Hotovely: Netanyahu Not Compromising Despite US Antics

Deputy Minister supports PM after reports of Obama blocking weapons transfer, notes lack of ‘professionalism.’

By Shlomo Pyotrkovsky, Ari Yashar, INN
8/14/2014, 1:00 PM

Tzipi Hotovely

Tzipi Hotovely
Deputy Transportation Minister Tzipi Hotovely (Likud) on Thurdsay responded to reports in the Wall Street Journal Wednesday night, which revealed that US President Barack Obama’s administration blocked a weapons transfer to Israel.

According to the US and Israeli officials cited in the report, Obama halted a batch of Hellfire missiles that were requested in military-to-military channels as common in such transfers, and ordered future Israeli requests to be carefully scrutinized.

Lending her support to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Hotovely remarked that he “is acting correctly by not compromising on the personal security interests of the state, even if that doesn’t find favor in the eyes of certain members of the American administration.”

“Despite the arguments, some of which even cross the lines of professionalism, the United States and Israel have shared interests, particularly in light of the instability of the Middle East,” added Hotovely.

While Hotovely spoke out in support of Netanyahu’s refusal to compromise, Israel on Wednesday night agreed to a further five-day extension of the ceasefire with Hamas amid US pressure to do so, and despite the terror organization’s breach of the ceasefire hours before and after the ceasefire went into effect.

Following the rocket attacks Wednesday night, Hotovely said “Israel cannot be a prisoner of Hamas. Operation Protective Edge must end with a mortal blow to Hamas’s capabilities, eliminating the leaders of Hamas and achieving deterrence.”

Further doubts were raised about Netanyahu’s willingness to stand firm on Israel’s security interests after he met with party chair coalition members on Tuesday, in what one minister term “softening talks” to gain support for Israeli concessions.

Obama called Netanyahu shortly before the current ceasefire went into effect to push for a “sustainable” ceasefire. According to US officials cited in the Wall Street Journal report, that Wednesday night phone call was “particularly combative.”


August 14, 2014 | 9 Comments »

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9 Comments / 9 Comments

  1. Hotovely is excellent. If only the Knesset had more members like her. Many more.
    In her I see a future Prime Minister.

    Mickey Oberman

  2. bernard ross Said:

    Something wrong with my glasses, every time I read her name it says instead “HotnLovely”. Go figure?

    No I don’t think there is anything wrong with your glasses. I, for sure can see her name printed and it is “HotnLovely”. She is one of Israel’s secret weapons manufactured by Israel’s experimental Kibbutz programs.

  3. For 90 Minutes, Simon Wiesenthal Center Directors Tell UN’s Ban-Ki Moon About Hamas Abuses, List 19 War Crimes
    In a follow-up note to Ban after their meeting, the SWC rabbis summed up the argument they presented. They said that “we must frankly ask you how many times will the world allow itself to be held hostage by Hamas? This is the third time since 2005 when Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza that Hamas has brought death and destruction to the people of Gaza. Once again they are using the people of Gaza, the civilian infrastructure and UN facilities in its non-stop campaign to terrorize the Jewish state.”

    “The systematic hijacking of previous aid, cement, and building materials by Hamas to build an underground superhighway of terror is scandalous and a violation of the wishes of the donors who did not contribute funds for rockets or tunnels,” they said. “Those who failed to stop such theft and serial abuse of humanitarian aid, must be held accountable and should not have any involvement in supervising or dispersing of future funds.”
    They also said that work shouldn’t begin until “the total disarming of Hamas and the destruction of all of the thousands of rockets and missiles Hamas still harbors.”
    The Jewish human rights group that works to protect Jews against anti-Semitism also raised that core issue with Ban. “There has been an explosion of anti-Semitism and genocidal hatred against Israel from Europe to Australia,” they said. “Rather than denouncing this toxic situation Navi Pillay, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, contributed to it by being so rabidly one-sided in her criticisms of Israel.”
    “During her tenure there was no effort to investigate previous crimes against humanity by Hamas, including its own admission that 160 Palestinian children died building their terrorism tunnels. Her behavior demands a public censure from the Secretary General.”

    Read more at:

  4. yamit82 Said:

    To appraise what’s really going on trace back who leaked the story first.


    Hotovely: …………..

    Something wrong with my glasses, every time I read her name it says instead “HotnLovely”. Go figure?

  5. Well, there you have it.

    America is ruled by a spoiled, petulant minded misfit who is prone to tantrums when his poor judgement shows itself.

    Imagine, talking back to the ruler of the white house.
    It would take a heap of provocations to do that.
    Obama has been heaping those provocations since his first days as president.

    Now he sees the end approaching and he has nothing good to show for his bullying methods.

    Mickey Oberman

  6. SHmuel HaLevi 2 Said:

    I suspect that the “pressures” may have been asked for by our folk….

    I read of the requests and approvals by Obama over a week ago by those demanding we stick close to the American aprons and try to involve America deeper into the negotiations.

    What happened in the last 10 days to change Blubbering thank you’s to Obama and now with these recent leaked reports.
    To appraise what’s really going on trace back who leaked the story first.

  7. While Hotovely spoke out in support of Netanyahu’s refusal to compromise, Israel on Wednesday night agreed to a further five-day extension of the ceasefire with Hamas amid US pressure to do so, and despite the terror organization’s breach of the ceasefire hours before and after the ceasefire went into effect.

    While Hotovely spoke out in support of Netanyahu’s refusal to compromise, Israel on Wednesday night agreed to a further five-day extension of the ceasefire with Hamas amid US pressure to do so, and despite the terror organization’s breach of the ceasefire hours before and after the ceasefire went into effect.

    It is not easy to deal with incompetent leftist ideologue who shows sympathy for terrorist Hamas in action (not in words).

    I know there is too much pressure to force BB to accept Hamas’ demand from the leader who likes to lead from behind.

    For the sake of the honor of USA and its kindest people, if he does not support Israel (USA’s best ally in the Middle East) there will be a backlash in the upcoming elections against BHO’s party from the majority of Americans who love and support Israel.

    Israel should fight for its existence and security by totally abandoning any future indirect discussion with terrorist Hamas.

    It is is a height of insanity to pressure Israel to come to ‘terms’ with terrorist Hamas by rewarding its murderous and genocidal acts. No more meaningless cease fire until there will be total peace in the southern parts of Israel and Gaza demilitarized!

  8. As a rule, our military, except at political generals level where self interest reigns, is superbly equipped to assure supplies and spares.
    Israel can count on strategic stores being replete.
    Alternative suppliers are always listed and certified as fall back sources. I used to be in charge of such activities… not in Israel but it is standard operating procedure everywhere.
    I would not worry too much if only foreign governments are involved on pressures, regrettably I suspect that the “pressures” may have been asked for by our folk….