Marine Le Pen ‘The EU Is the MAJOR CASUALTY of the Coronavirus’!!!

March 29, 2020 | 12 Comments »

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  1. @ Bear Klein:
    “He cooperates with friends but makes sure the US is treated farily.”
    Countries DO NOT have friends, they have interests, and these interests are defended and promoted by their top politicians and diplomats (if they are not traitors).
    The United States has almost 200 (two hundred) bases and other military installations in Germany – do you think the US cares much about the moods of Angela Merkel?
    The US has never signed or stayed with any international agreement that didn’t suit its interests.
    The US has almost 1,000 military bases and a few bio weapons labs around the world, and the dollar is the world currency – do you think anyone will dare NOT to treat it fairly? Let them try!
    Trump is Die zelbe kale nor andersh geshleyert (if you get my Yiddish) like every other American president.
    I feel for him, it’s a difficult job.

  2. @ Ted Belman:
    “the crux of your beliefs”
    I don’t have non-religious “beliefs”.
    My statements are based on FACTS that I know (obviously, I cannot know or be aware of everything) and I really try to be realistic in my assessments and to think before I comment.
    I believe in God but not in almighty politicians or in how George Soros whose worth is now somewhere between 4-10 billion $$ (not even in the first 50, I think) “rules the world and imposes the New World Order” and, as some talk show host once said, “dictates policy to our President!”. This DOES require a very strong FAITH.
    What “America First” basis?
    The American policy has ALWAYS been “AMERICA FIRST”, since the state’s founding, this is just a different tactic to promote the same idea in a different way.
    (BTW, I voted FOR Trump in the primaries but my vote was actually AGAINST Bernie and Biden.)
    “The American economy gets destroyed first” basis in order to raise it up? Let’s hope it works this way if this was what was intended.
    We haven’t seen the complete fallout of the US government induced “pandemic” scare, not the least of which will be that the suddenly impoverished and scared societies around the globe will be radicalized and we all know what will happen next.
    The New World Order is an American idea which was first expressed by Woodrow Wilson.
    On September 11, 1990 George Bush, Sr. made a speech in which he said: “Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective — a new world order — can emerge: a new era — freer from the threat of terror, etc.”.
    My first thought upon hearing “a new world order” (for the 1st time in my life) was “What the heck is that – The Forth Reich?” (whether anyone likes it or not, that was what I thought).
    In spite of all the beautiful words it was the start of the war in Iraq (was that George Soros’ conspiracy, too?)
    I am not giving any URLs because I am afraid that my comment will be trashed – I did make a copy of it so I can repost it.

  3. Trump has run the government and his policies on a America First Basis. He cooperates with friends but makes sure the US is treated farily.

    The idea that Trump is New World Order person is simply not based on reality. This is why EU leaders Merkel, Macron plus Canadian PM Trudeau have had fallout’s with Trump because he opposes their New World Order.

  4. Reader Said:

    In my opinion, the New World Order is MUCH bigger and much more powerful than President Trump who is a mere puppet of the NWO like every US president and, probably, every one of the top European politicians.

    Now you are getting down to the crux of your beliefs.

    Here’s mine;

    George Soros: Trump Is Destroying the New World Order!!!

    The Anglosphere Cometh

    Anglosphere Triumphs

    Trump’s policies are an existential threat to the New World Order
    This last link includes all article I have posted on the NWO.

  5. Well, he’s right. But, the substance of it is all in the headlne. All he does is repeat himself in different ways the way the pundits of the mainstream media do normally..

  6. @ Ted Belman:
    Dr Steve Turley is a guitarist and a professor of Fine Arts at a minor university. If he is an expert on politics, globalism, etc., then every one of us here can position ourselves as an expert.
    It is possible that he is usually well informed but he certainly doesn’t sound informed in this video.
    In my opinion, the New World Order is MUCH bigger and much more powerful than President Trump who is a mere puppet of the NWO like every US president and, probably, every one of the top European politicians.
    The UN is almost exclusively financed by the US, the WHO is financed by the US, Angela Merkel reports her every move to the US, if not for the US the EU would not have come into existence in the first place, and, as far as I can see, the US has now decided to break up the EU (the old tactic of divide and conquer).
    Do you really believe that the virus that has so far proven FAR LESS contagious (where are the MILLIONS infected by it in the US alone and the tens of thousands dead?) than the last year’s flu has been allowed to just about destroy the world economy, to throw perhaps tens of millions of people out of work, possibly destroy the lives of the next two generations, destroy whatever is left of “democracy”, to raise the specter of Nazi eugenics (at least in regard to those older than 65) BY ACCIDENT?
    I am sorry, but I don’t. I just can’t.
    I fail to rejoice with Dr Turley over the demise of the EU because the world depression followed by the European disunity was already twice followed by a world war.
    Now, maybe the powers that be have nothing against it but I do.

  7. @ Reader:
    I have watched many Videos by Dr Steve Turley and I find him very informed.

    As one who follows the fortunes of the New World Order .led by the UN, the EU, George Soros and Angela Merkel among others, ever since the advent of Pres Trump it has been falling apart.. The pandemic is simply delivering the coup de gras.

    I agree that Globalism is not synonomous with the Global Village in all ways. But it certainly is in some.

  8. @ Ted Belman:
    Because he rants about the (fake) pandemic, he rants about the (allegedly) thoroughly incompetent EU using invective, he uses the wrong definition of globalism (globalism does NOT = global village), he lies that Macron is the originator of the New World Order (the 1st one to use this term publicly was Bush Senior in the early 90s), he lies about what Brexit was all about, he categorically states that the EU (I am NOT a defender of the EU) is DEAD because of some virus panic which is not necessarily true.
    Basically, he doesn’t announce the news (he doesn’t even bother to show Le Pen actually speaking), he keeps pounding into his listeners’ heads WHAT THEY MUST THINK ABOUT THE NEWS (propaganda) which is the feature of most news broadcasts, BTW.