Judea and Samaria Belong to Israel

Ted Belman

This is the name of the campaign I am organizing to raise money for Zionist NGO’s.

The Campaign is not yet launched. In the meantime visit the campaign’s Facebook Page and like it. Read what it is about. Spread the word.


Be prepared to donate when the campaign is launched.

February 3, 2014 | 11 Comments »

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11 Comments / 11 Comments

  1. yamit82 Said:

    Why has Feiglin been silent over this treason all these years???

    He never was.

    Feiglin’s public comments of disdain for the pandering Yesha Council go back at least to the early 90s. Get your facts straight. Like I said, Google is your friend.
    yamit82 Said:

    Blaming the voters and not the deficiencies of Feiglin is disingenuous. He has had 15 years or more to convince the voters he is correct and worthy of their support.

    Obligatory illustration

    yamit82 Said:

    Many may say I agree with a lot of what Feiglin says but I would never vote for him.

    Obligatory illustration

  2. Shy Guy Said:

    There is no question that nothing will help if the voters keep wanting to be led by the established Israeli pols who have been running everything into the ground for 30-40 years.

    Blaming the voters and not the deficiencies of Feiglin is disingenuous. He has had 15 years or more to convince the voters he is correct and worthy of their support.

    Bennett has accomplished more in less than one year than Feiglin in 15. So who is right? I am not a fan of either but I AM TRYING TO MAKE A POINT.

    Having sound ideas are not enough. Many have similar or better ideas but it takes more than that to lead and bring enough people to support you. Many may say I agree with a lot of what Feiglin says but I would never vote for him. If you reduce the Lieberman faction from the Likud they have 20 seats with BB. If feiglin were ever to capture the position as head of the Likud it would cease to be the Likud except in name and most of the secular and traditional Likud voters would move to other parties leaving Feiglin with a few mandates. You still will not face the reality that the guy has no charisma or personal appeal needed to become a leader of a major political party and movement. Most people gravitate to winners not losers.

  3. @ Shy Guy:

    You did not respond to:

    He criticizes without specificity.

    What is the official purpose of the council?

    What is he proposing to replace the council and how will it be more effective?

    If Feiglin does not respond to those points then what he said according to INN is demagoguery.

    I am generally aware of the crap that is going on in the councils and have been opposed to them for years ever since Yamit but if Feiglin has specific criticisms he should voice them not the crap he is quoted to have said.

    I was the one who posted the expose documentary “Meraglim” several times on IP

    Why has Feiglin been silent over this treason all these years??? Especially since the fact that many of those same traitors are still in place and active, especially those stinking rabbis Like ‘R Avineir’ and ‘R Druckman’ so revered by so many still. We had many of them in Yamit as well and what they pulled against us they did to Gush Katif as well. What goes around comes around.

  4. the phoenix Said:

    But so far… Tackhless….. Zilch?

    I can only tell you that I keep on bumping into more and more secular Israelis who are saying “Feiglin Tzodek” – “Feiglin is correct”.

    There is no question that nothing will help if the voters keep wanting to be led by the established Israeli pols who have been running everything into the ground for 30-40 years.

  5. @ Shy Guy:

    ?…see what Feiglin and so many of Y&S’s residents have been saying for years.

    Dear shy,
    A few years ago, I have stumbled upon feiglin’s home page with the 10 reasons for ‘Jewish Leadership’.
    I was in agreement with Each one of them. I was hoping that FINALLY a real Jew would come to the the forefront to lead this sadly divided nation.
    I read many of his articles and I have his book, where there are no men…
    I admit , I was VERY enthusiastic and sill am hopeful that at the end of the day SOMETHING. will come out of all these beautiful speeches.
    From what I see, admittedly, not by being there on the ground, the secular people have bought into every false narrative that floats around and have accepted it as DA TRUTH…
    These seculars come in two main flavours:
    A. the ‘let’s be more american than the Americans’ crowd. Life is good…why rock the boat for some old stones that we have no use for when we could continue to sip another latte on the tayelet
    B. the ideological unjews. The peace now, meretz and other bullshit groups that see no evil done by the musloids, yet, there is NOTHING good that the Jews/Jewish state is doing.

    In regards to the religious… THAT is another multifaceted entity. Basically, from what I have learned right here on IP, you have the religious that would join any political entity, depending on what they get and lastly, you have the ones like feiglin… The kipot srugot

    In view of that, (please correct any misconceptions I may have), LEADING is almost impossible.
    Nonetheless, I believe that his platform SHOULD be embraced by the majority of Israeli Jews.
    But so far… Tackhless….. Zilch?

  6. yamit82 Said:

    Demagoguery by Feiglin again?

    You mean because of your ignorance of just how rotten the council has [not] been performing for decades to fight against the GOI’s tyranny, that ignorance of yours makes Feiglin a “demagogue”?

    Try googling to see what Feiglin and so many of Y&S’s residents have been saying for years. There’s nothing new here.

    And if you think otherwise, then say so and why, rather than spitting out your usual venom for Feiglin.

  7. Shy Guy Said:

    Sometimes you have to tear down before you can build up

    Demagoguery by Feiglin again?

    He criticizes without specificity.

    What is the official purpose of the council?

    What is he proposing to replace the council and how will it be more effective?

  8. Ted –

    You SHOULD be Prime Minister!

    I am sick and tired of whining and sniveling Jews who stamp their little feet and complain they’re being treated rudely!

    When you’re weak and cowardly, of course the neighborhood bully shows up. And he will treat you with complete contempt.

    Judea and Samaria IS Israel and sad to say, many Jews do not appreciate its importance.