Moscow stresses Syrian Kurds should understand Syria is indivisible

T. Belman. Thus both Russia and the US want Syria not to be divided into separate countries. Perhaps a federation though. This may result in Iran losing its influence when Assad goes. My guess is that Russia is agreeing to the ultimate departure of Assad in part because it wants to please Saudi Arabia.


MOSCOW, March 25. Moscow is explaining in its contacts with Kurds that Syria is an indivisible country that should not be broken into parts, Russia’s presidential envoy on the Middle East and North Africa, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov told reporters on Friday.

“Our task is to help Kurds, to find common ground, common approaches. National Syrian interests should prevail over all others,” Bogdanov said. “They should proceed from the fact that Syria should not be broken apart as it will be bad for Syrians themselves,” he added.

The diplomat noted that Russia maintains good relations and contacts with Kurds. “We maintain good contacts with Kurds. We keep in touch not only with Democratic Union Party and several other parties and organizations,” he said.

March 26, 2016 | 2 Comments »

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  1. For those familiar with the Rojava Revolution, the advanced nature of the above recent declaration comes as no surprise.

    The following is the preamble to the Rojavan Social Contract – a kind of provisional constitution which was adopted on 29th January 2014. From :-

    We, the people of the Democratic Autonomous Regions of Afrin, Jazira and Kobane, a confederation of Kurds, Arabs, Syrics, Arameans, Turkmen, Armenians and Chechens, freely and solemnly declare and establish this Charter.

    In pursuit of freedom, justice, dignity and democracy and led by principles of equality and environmental sustainability, the Charter proclaims a new social contract, based upon mutual and peaceful coexistence and understanding between all strands of society. It protects fundamental human rights and liberties and reaffirms the peoples’ right to self-determination.

    Under the Charter, we, the people of the Autonomous Regions, unite in the spirit of reconciliation, pluralism and democratic participation so that all may express themselves freely in public life. In building a society free from authoritarianism, militarism, centralism and the intervention of religious authority in public affairs, the Charter recognizes Syria’s territorial integrity and aspires to maintain domestic and international peace.

    In establishing this Charter, we declare a political system and civil administration founded upon a social contract that reconciles the rich mosaic of Syria through a transitional phase from dictatorship, civil war and destruction, to a new democratic society where civic life and social justice are preserved.

    Bold emphases mine.

    For the avoidance of doubt – if for some bizarre reason there still is any – I reproduce Article 12:-

    Article 12

    The Autonomous Regions form an integral part of Syria. It is a model for a future decentralized system of federal governance in Syria.

    It must be asked:- What decent Human Being wouldn’t support what the Rojavans are attempting to achieve?

  2. It would appear that Bogdanov’s comments are really quite redundant, and that he’s merely deploying rhetoric consistent with his role as a statist functionary operating under the colour of legitimacy embedded in the cutesy term “International Community”.
    Why? Because Bogdanov simply MUST realise that the “Syrian Kurds” – really the Rojavans, who are successfully implementing a truly multi-ethnic and gender-equal society in the autonomous regions they control – have no intention of “dividing Syria”. Quite the opposite, in fact.

    Here is their recent declaration of Federalism, from

    In response to the appeal made by the General Coordination of Democratic Self-Administration Areas (Al Jazira, Kobane and Afrin), all components of political forces, parties, and social actors in the cantons of Rojava and the areas liberated from terrorist forces held a meeting resulting in a comprehensive political vision for a Syrian resolution and an agreement on the management system for Rojava/Northern Syria. This can serve as a model for the rest of Syria, providing a solution for the whole Syrian crisis. We, the representatives of these areas, met during 16th and 17th March 2016. Remembering with appreciation and respect the martyrs of our people, who wrote with their blood the greatest historical heroic resistance, and made courageous sacrifices. Our martyrs have brought our people to the milestone that they are at today. This aforementioned meeting resulted in the following decisions.

    1. A future Syria is for all Syrians and this is what the democratic federal system is achieving at the base of all social components.
    2. To work on establishing a democratic federal system for Rojava/Northern Syria.
    3. The co-presidents were elected by the Council and are supported by 31 members.
    4. The organizing committee was assigned to prepare a social contract and a comprehensive political and legal vision for this system within a period not exceeding six months.
    5. The transitional justice institution that embodies the democratic federal system for Rojava/Northern Syria will be issued by the founding council, which is considered as an interim administration, pending general elections under the supervision and control of the United Nations.
    6. Women’s freedom is an essence of the federal democratic system. Women have the right to equal participation and in decision-related responsibilities in relation to female issues. Women will be represented as equals in all spheres of life, including all social and political aspects.
    7. The people and communities living in the federal system in Rojava/Northern Syria can develop their political, economic, social, cultural, and democratic relations with whom they see fit, or share their beliefs and culture with the people and communities on a regional and international level, provided that this relationship does not interfere with the objectives and interests of the federal democratic system.
    8. The regions liberated by democratic forces from terrorist organisations shall become a part of the federal democratic system of Rojava-Northern Syria in an appropriate way.
    9. The democratic federal system in Rojava/Northern Syria’s goal, on the regional level, is to achieve a democratic union in the Middle East as well as democratic progress between all people who live in the Middle East, in all fields such as political, economic, cultural and social. If we cut through the national borders of the state, we can live in peace and security with one another.
    10. The realization of a federal and democratic system shall take place within a sovereign Syria.

    To all people in Syria, Kurdistan and Rojava, groups and all social classes

    We are living today in a historical phase and critical circumstances. Today, Syria is in the worst tragedy in its history. Millions have been displaced and hundreds of thousands of people have been killed, not to mention the immense damage that the infrastructure of Syria has suffered. In spite of this we are witnessing an advanced experience in Rojava, which is protected by the blood of martyrs and devoted successes of all. Great gains have been achieved in this period. This is a real opportunity to build a federal democratic system. We are sure and confident that this will be a model for a solution to the Syrian crisis.

    Depending on the basis of the decisions which we have taken, we call at the beginning the women, who represent a new and free life, as well as young people, communities, workers and all other social sectors. We call them to join this federal system and organize and establish democratic federal systems and we call all progressive human and democratic forces to support our efforts.

    Long live our people’s determination, their coexistence, and their unity.

    Founders Council of the Federal Democratic Union of Rojava/Northern Syria

    17th March 2016

    Bold emphases mine.

    Considering the highly democratic and highly inclusive nature of this declaration, one is entitled to ask why it is that the Assad regime, its Islamist opposition, the US, and now Russia (it would seem) are ALL united in opposing it, and misrepresenting it as “Kurds being divisive”?

    Could it be that these outfits are actually all rather regressive, and that they view real democracy and inclusiveness as a threat?