Hamas is the Norm, Israel is the Exception

Hamas doesn’t particularly care about having a Palestinian State. It wants to destroy the Jewish State and is willing to die in the process.
It wants to die in such a way that Israel will die, too.

By David P. Goldman (Spengler), PJ MEDIA

It’s like the old joke: Why do Jewish men die before their wives? Because they want to. Civilizations for the most part die because they no longer want to live. That is the nub of my 2011 book How Civilizations Die (and Why Islam Is Dying, Too). They cease to believe in their own future and distract themselves from the prospect of extinction as best they can. Hellenistic Greece was the first universal demographic disaster; it gave us prototypes of the steam engine and the computer (via Hero of Alexandria) as well as the modern literary forms. But even wealthy men exposed their daughters and the population imploded. When Aristotle taught that men naturally seek the good, the overwhelming preponderance of evidence had already turned against him. Most men seek nothingness. Soon the last surviving remnants of the classical world will disappear. In another generation, more people will speak Hebrew than Greek.

Hamas wants to die, obviously and visibly. That thought horrifies Westerners. As a number of Israeli commentators observe, Hamas doesn’t particularly care about having a Palestinian State. It wants to destroy the Jewish State and is willing to die in the process. It wants to die in such a way that Israel will die, too. There is something utterly surreal to Hamas crowding civilians around military targets, and Israeli pilots declining to attack them. It recalls joke about the sadist and the masochist. The masochist says, “Beat me!,” and the sadist says, No…suffer.”

Hamas, to be sure, proposes to die in an accelerated time frame and a particularly disgusting fashion, but it should be kept in mind that self-willed extinction is the norm. West of the Indus, Israel is the only survivor among the thousands of little nations that flourished between 10,000 B.C.E. and 600 C.E. To be sure, there have been plenty of small tribes that wanted to live but were trampled by conquering hordes. The rule, however, is that civilizations die of their own disgust with life. Most of the industrial nations are dying, some very quickly. Most of the Muslim world would rather die than accommodate modernity (although some of it may choose to cease to be Islamic).

I do not mean to sound cruel, but the best thing you can do for victims of a dying culture is: Don’t be one of them. Individuals who want to live have the option of changing cultures. I do not mean that Israel (or anyone else) should go about killing off enemies in order to satisfy their death wish. God forbid: life is still sacred to us even if it is repugnant to them. Neither do we have to commit suicide in order to accommodate our crazy neighbor’s death-wish. We might try to talk him down from the roof, but we are entitled to step aside when he jumps. It is not in our power to persuade suicidal civilizations to carry on living. Ultimately it is our job to contain the damage to ourselves. We cannot help but accept some civilian deaths while engaging an enemy that seeks the maximum number of civilian casualties.

All of this is anathema to liberals, whose premise is that human agency can fix all problems. Enlightenment materialism posited a natural man who either sought self-preservation (Hobbes) or naturally pursued his own best interests (Locke) or was inherently good before corrupted by civilization (Rousseau). Satanic laughter from around the Levant drowns out the squeaky, thin voices of the Enlightenment. One no longer needs to read about it in books. The Middle East has become “How Civilizations Die: The Reality Show.”

Israel is the only developed nation (with a fertility rate of three) that loves life sufficiently to bring more children into the world than are required to replace the existing population. Even the US has fallen below replacement as Hispanics assimilate into Western culture and younger evangelicals behave more like their secular peers. Israel today, as at the time of the prophets, remains a unique and irreplaceable light unto the world, the paragon of a nation, the hope of all humanity. Today it is the proof that modern men and women can embrace life and raise themselves above the tragic fate of the peoples since the dawn of man. Anti-semitism is the vicious grudge that death harbors against life. We are tired of refuting the clumsy calumnies that are thrown at Israel each day in the liberal media. Our response is in the imperative: “Choose life!”

July 16, 2014 | 20 Comments »

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20 Comments / 20 Comments

  1. “Why do you Jews passively sit in bomb shelters and on the border idling while you’re under attack. Why don’t you rise up and demand Hamas be destroyed? Or do it yourselves? Israel’s Jews don’t have balls, they’re emasculated women afraid of their own shadows. Its embarrassing.”

    “you Jews”?? This c-sucker is not Jewish, obviously. What a fucking asshole. No friend of the Jewish people talks like this. This is what antisemites sound like. Fuck Norman F.

  2. Avigail Said:

    He must be one of these brave keyboard kommandos

    Avigail Said:

    these brave keyboard kommandos

    Love the line
    Avigail Said:

    why there isn’t a revolution in the US

    In Texas maybe !!! Its not in our nature.

    Avigail Said:

    Thanks for your support anyway

    Wish I could something more substantial. Take care !!!!

  3. @ honeybee:
    Not necessarily, he could be too old for that. Anyhow, I now wonder if he’s even Jewish.

    He must be one of these brave keyboard kommandos from that once great country that elected a malevolent Marxist twice, a guy who’s only gifted at utterly destroying it with unabated lawlessness.

    We’re all wondering why there isn’t a revolution in the US. We may ask NormanF: he might know.

    Thanks for your support anyway 🙂

    Anyone that keep lecturing us in time of war while w*nking on their sofa miles away can go pound sand, for all we care.

  4. NormanF Said:

    s, they’re emasculated women afraid of their own shadows.

    Many of Israel’s greatest heroes have been women [ including my own namesake ]. Avigail herself bravely faced David’s armies alone and unafraid. Israeli men are standing ready to defend the Jewish people while you toss invectives a them from behind a computer. You Sir are the most pusillanimous of cowards.

  5. NormanF Said:

    ? Israel’s Jews don’t have balls

    I can assure you ,from personal knowledge, the ALL Israeli men have balls. And one Israeli man in particular, named Yamit82, has more then necessarily required.

  6. @ Avigail:

    There may be truth to that as well. Why do you Jews passively sit in bomb shelters and on the border idling while you’re under attack. Why don’t you rise up and demand Hamas be destroyed? Or do it yourselves? Israel’s Jews don’t have balls, they’re emasculated women afraid of their own shadows. Its embarrassing.

  7. @ honeybee:
    Thanks, honeybee 🙂 Yesterday, I was too worn out by the fast (and the sirens) to answer. I don’t need to read that kind of stuff in time of war. The leadership is despicable, and us Jews here are put in great danger because of their cowardice.

  8. @ NormanF:

    Yes, but when you write that Jews have no honor, you talk about all Jews, not Netanyahu, not the leadership at large. It’s not “some people”, it’s all of us.

  9. honeybee Said:

    the phoenix Said:
    ( a self inflicted goal in hockey lingo).
    I play football,,,without a Helmut. I do not care for Jews who disparage our fellow Jews with the same insults hurled at by us our detractors. When the is a foul, I always call it.

    Some people deserve our contempt. Like Netanyahu who dithers while Jews are under fire. No, I will not hold my tongue to make such a worm of a man look good.

  10. honeybee Said:

    @ NormanF:
    Norman F are you not the one who calls Jews stupid and without honor. How is self hate combatable with Chose life?

    I never said Jews are devoid of admirable qualities. I said they make decisions that harm then and strengthen their enemies. Jewish stupidity, like human stupidity in general, is not a compliment.

  11. the phoenix Said:

    ( a self inflicted goal in hockey lingo).

    I play football,,,without a Helmut. I do not care for Jews who disparage our fellow Jews with the same insults hurled at by us our detractors. When the is a foul, I always call it.

  12. @ honeybee:

    Norman F are you not the one who calls Jews stupid and without honor. How is self hate [compatible] with Chose life?

    Dear hb,
    Norman can speak for himself very easily, but, if I may, I’ll just add a sentence or two.
    All these pejoratives are BECAUSE he /we know the reverse to be true.
    So it is more of a groan of disbelief ( a self inflicted goal in hockey lingo).
    Ad speaking of “s.j.” … Where is shy guy???