NATO Rejects Ukraine Membership Bid; UK Tory Government Heading to Oblivion


October 3, 2022 | 3 Comments »

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  1. Putin and Zelenskyy are both trying to distract American voters from the 2022 midterms. I don’t trust either side any farther than I can throw them.

    This week will probably give us the worst economic news since the 1930s. That, too, is an NSA-manufactured distraction.

  2. A thirty point deficit between the Tories and Labor! How very very sad. I recall when Boris finally became PM with that amazing landslide, and he jolly well did nothing with it. Very unfortunate.

    In another video which Alexander made recently, he reports that the Deep State in the US prefers to have Starmer, leader of Labor, as PM than anyone the currently ruling party. He notes that as opposed to Trus, who is seen as being a mix of untrustworthiness and gross incompentence, Starmer is a much more reliable partner for the Deep State in Washington.

  3. Ukraine is already a de facto member of NATO. Frankly I’m not sure why they went through these shenanigans. They’re already getting EVERYTHING they want from us to the point that our own national defense is in peril

    Perhaps there’s something in Ukraine that our leadership class deems of such urgency that They’re willing to die in an unwinnable war against Russia all while supporting an unworthy Ukrainian chump!! Personally I have no intetst in impaling myself or my loved ones on this!!

    One of the main reasons I supported Donald Trump was his commitment to end Cold War 2 and to this end he assembled a very good team only to have years of very meticulous efforts undermined by unscrupulous elements!! Had he succeeded we could have ended this with minimal costs. While they wouldn’t have been non existent, the costs could’ve been minimized.

    Hopefully we can get Trump back and we can FINALLY end this via negotiations. Obviously the costs to us will be much more than they would’ve been had Trump succeeded initially. Weigh this against the inevitable defeat in an unwinnable war against Russia and it’s allies and it seems well worth it. I’m NOT ready to die for this unwinnable war or to sacrifice my loved ones for this!!

    Obviously Russia and their allies are going to remake the world order. What it’s going to like I don’t know. Of chief concern at this point is the use of US nuclear weapons here. Once US leaders are forced to admit defeat, it’s hard to know what such depraved people will do. The use of Russian nuclear weapons is NOT a threat

    I’ve studied our leadership for a number of years. They’re mentally ill. They often engage in “projection” whereby they assign their own characteristics to their opponents. Essentially their breathless talk about the Russians using nukes is a classic example of this.