Leftist paper pushes Golan giveaway

By Stan Goodenough, JNewswire

The Israeli daily Ha’aretz Tuesday sought to give a surreptitious push to efforts to get “peace” talks going between Jerusalem and Damascus.

According to an “exclusive” report written by ultra-leftist Akiva Eldar, Israelis and Syrians have been holding secret negotiations with a third-party mediator over the past two years.

[..] Israeli and Syrian officials deny the report, which was picked up and aired by all the local media.

A number of previous prime ministers – right and left – have indicated their willingness to give up the Golan Heights for the sake of peace with Syria. Most, however, are believed to have made such suggestions secure behind the belief that Syria would never comply with its obligations to ensure that peace.

In the manner of left-wing journalists everywhere, the Israeli media loses no opportunity to influence the nation in the direction of giving away land for “peace.”

January 16, 2007 | 2 Comments »

2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. These Left Wing journalists should be stript naked and expelled over the border with Syria so that they will be recognized by their circumcision. Think that they will hear a “welcome neighbor”.

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