all levels and areas of Israeli society would greatly enhance Israel’s ability to bear up under these threats and stand alone if necessary. So would a leader of the calibre of Ben Gurion or Begin, who both succeeded in defying American and European pressure through toughness , determination and faith in the Jewish people. Unfortunately, I don’t see a leader of this quality in present-day Israeli politics who has a chance to become Prime Minister. Shaked, Smotrich, or Feiglin might have the necessary personal qualities needed to provide this kind of leadership, but they don’t have the political connections needed to become Prime Minister. Feiglin tried hard, but failed.

  4. @ adamdalgliesh:
    Could a united Israel withstand sanctions and does anybody seriously want to go up against the IDF? Isn’t Israel a major arms producer and dealer? If Israel didn’t have to worry about angering the United States — since the worst had been done — couldn’t Israel just make everything itself? Wouldn’t there be countries that would ignore sanctions? Shouldn’t Israel withdraw from the UN? Is it possible to influence hostile public opinion? Wouldn’t it be more practical to use threats of economic disruption? Israel contributes a lot.

    Ben Gurion didn’t back down and then the US and the UN did.

    I believe the worst killer is self-doubt. It’s like cutting yourself in front of a shark.

    I agree with you about the need for purging the leadership. That really has to come first. The only steps — baby steps — being taken in that direction that I can see are by Shaked.

  5. The Smotrich plan has the same flaw in it as all similar plans.If Israel ever tried to implement this proposal, the “international community,” including the United States will retaliate with harsh economic sanctions, an arms embargo, and perhaps even military intervention to protect the Palestinians. The “international community” would scream “ethnic cleansing” at the top of their lungs in order to inflame mass hostility to Israel by their populations, and thereby legitimate harsh repressive measures against Israel. The truth is that Israel must launch a massive counter-propaganda campaign in order to persuade Western opinion that they are the “good guys” and the Palestinian-Arabs are the “bad guys” before it can get anything accomplished on the ground. And in order to launch such a campaign, Israel’s ruling “deep state” and unelected “permanent government,” which is dominated by pro-Arab leftists, must be purged, and a new generation of politicians and civil servants must be reeducated to understand the need for counter-propaganda, and how to carry out an effective counter-propaganda campaign.

  6. @ Sebastien Zorn

    You brought up the mention of “a fellow musician” yourself…I was merely using my sense-of-humour to “brighten” it a little. Your unusual reception surprises me. No offense was meant. .

    A good sense of humour is a wonderful thing, and can get us through life at times when things are otherwise gloomy…… I’m sure Ted doesn’t mind the very occasional quip, such as I made.

  7. Emigration. While insulting and deliberately misunderstanding each other has been fun, it’s time to move on. These are important questions that have not been fully discussed.

  8. @ Edgar G.:
    I never told such a story and what does this have to do with Palestinian immigration or autonomy? One small correction. She didn’t teach music though she was a musician. She taught philosophy and comparative religion in this school. I liked your last comment, it led to my partial retraction. Please stay on topic.

  9. I remember an angry fellow musician who taught music in a college telling me indignantly that she didn’t believe any of her nice Muslim students could be capable of bigotry or terrorism.

    This article and its lesson is forever burned into my brain. And there are too many others like this, San Bernardino, Ft. Hood, the Chabad House in Mumbai…

    ‘Go Figure a Guy I Drank Coffee With Was Suddenly the Enemy,’ Recounts Israeli Who Miraculously Survived Ax Bludgeoning at Hands of Palestinian Co-Worker


    It’s not random. it’s not genetic. It’s Taquiya.

  10. Sebastien Zorn Said:

    They could bide their time, pretend to cooperate and then strike.

    Yes, there is precedent for this. I recall that in the U.S. Palestinian solidarity movment during the first Intifida, whose peaceful, non-racist and democratic nature was emphasized for its gullible audience, including moi, activists like Lennin Brenner, who kept pushing the old “democratic secular state” in all of Israel line were suppressed in favor of the Oslo line of a state in only Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. It was quietly whispered that they were prematurely taking a “higher” line. The timing was not right. These are people who are the world’s masters of the fake smile. They must not be allowed within striking distance of Jewish familes. Edgar G. is right about that.

    Top priority. This must stop happening:


    It’s 9/11 every day in Israel. We must not forget and this must stop right away.

    Everything else can wait if need be. Whatever needs to change needs to be changed. Tradition be damned. “Democracy” be damned. This must stop.

  11. Before any of these plans can be implemented, I suspect Israeli military occupation of all of Judea and Samaria, Gaza, and Southern Lebanon must be restored. I would add the rest of the Golan Heights and the Sinai Penninsula if these become a serious danger again. Permanently. And then it becomes a question of how to get them to leave and how to safely reward those who cooperate and punish or eliminate those who do not.

    Actually, I think “reservations” is a good term because the model should be a cross between how the U.S. dealt with the Amerindians, how the U.S. dealt with Japan, and how the Allied Powers dealt with Germany and its allies after the war.

    But, if push comes to shove, the model should be the way Kuwait dealt with the Palestinian Arabs after the Gulf War, though I know that has a snowball’s chance in hell, politically.

  12. I just realized a potential problem with the Plaut plan. If the Arabs of Areas A and B who are currently kept out by fences are cooperative for a while, they get to be on the white list which would give them access which is currently denied them by fences. They could bide their time, pretend to cooperate and then strike. These are seriously brainwashed people. Too many of these plans don’t take this into account. The most they should be offered is a measure of limited autonomy where they are under Israeli military supervision and the focus should always be on persuading them to leave. And yes, terrorists, including organizers and inciters including Mullahs need to be not only executed but publicly humiliated and made an example of. I remember in the 80s, the only thing that freaked out the Palestinians here in the US was the execution or assasination of their leaders. They regarded civilians as cannon fodder and didn’t really seem to care except for purposes of propaganda. This is a productive debate.

  13. @ Sebastien Zorn:
    I wonder if any studies have been done projecting what would happen to the global economy if Israel was crippled or destroyed by sanctions or war.

    I recall that discussion of what would happen to international investments should Brexit went through were considered of paramount importance in every newscast.

    Pierre van Paassen, who predicted Munich in 1938 before it happened, said that the big reason Europe didn’t intervene in Germany to enforce Versaiile or to topple the regime when they could have was the fear that the economic shock to the European markets would be too great.

    This would be powerful hasbara and a great way of countering Soros, as well. Raise the spectre of economic blowback from hurting Israel. The world would be living in an earlier century, technologically, but for little Israel.

    Much has been made of Israel’s contributions (though not enough for the average person on the street, I’ve met nobody who knows about any of it) , but not enough of what would befall the global economy if Israel was no longer in a position to make those contributions.

  14. @ Edgar G.:
    Trouble is does anyone actually believe there will zero Arabs in Israel? So we need to deal with reality. There are no easy answers

    Israel needs to rely on Israel.

  15. @ Bear Klein:

    You’re expressing your feelings in “hopes”. With Arabs, one can’t rely on “hopes”. One must be sure, certain, and no mistake about it. That is why I have been pragmatic agout my antipathy towards a having a single Arab family anywhere near Jews.

    BY TOM O’CONNOR ON 4/27/17 AT 1:52 PM


    Only a state of constant fear will produce peaceful Arabs/Muslims. Even the most radical will become “peaceful” if they are sufficiently scared and hopeless.

    That’s why even a glimmer of hope in the direction of self-determination for them is a recipe for rivers of blood. Only self-confident, and I can’t emphasize the importance of that enough, only uncritically self-confident Israeli military rule will produce peace on the ground for everybody. As it did in the past.

  17. @ Bear Klein:
    Any plan predicated on the world’s approval will not happen in Israel’s interest. Any plan that says independence will lead to it. San Marino is voluntary. The Arabs will never create San Marino. The Wikipedia article says that San Marino is the only country ever to have a democratically elected Communist government, which they had after WWII. It is not a puppet of the surrounding countries. Remember what Hamas said about the artificial island plan? “If we wanted to create another Singapore, we would have done it ourselves.”

    We must tell the world we want Apartheid if we have any chance of getting it. And if we don’t flinch, we might. Look at all the open horrors the world tolerates from non-Jews especially Muslims. No, our problem is our own people who will not tolerate it. I guess we will just have to continue to rely on miracles.

    Plus, the elephant in the room that needs to be debated. If push comes to shove, and Israel is taking what she needs, can she be hurt by UN sanctions? Yes or no. It needs to be debated?

    Both of you just acknowledged that the Arabs will never create a peaceful state. Even if one generation does it, the next could be terrorists. And has one generation done it? or indicated any desire for it? These are fantasies.

    Even Jordan has only maintained the “peace” out of fear.

  18. @ Edgar G.:
    Yes I agree in subsequent generations of Arabs always have the possibility of some becoming terrorists. My hope is if Israel quashes physically and psychologically any hope for a PA State eventually the conflict will die way down. Then maybe it will become like the Basque past conflict in Spain, an occasional problem but no large scale issues. It will take a long time for peace. Stability first.

    Yes, many Jerusalem, Gazan, or Arabs from Judea/Samaria would zoom to a new clean apartment with the possibility of work. They flee Gaza in droves when they can now, even posing as Syrians to get into Europe.

  19. @ Bear Klein:

    Yes I understand your plan and remember seeing it before and commenting favourably on it. But the problem is with Arabs as Arabs, and these plans will not work properly the way we would want them to. They will always work in an unfinished way, never completely successful. . Arabs can be peaceful in this generation but bear children who will become terrorists. The “genus Arabus” is just not capable of living always, for ever, peacefully with Jews. I have made this point many times but seemingly no one sees it.

    How many times have we read that the terrorist, who had just murdered a Jewish family was a very normal person, but that one day he woke up and felt that he was going to be a good Muslim and kill a Jew. Or that he’d gone to the local mosque, listened to a rabid imam, and realised that he had to kill Jews and go to “Paradise”.

    This VERY PLAIN FACT, which has occurred over and over and over, year by year, for many years, still has no permeated into Jewish consciousness. With Arabs..ANY Arabs (speaking generally) it’s a given. It’s there and until they are lobotomised or brainwashed far away from their Koran, it will always happen. That pernicious book and creed is really a mental disease, likely to break out any time. A Haji Amin can be born any time, or an Arafat.

    Are we to be a nation always, for ever under arms, with the whole population getting IDF training………like Sparta…..??

  20. @ Bear Klein:

    The “plan” should be to increase pressure on the Arabs there so that they will urgently want to go. There are numerous ways to use pressure. I know myself from living in Israel for years how pressure works, even on solid citizens, one of which I was. It eventually drove me out of Israel. And the incentive of feeling free, in a brand new city in a brand new apartment, likely for free or at a minimal price, with work available…. I think they’ll grab it, after a perfunctory show of anti-Jew rhetoric or activity.

  21. @ Sebastien Zorn:Real World if you tell the world we want to have a militarily controlled apartheid setup for Arabs it will not happen. A demilitarized autonomous entity or entities that are not on “black list” that can run their own local functions and do business with Israel and have the trappings of a state without being a state. My point is not to debate San Marino what it is in theory but in practice. A non-militarized city-state that it surronded by Italy and is at complete peace with Italy. It is has its own “Soccer team” that is always among the worst in Europe. If Pals in a local city area want such peaceful co-existence with Israel as San Marino does in practice, I would not be opposed for Arabs that do not emigrate.

  22. @ Bear Klein:
    It doesn’t bring them but it accepts them if they want to go and gives them full citizenship. Currently, they have no place to go but the West which would be fine for Israel — it’s actually a large part of what Kahane had in mind — but not so hot for us in the West.

    What’s new about the Plaut plan is precisely the carrot and stick approach of the white and black lists for Palestinian Arab communities. To get off the black list, they would have to actively cooperate in eradicating terror and incitement from their midst. Any violence and incitement and they go into solitary confinement as a community. That’s what’s new. And they have to be called reservations.

    They will have no uncheckable authority. That’s part of what was wrong about Oslo. They will not be self-governing except on sufferance which can be withdrawn at any time and to any extent. They will otherwise be under military occupation. McCarthur in Japan is the model.

  23. @ Bear Klein:
    The carrot is the white list, but that’s not independence. it won’t be up to them the way Iran says it’s up to them to tell us whether they are developing nukes.

  24. @ Bear Klein:
    San Marino is a full blown independent state. If their military is ceremonial it’s because they want it that way. Nobody can tell them what to do, they are a member state of the UN. We wouldn’t be fooling anybody but ourselves. We have to be upfront about what we want or we won’t get it.

  25. @ Edgar G.:
    Mudars plan which I doubt will ever come into reality still does not get rid of the Arabs from Judea/Samaria unless they wish to go. So for those that stay and are not terrorists you still need a plan.

    Unless there is a massive war between Israel and the Arabs in the Land of Israel, there will be a sizable presensce of Arabs left in Judea/Samaria and pre 67 bordered Israel.

  26. @ Edgar G.:
    No I want the Arabs to go. Terrorists and supporters should be given no choice. Jailed, kiilled or deported. I am trying to be realistic however that not all will go or be forced to go. Pay those than are not terrorists who want to go. See my plan below.

    New Paradigm for long term peace and stability for Israel

    If you want peace it is time to forget being politically correct and proportional in fighting Palestinian terrorism. It is time to be determined to win the conflict decisively and not just say the conflict will continue forever. It is not acceptable that every few months or years that Palestinians shoot rockets at Israelis, blow up bombs, kidnap children or resort to other forms of violence against Jews in Israel.
    Two states in the Land of Israel west of the River Jordan is a formula for war not peace. The Palestinian (Arabs) have for 100 years not accepted the permanent presence of the Jews.

    Israel has a legal, historical and moral right to the land of Israel west of the Jordan River.

    1. However, except for a small amount of people on the right Israelis do not want to incorporate large amounts of Arabs into Israel. The public does not want a bi-national state.

    2. To be able to buy Arabs properties and facilitate their peaceful emigration (buying them out) the terrorists must be jailed, deported or killed otherwise they will exact revenge on the families of those leaving or those leaving before they actually leave. They have a death sentence for selling properties to Jews.
    Once you accomplish number 2 above an NGO working with the government should start enacting an humane assisted program of Arab emigration starting with East Jerusalem and Arab villages in Area C near Jewish Towns. Learn as you go and what problems come up. This will be fraught with problems imagined and not imagined. Just like a franchiser learns by first working on a few locations before expanding widely.
    Annex Area C. Help the Arabs there emigrate.
    Register the people there. Ask do you want to stay and demonstrate loyalty to the Jewish Democratic State of Israel.
    This will require learning Hebrew; your children will be required to provide civil national service at age 18 to 20.

    You will be required to inform on anyone planning terrorist acts including family members. This will be a condition of residency!
    If after 10 years of residency they wish to apply for citizenship they may. There then will be at least a two year period to investigate if they have successfully fulfilled the requirements of residency prior to bestowing citizenship. If they and their immediate family have met the conditions citizenship can be bestowed upon them.
    Once Israel has successfully integrated Area C it can then work on Areas A and B. Unless you can be sure you know how to successfully help Arabs emigrate overseas and integrate others why would anyone in their right mind make the approximately 1,500,000 Arabs (of Area A/B in Judah & Samaria) Israeli residents yet alone citizens. This is a terrorist’s dream, to be able to freely travel all over Israel with an Israeli ID card.
    Walk before you run and go step by step in this super risky proposition of incorporating a massive amount of Arabs into the State of Israel. If you can be highly confident that you can help large amounts of Arabs emigrate then you could start annexing parts of Area A (a City at at a time). Israel should NOT bring an Arab Trojan Horse into Zion. If you can NOT make sure a large amount of Arabs will emigrate, not do annex these areas and make these people residents.

  27. @ Bear Klein:

    You sound as if you want to keep the Arabs in Israel, and not get them the hell out. Sounds like typical Yiddishe masochism to me. There are already better plans that might get rid of all or most. Every Arab is a potential terrorist, or, if peaceful, can father a terrorist a few years down the road. They have a hereditary hatred of the Jew and it only remains how strongly it comes out in them. I’d have thought that every single person on this site would be aware of this, and you more than most.

    When people start cutting and parching already feasible plans they only arrive at disaster.

  28. @ Edgar G.:

    Since when has Bayit Yehudi that FERVENT Nationalistic Party been using the term “Palestinians” …? Were they never told by their teachers in elementary school that there is no such people, and using this address only validates the spurious claims of the Arab
    dogs. Smotrich has just about as much chance of working as the chances of 5-6 other “Plans” with practically the same language.

    The ONLY one that will work, in my opinion, or at least the one which will work BETTER than the others is the Mudar Zahran Plan, because it is proposed by an Arab from Jordan, and he already has everything in place, needing only Israeli and American backing for implementation. It’s an Arab Plan and lets the Arabs deal with Arabs.

    Besides, it would only be grafting the Israeli Arab problem onto a going concern, making no difficulty for every damned Arab now in Israel to just move a few miles away, still in a familiar locality and amongst their own people with no “fitting in” needed nor assimilation in a strange Western Land.

    Those who want to go West afterwards, can do so from Jordan, at their own option, with no input from Israel, requiring only the permission of a welcoming country.

  29. @ Sebastien Zorn: If they are violent in an area or city as Platt says they lose all rights and freedoms. Also as in the plan of mine you I believe have seen before all terrorists must be gotten rid of and their supporters.

    I want to leave a carrot for those who wish to live side by side in normal peaceful co-existence. I do not believe anyone has a perfect plan and plans will need to adjustable to realities that present themselves.

  30. @ Sebastien Zorn: I am not talking about full blown states. What I mean is independent on the level of municple level independence e.g. local schooling, trash collection, local zoning. They can have the trappings of a state such as a soccer team, basketball team. Just like San Marino does with no real military.

  31. @ Bear Klein:
    Would you seriously replace two Arab States in Judea and Samaria with eight?!!! Most of them are brainwashed eliminationist anti-semites! They shouldn’t have the authority to go to the lavatory without permission from a Jewish military supervisor. In triplicate. And notarized. Until they are ready to go. Permanently. Far away. Who cares what the world or the Left or the Jewish diaspora says. The literal translation of the nations is goyim. To hell with them.

  32. @ Bear Klein:
    The Left thinks democracy means “minority” * rights not majority rule. This is a fundamental difference. An unbridgeable difference.

    * I put that in quotes because their idea of a minority can be a minority or a majority in actuality. And they don’t care if their aims are accomplished legislatively or by fiat, through a dictator or a judicial cabal. Social democracy is not democracy, they conflate the two. It makes no sense to appease them. It’s not possible to win at their game. We have to change the rules. Change them back.

    We can only appeal to public opinion.

  33. @ Bear Klein:
    And the “international community” needs to dissolve. One, two, many Brexits. No more UN. No more inherently hypocritical international laws. Just temporary alliances and bi-lateral agreements, such as extradition and trade agreements on a strictly voluntary and quid pro quo basis. Courts should only clarify and enforce the intentions of the framers not make law. Ever.

  34. @ Bear Klein:
    Rather than have any sort of new independent entity that would take decades and thousand of Jewish lives to discredit itself, it would be better to leave things as they are, neither the PA or Hamas are sustainable in the long run.

    In that case, I would just leave the facts on the ground in J&S nebulous and up in the air and work on any plan that will make it possible to make the greatest number of them leave while opposing future concessions of any kind. The Belman/Mudhar plan works for the former better than any other I am aware of.

    The emirates plan implies that Israel will give permanent autonomy, even if retaining security control, and so it changes nothing except to make the concession of autonomy permanent on paper which Oslo was not, it was provisional. Untweaked, the emirates plan is going from bad to worse, therefore. Who says the clan leaderships can be trusted forever?

    And who has the authority to permanently cede even an inch of Eretz Israel. Who has the authority to speak for all Jews, past, present and future or for G*d, if you are religious. No one, according to Ben Gurion.

    The Arabs have to go.

  35. @ Bear Klein:
    They can’t be independent and they can’t have equality either. That’s the point. There can be no pleasing the Left because we are diametrically opposed. The Left will have to be suppressed. The question is: if push comes to shove, is Israel strong enough to withstand sanctions if Israel seizes enough territory and does what needs to be done with the “natives.”

    If Israel really had majority rule, the majority being Jews who are fed up with concessions to the Arabs and being murdered, humiliated, lied about and denied housing in return, this might be possible. Western colonialism was possible with democratic majorities at home. We need a return to 19th century colonial values.

    History has shown there is no alternative. Alternatives are a delusion, a chimera, “a tragic mirage.” It’s Islamic Imperialism or Western imperialism. There is nothing in between. Choose.

  36. The late Steven Plaut’s plan has many good elements which certainly should be considered. For publication to the world at large the language (e.g. “Reservations” change to San Marino like independent entities or independent emirates) will need to be modified. All such plans will be attacked by the left and giving them ammunition for attacking Israel has no benefit. Steven was always very direct and did not beat around the bush, besides for having been very bright.

  37. @ ArnoldHarris:
    It was Kahane who first laid out the plan of subsidized emigration in “They Must Go,” unless I am mistaken. The four plans together working in tandem, Kahane, Belman/Mudhar, Kedar, and Plaut could work. The best cure for the judicial tyranny standing in the way would be a constitutional convention to put in place the American political system, instead of the present British system minus (even in Great Britain, the courts don’t have this kind of power.)

    In another article Plaut also talked about the need for de-nazification of the brainwashed Arab population, just as was done with Germany. It would be a mistake to simply let them do whatever until something erupts down the line.

    Also, this quote got eaten:

    “7. Jews will have the right to live anywhere they wish in the West Bank outside the reservations assigned to the “Palestinian” Arabs. The territory in the West Bank in which Arabs do not live or live sparsely, and this includes the Jordan Valley and the sparse areas in between the reservations, will be opened to unlimited Jewish settlement.”


    Please everybody go to the source and read for yourself. It’s worth looking at. It should be at least debated. The assertion that all the other plans listed are all the plans out there is simply counter-factual.

  38. Sebastien Zorn Said:

    @ ArnoldHarris:
    That’s in terms of who runs the hamullas. Actually, both the Kedar hamullas plan to replace the PA and the Ultimate Alternate Solution are implied in the Plaut plan.

    “5. Most “Palestinians” choosing to remain in the West Bank will live in reservations, in some ways resembling Native-American-Indian territories that function inside the United States (possibly even including casinos), although in some ways they will differ. Reservations will be operated in those parts of the West Bank that have large concentrations of Arab population, meaning Jericho, Nablus, Ramallah, Jenin, Tul Karem, and a few other areas. Reservations will NOT have territorial contiguity. In each reservation, the “Palestinians” will be permitted autonomy and limited self-rule to manage their own local affairs as long as violence is completely absent from the reservation. Where violence is present, they will be denied autonomy. Reservations from which terrorism arises may be shut down and their populations dispersed. Arabs engaging in or supporting terrorism in any way will be deported.”

    6. “Palestinians” in the West Bank will be considered to be resident aliens within the Jewish state. Many still have Jordanian passports and citizenship and will be considered resident Jordanians. “Palestinians” who do not have Jordanian citizenship will be stateless unless they obtain citizenship from some other country.

    7. Jews will have the right to live anywhere they wish in the West Bank outside the reservations assigned to the “Palestinian” Arabs. The territory in the West Bank in which Arabs do not live or live sparsely, and this includes the Jordan Valley and the sparse areas in between the reservations, will be opened to unlimited Jewish settlement.


  39. @ ArnoldHarris:
    That’s in terms of who runs the hamullas. Actually, both the Kedar hamullas plan to replace the PA and the Ultimate Alternate Solution are implied in the Plaut plan.

    “5. Most “Palestinians” choosing to remain in the West Bank will live in reservations, in some ways resembling Native-American-Indian territories that function inside the United States (possibly even including casinos), although in some ways they will differ. Reservations will be operated in those parts of the West Bank that have large concentrations of Arab population, meaning Jericho, Nablus, Ramallah, Jenin, Tul Karem, and a few other areas. Reservations will NOT have territorial contiguity. In each reservation, the “Palestinians” will be permitted autonomy and limited self-rule to manage their own local affairs as long as violence is completely absent from the reservation. Where violence is present, they will be denied autonomy. Reservations from which terrorism arises may be shut down and their populations dispersed. Arabs engaging in or supporting terrorism in any way will be deported.”


  40. @ ArnoldHarris:
    Within the constraints of the Plaut plan, I think it could work. But, under the Plaut plan, villages can change from white list to black if violence appears unless the village cooperates fully in stopping it and bringing the perpetrators to justice. Similarly, a black list village that has a change of heart and cooperates fully in ending violence and all incitement can move to the white list. My concern about the Kedar plan is that it merely confers autonomy and then assumes that the clan leadership will aways cooperate and receive cooperation, in turn, from all of their people. And here, we will, of course, be accused of collective punishment. Well, to this, I will say, even if the Geneva Accords, Hague Conventions, etc. applied here, to hell with them. Their purpose is to ensure that each country’s soldiers, sailors, and civilians under enemy control will not be abused. It’s a quid pro quo, not a universal moral principle. Given that, Israel’s enemies never accord basic human rights to Israeli soldiers or civilians, most recently, did you see that Hamas refuses to even allow the Red Cross to see Israelis they hold captive, and that the international community has never once honored its promises to protect Israel’s rights — as when Israel withdrew from the Sinai in ’56 i exchange for hollow guarantees by UN troops, we see this now with Hezbollah, the same hollow promises, given all this, to hell with these agreements. Collective punishment is a necessity, and hobbling the Court is essential, so this can happen. That’s why I say, for the present, at least, Shaked can do more as Justice Minister than in any other position. She’s done a lot. Much more needs to be done before the PM will even have the authority to do what needs to be done. And since the court operates by consensus most of the time, the way it operates must be altered from without before she could be as effective even in the position of Chief Justice.
    In a way, GW Bush made that mistake when he simply conferred unlimited authority on the newly elected governments in Iraq and Afghanistan that then told us to leave.
    McCarthur in Japan. That’s the model. So, the Kedar plan is fine as long as that aurhority can be revoked.

  41. @ Sebastien Zorn:
    SZ, Stephen Plaut’s plan for the Shomron and Yehuda Arabs sounds workable.

    What do you think about Kedar’s long-standing idea of getting rid of the Palestine so-called Authority and granting local (Area A) recognition to the separate urban hamulas which, in any case, were the traditional rulers of all 8-9 of these Arab communities going back to the Ottoman centuries?

    Arnold Harris, Outspeaker

  42. @ Edgar G.:
    Yes, and, like the Glick plan which this echoes, the biggest elephant in the room is that it offers freedom of movement in Jewish communities in Israel to a large community of brainwashed eliminationist anti-semites, terrorists waiting to happen who are kept out, currently, by fences. While I agree that Israel should annex everything it can as the opportunity presents itself, starting with Area C — and here the problem is the Supreme Court that reverses everything that is accomplished in the Knesset or PM’s office — the Jews must have full civil rights and the Arabs must be under Israeli military rule. It doesn’t matter if they call it Apartheid, or a chocolate sundae. Sticks and stones can break our bones but names can never hurt us.

    An alternative tweaking to this is Stephen Plaut’s plan, which I find it exceedingly odd that no one has even discussed, which has a unique element.

    The Palestinian Arabs of Judea and Samaria will live in reservations. Non-contiguous. They will not receive Israeli citizenship. If they have Jordanian passports, they will be foreign residents, if they have none, they will be stateless unless they get citizenship from somewhere. Their villages will be separated into white list and black list villages. White list villages, where violence is absent, will have autonomy and access to jobs and other facilities in Israel, black listed villages will not have any autonomy and wil be confined to their villages and isolated. Any international activists who visit them will not be allowed to leave.


    That, coupled with incentives to emigrate, might work, if the judicial tyranny of the court and its lackeys could be neutralized.

  43. I am glad Knesset member are now discussing in the open getting rid of the PA and coming up with a new paradigm and getting rid of voluntarily as many Arabs as are willing to go. A positive step.

  44. More mutton dressed as lamb. And I believed that Smotrich was one of the more intelligent MKs….. Just a disappointment. All these damned nit-wits seem to end up promising monders, with Israeli citizenship and/orother benefits at the end. I wobder what ures them….a softening of part of the brain perhaps…??

    Straight out….. ANY extra benefit to the Arabs even without citizenship, will impel them to STAY PUT as if glued, because they know, the longer they stay, the more frantic the offers to leave.

    Israel must be completely freee.AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE…from ANY Muslims, and THAT should be the ultimate goal to aim at. Jordan is only a handful of miles away and the local Arabs need not be paid any more than moving expenses as an inducement. When in Jordan, let them decide THEN whether they want to move away further, the cost being augmented by Jordan, using donated International money, to which Israel may (or may not) contribute. ….,

    They are Arabs, let the responsibility for their future be arranged by THEM…not US.
    Three generations ago they were mostly living in windowless mud huts in Syria, Lebanon, Egypt or Jordan