Her crime was being a Christian


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If Israel touches one person, it is world news for weeks

and The Guardian and BBC scream bloody murder

Strange how no one reports this’

 This is a truly despicable act…….




Send this around all over this

This is the real face of“SHARIA LAW”

Wake up Western World

October 22, 2014 | 44 Comments »

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44 Comments / 44 Comments

  1. @ honeybee:

    “I wanted to thank you, the advice you gave me for pain relief has been most helpful.”

    What advice?

    — do you mean about not resenting the pain?

  2. @ honeybee:

    “Like your post !”

    So does Sara Yoheved Rigler.

    That’s why she wrote it.

    Not that her writing of it means she understands the meaning of the terms she uses there (or the relationship of them to each other) any more than Yamit does

    — she’s as confused about them as he.

  3. @ honeybee:
    honeybee Said:

    Notice how “sweet and mellow” his post have become.

    Debido a que un cetain encantadora pequeña abeja tiene un efecto en mí que nadie más que ella ha tenido alguna vez

  4. the phoenix Said:

    It must have gone well..

    From what I been told by secret Israeli sources ” from time to to time Yamit82 must taken in to a location hidden under Dimona and de-toxified of ” vinegar and spit”. Notice how “sweet and mellow” his post have become.

  5. @ honeybee:

    The opposite of Universalism is not sectarianism. The opposite of Universalism, is community. Defining a group according to religion, nationality, or shared goals creates a community. And a community takes responsibility for helping one another.

  6. @ the phoenix:

    All is well in “Mudville”. Yamit has survived to live-love- and fight another day. Still reserve a few more of my allotted 9 lives.

    Thank you for your well wishes and prayers.

    I am a bit embarrassed and taken by your kind sentiments.

    nough said. Yamit

  7. dweller Said:

    No. Yamit’s TAKE on Judaism is particularistic as opposed to universalist.

    Judaism itself, however, is every bit as universalist as it is particularist.

    Judaism teaches that G-d chose the Jewish people to be in a unique covenant with G-d, and one of our beliefs is that Jewish people were charged by the Torah with a specific mission — to be a light unto the nations, and to exemplify the covenant with G-d as described in the Torah to other nations. Not explicitly a Universalist theology, this view, however, does not preclude a belief that G-d also has a relationship with other peoples—rather, Judaism holds that G-d had entered into a covenant with all humanity as Noachides, and that Jews and non-Jews alike have a relationship with G-d, as well as being universal in the sense that it is open to all mankind.

    “We are not a religious community that keeps its G-d to itself and posits places for other religions. We are liberal enough to allow other religions their belief, but not so overly liberal that we credit them with the label “truth.” We do not concede the possibility of a different Gate to heaven … ” Our Temple’s gateways to Heaven are open to all. 1 Kings 8

    The Temple (literally, “The House’) is the House that is chosen upon the Mount that is for the people who are chosen.

  8. dweller Said:


    The particular people that I know, that can understand Judaism are Southerner and Southerners with Confederate background. They understand the concept of kin and kinship. Especially those of Scotch-Irish heritage.

  9. @ honeybee:

    “USA Christians do not have sense of Peoplehood that Jews possess.”

    “That’s because Christianity is a universalist religious belief while Judaism is not a religion but an religio-nationalist belief which is particularistic as apposed to Universalist.”

    No. Yamit’s TAKE on Judaism is particularistic as opposed to universalist.

    Judaism itself, however, is every bit as universalist as it is particularist.

  10. @ M Devolin:

    “Dunno whether Billy Graham ever underwent that kind of metamorphosis. But, in any case, Franklin Graham isn’t his father.”

    “Billy Graham is Franklin Graham’s father (if I’m not mistaken).”

    You’re not mistaken. That was my point, above:

    Franklin Graham, who runs Samaritan’s Purse, is his own man.

    — He’s not his father, Billy Graham.

    “That’s an amazing story about Jerry Falwell. Did he ever apologize publicly for his antisemitism?”

    He certainly talked (and presumably wrote) about it publicly.

    — Finding out specifically what form that acknowledgment took would require some research.

  11. Billy Graham is Franklin Graham’s father (if I’m not mistaken). And no, I don’t think Billy Graham ever changed his tune. The ugly conversation he had with Richard Nixon is recounted in Daniel Jonah Goldhagen’s new book ‘Antisemisim: The Devil That Never Dies.’

    That’s an amazing story about Jerry Falwell. Did he ever apologize publicly for his antisemitism?

  12. @ M Devolin:

    “Billy Graham was an anti-Jewish bigot.”

    Quite so.

    But then, so was Jerry Falwell

    — until he took a good look at himself and realized he’d just been allowing himself to be the product and instrument of the environment in which he was raised. Whereupon the man changed, substantially.

    Falwell ultimately became a good friend of the Jewish nation and the people of Israel.

    It’s common knowledge that Menachem Begin went into seclusion after the death of his wife Aliza, rarely leaving his apartment except to visit her grave to recite kaddish. Equally well known is that he spent his final years almost entirely without visitors.

    — What is considerably less well known, however, is that one of the only non-immediate-family members he DID agree to see in all those 8 or 9 years was an old friend: Jerry Falwell.

    Dunno whether Billy Graham ever underwent that kind of metamorphosis.

    But, in any case, Franklin Graham isn’t his father.

  13. honeybee Said:

    You are a wreak Sir, no wonder you can’t find a woman to t cook your breakfast.

    Cree usted que esa es la razón ????

    Cómo estás cariño????

  14. There is always the b), send money. The congregants may be starving to death, but as long as the preachers are rich and living in big houses everything is OK.

  15. Billy Graham was an anti-Jewish bigot. Daniel Jonah Goldhagen recounts the anti-Jewish tirades he shared with Richard Nixon.

  16. @ M Devolin:
    Jesus must be doing well financially.

    His sales force is on television all day and night raising funds.

    I was getting up at 2 a.m. this week I couldn’t sleep, and the agents of Jesus were always on TV explaining that they would cure my cancer/leprosy/post-nasal drip if only I would a) sincerely believe in the divinity of the Savior; and b) send money.

    Not necessarily in that order.

  17. M Devolin Said:

    I think it was Bertrand Russell who said, “Christianity would be a good religion, if someone actually lived it.” (or something like that)

    Colder than a whore’s heart here this morning.

    Couple of points.

    christians are more interested in souls than in lives ergo; the great commission. There are as many or more differences and denominational hatred within the christian tent as there are against Muslims and Islam.
    I’m not saying they are all indifferent to the plight of other christians but that’s not their raison d’etre.

    Both christianity and Islam have similar aims just differences in methods to attain them, that being religious wold hegemony. Islam seeks world caliphate and christianity want a world under the cross.

    In the end these two contenders will have a fight to the death. Jews need to know when to avoid taking sides and getting involved… It’s not our fight unless they lay it at our doorstep.

    I say that as much as they hate each other they both hate the Jews more. If they team up we will be in deep shit.

  18. Their hypocrisy is immeasurable. The whole point of me contacting these churches was to shove it in their faces. For the record, I can barely tolerate talking to Christian “preachers”. They totally disgust me. So my whole point was to ask them, Why are you not doing anything about this situation? They don’t really care. That’s the sad truth.

    I remember once speaking in Ottawa when B’nai Elim was trying to prevent the university in Hamilton from getting their licence renewed to operate a nuclear reactor. They had contacted a Syrian Christian who was also concerned about this issue (he did not like Muslims). When I showed up wearing an Israeli beret, he told me that he couldn’t work with me while I was wearing the beret, that I would have to remove it, that it offended him. It totally freaked me out. This guy was such a nice guy, just didn’t like Israel. And I had to comply as the entire trip was paid for by Jewish friends and the plan was for me to work in unison with this guy in presenting our case against McMaster University. The Dean of that university and I had a big debate in the National Post and the Hamilton Spectator.

    ANYWAY, if they don’t know enough to help their own, what can be done for them? I think it was Bertrand Russell who said, “Christianity would be a good religion, if someone actually lived it.” (or something like that)

    Colder than a whore’s heart here this morning.

  19. Those who have to spend so much time, money and energy selling their ideology obviously have an ideology which does not speak for itself Apparently they cannot be “known by their fruits” alone. Their pitches always have the ring of needing to rope in others as a way of convincing themselves. Misery loves company?
    My view is that if their ideology had any value it would be self evident by their behavior and track record……..ooops, that’s a fail right there. (e.g. why join a faith where the adherents do nothing for their slaughtered co religionists but preach love thy neighbor?).
    Doesn’t look like they came up with a mousetrap for which the world beats a path to their door. Looks like the muslims have a more convincing conversion process.

  20. M Devolin Said:

    he couldn’t understand why Western Christians are not talking about it from every pulpit in every church.

    Perhaps the ME christians belong to the wrong christian sect or perhaps the churches are too busy with BDS with no time left. There appears to be no reasonable excuse as we certainly hear from them regularly on BDS, their voices have been loud and clear. Time and money do not appear to impede their BDS goals.

  21. “…not only save their fellow Christians but also to convert Muslims.”

    No way!! Say it isn’t so!! I’ll bet they’re spending more money on converting Muslims than saving Christian lives. I’ve written a few churches in the area about speaking up about the plight of Christians in the Middle East but got no replies. Not one. When we (JDL Canada) did security for a Sephardic Synagogue on Rosh Hashanah, there was a Syrian Christian there who was allowed to help us at the door. I asked him about the situation in Syria for Christians still living there. He said it was horrible and that he couldn’t understand why Western Christians are not talking about it from every pulpit in every church.

  22. @ bernard ross:

    I agree and wish we could emulate the Muslims wrt missionaries in Israel.

    Just image how our ancestors would have reacted to crosses being publicly displayed in Jerusalem???

    They wouldn’t have survived for 10 min. christian churches in the Holy land????? Oxymoron for real Jews.

  23. honeybee Said:

    USA Christians do not have sense of Peoplehood that Jews possess.

    That’s because Christianity is a universalist religious belief while Judaism is not a religion but an religio-nationalist belief which is particularistic as apposed to Universalist.

  24. Ted Belman Said:

    a number of Christian organization working in Muslm countries to not only save their fellow Christians but also to convert Muslims.

    Perhaps it is their proselytizing which further provokes an already insane culture. I believe the evangelists are not supersessionists like the mainstream euro origin churches. Does converting the Muslims have the same importance as saving their christian brothers?
    One can “stalk the Jews” by pogrom or by proselytization.

  25. I just talked with a high profile Christian Zionist on the subject and he assured me that there were a number of Christian organization working in Muslm countries to not only save their fellow Christians but also to convert Muslims. Samantha’s Purse is one and Voice of the Martyrs is another.

  26. yamit82 Said:

    If it doesn’t effect them personally especially in their pockets they will remain largely apathetic.

    they are not apathetic about BDS even though it does not affect them personally.

  27. yamit82 Said:

    I don’t think most Westerners think in terms to christian affinity with coreligionists.

    and yet they are busy getting in trouble globally proselytizing even in North Korea. I think they have supported the muslims against the jews and do not speak against the muslims as a result. Also, they seek to gloss over muslim insanity because they think it will help keep muslim violence down in Europe. They care about many christian global issues but they care more for stalking jews than speaking against muslim atrocities against their fellow christians. speaking against the muslim atrocities against christians might wake up their flock to sympathizing with the jews against the muslims, which is a no go zone for the supersessionists.
    Christians fund muslims to kill the Jews but the muslims chop christian heads in the ME.
    Reporters lie and libel the Jews to placate the muslims but the muslims chop off reporters heads in the ME.
    “Humanitarians” lie and libel the Jews for the muslims but the muslims chop humanitarians heads in the ME.
    HMMMMMMM???????? Can anyone smell the coffee? 🙂

    Euroswindlers frantic for sanctions but Israel increases investments
    Pals scream for state and yet both their govs are falling apart
    defamers call the jews killers but the muslims are having a bloodlust
    Euroswindlers invest in “palestine” and their investments are bombed to crap
    Euro swindlers demand peace with the muslims and then the muslims all go to war on each other clearly showing they are not peaceful
    etc etc etc
    I think europe is about to suffer a lot of violence as punishment for their libels
    more coffee anyone? 🙂

  28. bernard ross Said:

    the christians dont care, they are too busy stalking the jews

    I don’t think most Westerners think in terms to christian affinity with coreligionists. If it doesn’t effect them personally especially in their pockets they will remain largely apathetic. I believe the Muslims understand this and will exploit it further to their advantage.

  29. I am sick and tired of the factory of red lines and the stuttering idiocy of “wake up calls”. Enough of that.
    Islam is a monstrous cult of death operated by deranged beasts.
    The Islamic beasts must be put down.