Israelophobia, newest form of the oldest hatred

The distinction between hating Jews and hating Israel is bogus


Posters carried on pro-Palestinian march, London 2019; courtesy of UK Campaign Against Antisemitism

Antisemitism is a rotten term for the “longest hatred” that targets the Jewish people. For a start, there is no such thing as “semitism” to be “anti”.

The word “antisemitism” was invented by a 19th-century Jew-hater, Wilhelm Marr, who wanted to invest this prejudice with the spurious characteristic of race in order to appeal to a society that increasingly defined itself in scientific terms.

Today, with Jew-hatred having reached unprecedented global levels, the inadequacies of “antisemitism” are becoming ever more manifest. Many wrongly believe that it’s just another form of racism. Few understand that it’s a uniquely paranoid, deranged and murderous mindset.

Because Judaism and the Jews are so poorly understood, few recognise that this unique people is victimised by a unique prejudice. And few acknowledge that the prejudice changes shape as societies change.

Used for the sake of convenience, “antisemitism” fosters further misunderstanding over the issue of Israel. People assume that prejudice against the Jewish people is against Jews as people. Few understand that Judaism isn’t a private confessional faith as the west understands religion to be.

They don’t realise that Jewish religious identity is rooted in the land of Israel, where the Jews were historically the only people for whom it was ever their national kingdom. So they fail to grasp that Israel is at the very heart of Judaism. Denouncing the right of the Jews to the land is to attack Judaism itself.

But because “antisemitism” is associated with bigotry against Jews as people — and specifically with genocidal Nazism — individuals bridle when it’s used to describe their hostility to the State of Israel.

In other words, demonising Jews and wishing they would disappear from the world may be beyond the pale, but demonising Israel and wishing it would disappear from the world is just fine.

In his new book Israelophobia, published next week, Jake Wallis Simons takes this false distinction apart. The Jew-hatred that is now at epidemic levels throughout the west focuses overwhelmingly on the Jewish homeland

Simons, the editor of Britain’s Jewish Chronicle for which I write, does an outstanding job detailing the astounding tsunami of falsehoods, distortions, double standards and vilification engulfing Israel. Although atrocities and human rights abuses are taking place all over the world, this obsessional campaign is directed only at Israel, the sole democracy in the Middle East.

Israel’s products are boycotted, its speakers hounded off campus, its businesses vandalised and its behaviour singled out for lies, slander and double standards at the UN. With the Palestinian cause having become the default position of progressives, the left makes common cause with the world’s worst dictatorships to attack a democracy that protects the rights of women, gays and other minorities.

Reasonable and reasoned criticism of Israel is, of course, entirely proper, just as with any other country. But this onslaught is neither reasonable nor reasoned. So why is Israel abused in this hallucinatory way?

To what he calls the newest form of the oldest hatred, Simons has given another name: Israelophobia. This, he writes, has three characteristics: demonisation, through which Israel is smeared as evil and a threat to the world; weaponisation of “social justice” as a Trojan horse for hatred of Jews and their national home; and falsification, or parroting the lies of Nazi or Soviet propaganda.

All this has twisted the western mind. As Simons observes, the sheer number of committed Israelophobes and the force of their disinformation, fuelled by state-sponsored propaganda from Berlin to Tehran, has established a powerful gravitational pull sucking in ordinary people.

As a result, indefensible assumptions about Israel and the Jewish people — such as “Israelis behave like Nazis towards the Palestinians,” the “Jews have too much power” and “Jews exploit Holocaust victimhood for their own purposes” — have become mainstream and produced a kind of herd immunity to common sense.

Some of these falsehoods are positively surreal. Israel is seen as white even though a (small) majority of its Jews are dark-skinned. In 2018 Mark Winston Griffith, executive director for the Black Movement Centre in Crown Heights, New York, suggested that Jews were being attacked on the streets of Brooklyn because Jewishness was “a form of almost hyper-whiteness”.

In 2020, after the killing of Gorge Floyd, synagogues and Jewish shops in America were vandalised and attacked with “Free Palestine” and obscene anti-Israel graffiti, while in France, Black Lives Matter demonstrators screamed “dirty Jews,” echoing the same chants that filled French streets during the Dreyfus affair a century before.

“In short,” writes Simons, “whether Jews count as non-white, white to hyper-white, privileged or oppressed, colonisers or indigenous, has become a matter of Schrödinger’s Jew: the label shifts on the basis of the agenda. And when it comes to the social justice movement, that agenda is invariably hostile to [the Jews’] nation state”.

In fact, “social justice” and identity politics are positively rooted in anti-Jewish prejudice. The malicious stereotype of rich, powerful Jews oppressing the vulnerable has been embedded in the left since Marx.

“Intersectional” identity politics, in which groups use spurious claims of victimisation to gain power over other groups, patterns itself on claims of antisemitism that social justice warriors believe Jews deploy to mask their own misdeeds. Victim culture is thus founded upon anti-Jewish prejudice, and its fake claims are exposed by real bigotry against Jews which must therefore be denied.

Appallingly, the “social justice” agenda has been endorsed by a majority of American Jews. Simons takes bitter aim at Jewish progressives, for whom, he caustically observes, the Israelification of antisemitism must be a relief. They gain acceptance on the left through “auto-denunciation,” adopting the left’s default Israelophobic narrative while holding their Jewish heads high.

The question is why this supremely perverse onslaught against Israel is happening. Most obviously, it is a product of the left’s current stance against colonialism, imperialism and racism, which is associated with Israel simply because “intersectionality” promotes the monstrous charge that Jews are white-skinned, capitalist oppressors.

And, of course, there’s the vital role of the media in promoting Palestinian Arab lies and distortions as the truth, demonising Israel by omitting to report Palestinian Arab attacks on Israelis and focusing only on Israeli strikes in response. The media thus present Israel as a wanton and indiscriminate killer, even though its armed forces do more to safeguard civilian lives when it carries out counter-terror operations against its enemies than any other army in the world.

The most powerful passages in Simons’s book demonstrate how both Nazism and the Soviet Union further weaponised antisemitism against Israel. The Soviet Union, which used anti-Zionism to weaken the west by driving wedges and sowing discord, disseminated staggering amounts of anti-Jewish and anti-Israel propaganda, depicting Judaism as a vicious and inhuman religion that had spawned “fascist Zionism”. This malevolent narrative is now parroted by the left.

In the 1930s and 1940s, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, turned Palestine’s Arabs into Hitler’s forces in the Middle East committed to the genocide of the Jews.

This linkage continues to influence attitudes in the Arab world. Nazi imagery of Jews as spiders, dogs, octopuses, snakes and bloodsuckers remains widespread in Palestinian and Arab media, while the Mufti is the self-professed hero of Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas.

As the American historian Jeffrey Herf has observed, this association has poisoned western universities and “aligned the western left with the afterlife of Hitler’s Nazi party and its larger designs for the Middle East”.

The west’s historic Jew-hatred and current unhinged animus against Israel are joined at the hip. By using a new word to reflect this, and through careful and detailed research, Jake Wallis Simons has delivered a powerful blow against the big lie through which the western left tries to wash from its hands an indelible stain.

Jewish News Syndicate

September 1, 2023 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. @Edgar Emir Faisal of the 1919 Weizman-Faisal Agreement, Mudhar Zahran, King Mohammed V of Morrocco, Israel’s partners in the Abraham Accords, to varying extents. Can there be normalization with Nazis like the Fakestinian founder and the “nation” he invented and shaped? Oh, sorry, you only asked for one. Overkill. As it happens, they are all Arabs, but they wouldn’t need to be to answer Carl’s contention that it’s all coming from Islam, would they? And what’s wrong with using Wikipedia, only the greatest encyclopedia ever devised? Not that I’m putting down old books and fading memories, either, mind you, Daddyo. 😀

    As for flaws, well, I’m sorry my posts haven’t passed quality control and made it up to your production line. Yours are just fine with moi.

    It’s all good.

  2. SEB-

    You seem lately to make comments in which I seem to find flaws..
    Apart from Bajazet, name me other Muslim leaders who welcomed Jews. But don’t include The coast of Africa, as I’ve pointed out, the Muslims there were mostly not Arabs, but Berbers and Moors.

    Bajazet’s action was , according to my reading, more politically motivated than otherwise. He was a great ruler and deeply political. Not so religious. Of course he would help the fleeing Muslims and that Jews were with them was an extra dig at Christendom, with whom he was constantly at war.

    Besides, being very wise he knew that Jews, in their place, enriched wherever they settled..

    My feeling i , with your megillah quoting names and details in depth, etc that you got your information maybe from WIKI. It seems too glib.
    I got mine from text books and historical accounts. Admittedly many years ago, and I may have made an error or two.

    Dragut Reis, was the terror of the Mediterranean, and even made raids along European coasts for slaves. Even as far as Ireland. He made his name under Suleiman the Magnificent, Bajazet’s son, or maybe grandson, but also served under Bajazet.

    There were also the brothers, famous corsairs and Admirals, one of whom was named Keyer Ed-Din Barbarossa, who ravaged the coasts of North Africa and Europe for slaves of whom they took tens of thousands. They captured Algeria.

    My memory is a bit hazy here but I think my basic facts are correct.

    Piri Reis and his cousin or uncle were also famous Admirals, tactically clever fighters, and even explorers, (in a way rather like the Vikings)
    Piri was reputed to have ventured as far as the coast of America.

  3. @Carl True, but in practice, as with Christendom, Islam has alternated between welcoming and murderous policies over the centuries. For example, in 1492, the sultan of the Ottoman Empire, Bayezid II sent out ships to rescue Jews and Muslims fleeing Spain.

    “Bayezid addressed a firman to all the governors of his European provinces, ordering them not only to refrain from repelling the Spanish refugees, but to give them a friendly and welcome reception.[14] He threatened with death all those who treated the Jews harshly or refused them admission into the empire. Moses Capsali, who probably helped to arouse the sultan’s friendship for the Jews, was most energetic in his assistance to the exiles. He made a tour of the communities and was instrumental in imposing a tax upon the rich, to ransom the Jewish victims of the persecution.”

    Himmler made the Grand Mufti an SS General.

  4. IMHO, too much is made of the Nazi influence on Arab opposition to Israel. The root of the conflict over Israel is due to the religion of Islam based on the Koran and the sacred hadiths which are just loaded with Jew-hatred including commands to make war on Jews and subjugate them to Islamic rule. Simons does not deal with the role of the religion of Islam in the Islamic opposition to Zionism. As for the term, “Israelophobia”, it is less descriptive than just “anti-Zionism”, plus, using it tends to legitimize the phony propaganda terms such as “Islamophobia”, “homophobia” and “transphobia”. Better just to stick with “anti-Zionism”. And, by the way, the word “antisemitism” has meant discrimination and antipathy only toward Jews for more than 140 years. It was invented by a German Jew-hating politician in 1879 as a euphemism for “Jew-hatred”.

  5. The hyper-whiteness idea is spot on as kicking “Zionists” or as “Uncle Joe” would have said, “rootless cosmopolitans,” is an easy way for those who wish to “Get at Whitey” alias the WASP establishment without the risks of taking on the establishment head on. The cream of the irony is that the “rootless cosmopolitans” in turning Zionist are returning to their roots for being fed up with being rootless.
    The whole “Kick the Jews and save Russia,” syndrome is a ‘displacement activity’ or diversion of kick the cat politics and lives out the old jibe at easy answers that conspiracy theories exist so that the ignorant can pose as intellectuals. While the baffled suffer economic crises imported from events abroad and descend into the streets to sack Rothschild’s Bank, they are NOT stoning the windows of Chase Manhattan, JP Morgan, Lloyds. HSBC, ParisBas Barclays or DeutscheBank – never mind Bank of China.